[pve-devel] [PATCH access-control] pveum: Allow listing of roles and their privileges

Philip Abernethy p.abernethy at proxmox.com
Fri Sep 22 16:24:08 CEST 2017

Use the existing 'index' API call from PVE::API2::Role to produce a
tidy list of all available roles and their associated privileges.
Concerns #1502 but doesn't fix it completely.
 PVE/CLI/pveum.pm | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+)

diff --git a/PVE/CLI/pveum.pm b/PVE/CLI/pveum.pm
index aef7089..26807a5 100755
--- a/PVE/CLI/pveum.pm
+++ b/PVE/CLI/pveum.pm
@@ -54,6 +54,37 @@ our $cmddef = {
     groupmod => [ 'PVE::API2::Group', 'update_group', ['groupid'] ],
     groupdel => [ 'PVE::API2::Group', 'delete_group', ['groupid'] ],
+    rolelst => [ 'PVE::API2::Role', 'index', [ ], undef,
+	sub {
+	    my ($res) = @_;
+	    my $longest = 0;
+	    foreach my $role(map($_->{roleid}, @$res)) {
+		my $len = length $role;
+		$longest = $len if $len > $longest;
+	    }
+	    $longest += 2;
+	    my $width = 96;
+	    my $maxlength = $width - $longest;
+	    printf("%-${longest}s%s\n", "ROLE", "PRIVILEGES");
+	    for my $role(sort {lc($a->{roleid}) cmp lc($b->{roleid})} @$res) {
+		my @lines_privs = ("");
+		my $cur_line = 0;
+		for my $priv(split(',', $role->{privs})) {
+		    if (length($lines_privs[$cur_line]) == 0) {
+			$lines_privs[$cur_line] .= "$priv";
+		    } elsif (length($lines_privs[$cur_line]) + length($priv) <= $maxlength) {
+			$lines_privs[$cur_line] .= ", $priv";
+		    } else {
+			$lines_privs[++$cur_line] .= "$priv";
+		    }
+		}
+		printf("%-${longest}s%s\n", "$role->{roleid}:", $lines_privs[0]);
+		for my $line(1..(scalar(@lines_privs) - 1)) {
+		    printf("%${longest}s%s\n", "", $lines_privs[$line]);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    ],
     roleadd => [ 'PVE::API2::Role', 'create_role', ['roleid'] ],
     rolemod => [ 'PVE::API2::Role', 'update_role', ['roleid'] ],
     roledel => [ 'PVE::API2::Role', 'delete_role', ['roleid'] ],

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