[pve-devel] [PATCH common v6 3/3] cli: prepare CLIHandler for handling sub-commands

Philip Abernethy p.abernethy at proxmox.com
Tue Oct 17 13:16:27 CEST 2017

instead of 5 slightly different calls to RESTHandler::usage_str this
introduces a wrapper function that handles all required cases and is
capable of resolving sub-commands and aliases.
Adds a subroutine to print the short help for a command in case no
subcommand was given.
Modifies handle_cmd and print_bash_completion to allow for parsing of
subcommands and aliases.
v1: sub-commands for unified help-/documentation-generator
v2: + aliases for unified help-/documentation-generator
v3: + sub-commands and aliases for bash-completion. documentation
v4: + more documentation, some patches moved from 2/3, restructuring
v5: additional empty line between command groups

 src/PVE/CLIHandler.pm | 345 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/PVE/CLIHandler.pm b/src/PVE/CLIHandler.pm
index 73e8ee6..7f51edb 100644
--- a/src/PVE/CLIHandler.pm
+++ b/src/PVE/CLIHandler.pm
@@ -10,6 +10,50 @@ use PVE::INotify;
 use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler);
+# $cmddef is usually a hash of hashes and arrays. The keys are the
+# commands to enter, the values define the handling of those commands.
+# Each array defines a command that can be executed in the format:
+#     [class, method name, parameters, URI parameters, output worker]
+# Where 'class' is the class being called, 'method name' is the name
+# of the method being called, 'parameters' is an array of arguments
+# passed to that method, 'URI parameters' is a hash of arguments
+# passed to the API and 'output worker' is a subroutine handling what
+# the called method returns.
+# Each hash defines a cmddef again, allowing for arbitrarily deeply
+# nested sub-commands.
+# In case of 'simple commands' the $cmddef can be an array.
+# Examples:
+# $cmddef = {
+#     command => [ 'PVE::API2::Class', 'command', [ 'arg1', 'arg2' ], { node => $nodename } ],
+#     do => {
+#	  this => [ 'PVE::API2::OtherClass', 'method', [ 'arg1' ], undef, sub {
+#	      my ($res) = @_;
+#	      print "$res\n";
+#	  }],
+#	  that => [ 'PVE::API2::OtherClass', 'subroutine', [], undef, sub {
+#	      my ($res) = @_;
+#	      print "$res\n";
+#	  }],
+#     },
+# }
+# If given for PVE::CLI::cliexe this defines the following commands:
+#     cliexe command <arg1> <arg2> [OPTIONS]
+#     cliexe do this <arg1> [OPTIONS]
+#     cliexe do that [OPTIONS]
+# $cmddef = [ 'PVE::API2::Example', 'method', [ 'arg1' ] ]
+# For PVE::CLI::clicmd this defines
+#     clicmd <arg1> [OPTIONS]
+# The available OPTIONS are defined by the method.
 my $cmddef;
 my $exename;
 my $cli_handler_class;
@@ -47,6 +91,77 @@ my $complete_command_names = sub {
     return $res;
+my $generate_usage_str;
+$generate_usage_str = sub {
+    my ($args) = @_;
+    my ($format, $cmd, $indent, $separator, $sortfunc, $base, $prefix) = @_;
+    die 'not initialized' if !($cmddef && $exename && $cli_handler_class);
+    die 'format required' if !$format;
+    # Set the defaults
+    $sortfunc //= sub {
+	my ($hash) = @_;
+	return sort keys %$hash;
+    };
+    $base //= $cmddef;
+    $prefix //= $exename;
+    if (defined($cmd)) {
+	# Follow alias if necessary
+	$cmd = $cmddef->{$cmd}->{alias} // $cmd if (ref($cmddef->{$cmd}) eq 'HASH');
+	# Set base accordingly
+	$prefix .= " $cmd";
+	my @cmds = split(/ +/, $cmd);
+	while (@cmds) {
+	    $base = $base->{shift @cmds};
+	}
+    }
+    $separator //= '';
+    $indent //= '';
+    my $str = '';
+    if (ref($base) eq 'HASH') {
+	my $oldclass = undef;
+	foreach my $cmd (&$sortfunc($base)) {
+	    if (ref($base->{$cmd}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+		# $cmd is an array, so it's an actual command
+		my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $fixed_param) = @{$base->{$cmd}};
+		$str .= $separator if $oldclass && $oldclass ne $class;
+		$str .= $indent;
+		$str .= $class->usage_str($name, "$prefix $cmd", $arg_param, $fixed_param, $format,
+					  $cli_handler_class->can('read_password'),
+					  $cli_handler_class->can('string_param_file_mapping'));
+		$oldclass = $class;
+	    } elsif (defined($base->{$cmd}->{alias}) && ($format eq 'asciidoc')) {
+		# Handle asciidoc separately
+		$str .= "*$prefix $cmd*\n\nAn alias for '$exename $base->{$cmd}->{alias}'.\n\n";
+	    } else {
+		# $cmd has sub-commands or is an alias
+		next if $base->{$cmd}->{alias};
+		my $substr = $generate_usage_str->($format, $cmd, $indent, $separator, $sortfunc, $base, $prefix);
+		if ($substr) {
+		    $substr .= $separator if $substr !~ /$separator{2}$/;
+		    $str .= $substr;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	$str .= $separator if $str !~ /$separator{2}$/;
+    } else {
+	# Handle simple commands
+	my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $fixed_param) = @{$base || []};
+	if (!$class) {
+	    print_usage_short (\*STDERR, "unknown command '" . join(' ', $cmd) . "'");
+	    exit (-1);
+	}
+	$str .= $indent;
+	$str .= $class->usage_str($name, $prefix, $arg_param, $fixed_param, $format,
+				  $cli_handler_class->can('read_password'),
+				  $cli_handler_class->can('string_param_file_mapping'));
+    }
+    return $str;
 __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
     name => 'help',
     path => 'help',
@@ -55,9 +170,9 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
     parameters => {
 	additionalProperties => 0,
 	properties => {
-	    cmd => {
-		description => "Command name",
-		type => 'string',
+	    'extra-args' => {
+		type => 'array',
+		items => { type => 'string' },
 		optional => 1,
 		completion => $complete_command_names,
@@ -75,12 +190,12 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
 	die "not initialized" if !($cmddef && $exename && $cli_handler_class);
-	my $cmd = $param->{cmd};
+	my @cmds = @{$param->{'extra-args'} // []};
-	my $verbose = defined($cmd) && $cmd; 
+	my $verbose = @cmds; 
 	$verbose = $param->{verbose} if defined($param->{verbose});
-	if (!$cmd) {
+	if (!@cmds) {
 	    if ($verbose) {
 	    } else {
@@ -89,18 +204,19 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
 	    return undef;
-	$cmd = &$expand_command_name($cmddef, $cmd);
-	my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param) = @{$cmddef->{$cmd} || []};
-	raise_param_exc({ cmd => "no such command '$cmd'"}) if !$class;
+	my $base = $cmddef;
+	my @newcmd;
+	while (scalar(@cmds) > 0) {
+	    # Auto-complete command
+	    last if (ref($base) eq 'ARRAY');
+	    push @newcmd, &$expand_command_name($base, shift @cmds);
+	    $base = $base->{$newcmd[-1]};
+	}
+	my $cmd = join(' ', @newcmd);
-	my $pwcallback = $cli_handler_class->can('read_password');
-	my $stringfilemap = $cli_handler_class->can('string_param_file_mapping');
+	my $str = &$generate_usage_str($verbose ? 'full' : 'short', $cmd, $verbose ? '' : ' ' x 7);
+	$str =~ s/^\s+//;
-	my $str = $class->usage_str($name, "$exename $cmd", $arg_param, $uri_param,
-				    $verbose ? 'full' : 'short', $pwcallback,
-				    $stringfilemap);
 	if ($verbose) {
 	    print "$str\n";
 	} else {
@@ -112,17 +228,10 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
 sub print_simple_asciidoc_synopsis {
-    my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param) = @_;
     die "not initialized" if !$cli_handler_class;
-    my $pwcallback = $cli_handler_class->can('read_password');
-    my $stringfilemap = $cli_handler_class->can('string_param_file_mapping');
-    my $synopsis = "*${name}* `help`\n\n";
-    $synopsis .= $class->usage_str($name, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param,
-				   'asciidoc', $pwcallback, $stringfilemap);
+    my $synopsis = "*${exename}* `help`\n\n";
+    $synopsis .= &$generate_usage_str('asciidoc');
     return $synopsis;
@@ -131,24 +240,11 @@ sub print_asciidoc_synopsis {
     die "not initialized" if !($cmddef && $exename && $cli_handler_class);
-    my $pwcallback = $cli_handler_class->can('read_password');
-    my $stringfilemap = $cli_handler_class->can('string_param_file_mapping');
     my $synopsis = "";
     $synopsis .= "*${exename}* `<COMMAND> [ARGS] [OPTIONS]`\n\n";
-    my $oldclass;
-    foreach my $cmd (sort keys %$cmddef) {
-	my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param) = @{$cmddef->{$cmd}};
-	my $str = $class->usage_str($name, "$exename $cmd", $arg_param,
-				    $uri_param, 'asciidoc', $pwcallback,
-				    $stringfilemap);
-	$synopsis .= "\n" if $oldclass && $oldclass ne $class;
-	$synopsis .= "$str\n\n";
-	$oldclass = $class;
-    }
+    $synopsis .= &$generate_usage_str('asciidoc');
     $synopsis .= "\n";
@@ -159,21 +255,11 @@ sub print_usage_verbose {
     die "not initialized" if !($cmddef && $exename && $cli_handler_class);
-    my $pwcallback = $cli_handler_class->can('read_password');
-    my $stringfilemap = $cli_handler_class->can('string_param_file_mapping');
     print "USAGE: $exename <COMMAND> [ARGS] [OPTIONS]\n\n";
-    foreach my $cmd (sort keys %$cmddef) {
-	my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param) = @{$cmddef->{$cmd}};
-	my $str = $class->usage_str($name, "$exename $cmd", $arg_param, $uri_param,
-				    'full', $pwcallback, $stringfilemap);
-	print "$str\n\n";
-    }
+    my $str = &$generate_usage_str('full');
-sub sorted_commands {   
-    return sort { ($cmddef->{$a}->[0] cmp $cmddef->{$b}->[0]) || ($a cmp $b)} keys %$cmddef;
+    print "$str\n";
 sub print_usage_short {
@@ -181,22 +267,49 @@ sub print_usage_short {
     die "not initialized" if !($cmddef && $exename && $cli_handler_class);
-    my $pwcallback = $cli_handler_class->can('read_password');
-    my $stringfilemap = $cli_handler_class->can('string_param_file_mapping');
     print $fd "ERROR: $msg\n" if $msg;
     print $fd "USAGE: $exename <COMMAND> [ARGS] [OPTIONS]\n";
-    my $oldclass;
-    foreach my $cmd (sorted_commands()) {
-	my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param) = @{$cmddef->{$cmd}};
-	my $str = $class->usage_str($name, "$exename $cmd", $arg_param, $uri_param, 'short', $pwcallback, $stringfilemap);
-	print $fd "\n" if $oldclass && $oldclass ne $class;
-	print $fd "       $str";
-	$oldclass = $class;
-    }
+    print {$fd} &$generate_usage_str('short', undef, ' ' x 7, "\n",
+	sub {
+	    my ($hash) = @_;
+	    return sort {
+		if ((ref($hash->{$a}) eq 'ARRAY' && ref($hash->{$b}) eq 'ARRAY') &&
+		    ($hash->{$a}->[0] ne $hash->{$b}->[0])) {
+		    # If $a and $b are both arrays (commands) and the commands are not in
+		    # the same class, order their classes alphabetically
+		    return $hash->{$a}->[0] cmp $hash->{$b}->[0];
+		} elsif (ref($hash->{$a}) eq 'ARRAY' xor ref($hash->{$b}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+		    # If one is an array (command) and one is a hash (has subcommands),
+		    # sort commands behind sub.commands
+		    return ref($hash->{$b}) eq 'ARRAY' ? -1 : 1;
+		} else {
+		    # If $a and $b are both commands of the same class or both sub-commands,
+		    # sort alphabetically
+		    return $a cmp $b;
+		}
+	    } keys %$hash;
+	});
+my $print_help_short = sub {
+    my ($fd, $cmd, $msg) = @_;
+    die "not initialized" if !($cmddef);
+    print $fd "ERROR: $msg\n" if $msg;
+    my $base = $cmddef;
+    while (scalar(@$cmd) > 1) {
+	$base = $base->{shift @$cmd};
+    }
+    my $str = &$generate_usage_str('short', $cmd->[0], ' ' x 7, undef, undef, $base);
+    $str =~ s/^\s+//;
+    print {$fd} "USAGE: $str\n";
 my $print_bash_completion = sub {
     my ($cmddef, $simple_cmd, $bash_command, $cur, $prev) = @_;
@@ -224,17 +337,40 @@ my $print_bash_completion = sub {
     my $cmd;
+    my $def = $cmddef;
+    my $cmd_depth = 0;
+    if (scalar(@$args) > 1) {
+	for my $i (1 .. $#$args) {
+	    last if (ref($def) eq 'ARRAY');
+	    if (@$args[$i] ne $cur && exists $def->{@$args[$i]}) {
+		# Move def to proper sub-command-def
+		# Don't try yet-to-complete commands
+		# exists… prevents auto-vivification
+		$def = $def->{@$args[$i]};
+		$cmd_depth++;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
     if ($simple_cmd) {
 	$cmd = $simple_cmd;
+	$def = $def->{$simple_cmd};
     } else {
-	if ($pos == 0) {
-	    &$print_result(keys %$cmddef);
-	    return;
+	if (ref($def) eq 'HASH') {
+	    if (exists $def->{alias}) {
+		# Move def to aliased command
+		my $newdef = $cmddef;
+		foreach my $subcmd (split(/ /, $def->{alias})) {
+		    $newdef = $newdef->{$subcmd};
+		}
+		$def = $newdef;
+	    } else {
+		&$print_result(keys %$def);
+		return;
+	    }
-	$cmd = $args->[1];
+	$cmd = @$args[-1];
-    my $def = $cmddef->{$cmd};
     return if !$def;
     print STDERR "CMDLINE1:$pos:$cmdline\n" if $debug;
@@ -250,12 +386,11 @@ my $print_bash_completion = sub {
     map { $skip_param->{$_} = 1; } @$arg_param;
     map { $skip_param->{$_} = 1; } keys %$uri_param;
-    my $fpcount = scalar(@$arg_param);
+    my $fpcount = scalar(@$arg_param) + $cmd_depth - 1;
     my $info = $class->map_method_by_name($name);
-    my $schema = $info->{parameters};
-    my $prop = $schema->{properties};
+    my $prop = $info->{parameters}->{properties};
     my $print_parameter_completion = sub {
 	my ($pname) = @_;
@@ -276,7 +411,7 @@ my $print_bash_completion = sub {
     # positional arguments
     $pos += 1 if $simple_cmd;
     if ($fpcount && $pos <= $fpcount) {
-	my $pname = $arg_param->[$pos -1];
+	my $pname = $arg_param->[$pos - $cmd_depth];
@@ -351,12 +486,11 @@ sub generate_asciidoc_synopsis {
     no strict 'refs';
     my $def = ${"${class}::cmddef"};
+    $cmddef = $def;
     if (ref($def) eq 'ARRAY') {
     } else {
-	$cmddef = $def;
 	$cmddef->{help} = [ __PACKAGE__, 'help', ['cmd'] ];
@@ -371,58 +505,77 @@ sub setup_environment {
 my $handle_cmd  = sub {
-    my ($def, $cmdname, $cmd, $args, $pwcallback, $preparefunc, $stringfilemap) = @_;
-    $cmddef = $def;
-    $exename = $cmdname;
-    $cmddef->{help} = [ __PACKAGE__, 'help', ['cmd'] ];
+    my ($args, $pwcallback, $preparefunc, $stringfilemap) = @_;
+    $cmddef->{help} = [ __PACKAGE__, 'help', ['extra-args'] ];
+    my @cmd;
+    my $base = $cmddef;
+    while (scalar(@$args) > 0) {
+	last if (ref($base) eq 'ARRAY');
+	# Auto-complete commands
+	push @cmd, &$expand_command_name($base, shift @$args);
+	$base = $base->{$cmd[-1]};
+	if (ref($base) eq 'HASH' && defined($base->{alias})) {
+	    # If command is an alias, reset $base and move to aliased command
+	    my @alias = split(/ +/, $base->{alias});
+	    $base = $cmddef;
+	    undef(@cmd);
+	    while (@alias) {
+		unshift @$args, @alias;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
     # call verifyapi before setup_environment(), because we do not want to
     # execute any real code in this case
-    if (!$cmd) {
+    if (!defined($cmd[0])) {
 	print_usage_short (\*STDERR, "no command specified");
 	exit (-1);
-    } elsif ($cmd eq 'verifyapi') {
+    } elsif ($cmd[0] eq 'verifyapi') {
-    if ($cmd eq 'bashcomplete') {
-	&$print_bash_completion($cmddef, 0, @$args);
+    if ($cmd[0] eq 'bashcomplete') {
+	shift @cmd;
+	&$print_bash_completion($cmddef, 0, @cmd);
     &$preparefunc() if $preparefunc;
-    $cmd = &$expand_command_name($cmddef, $cmd);
+    if (ref($base) eq 'HASH') {
+	&$print_help_short (\*STDERR, \@cmd, "incomplete command '" . join(' ', @cmd) . "'");
+	exit (-1);
+    }
-    my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param, $outsub) = @{$cmddef->{$cmd} || []};
+    my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param, $outsub) = @{$base || []};
     if (!$class) {
-	print_usage_short (\*STDERR, "unknown command '$cmd'");
+	print_usage_short (\*STDERR, "unknown command '" . join(' ', @cmd) . "'");
 	exit (-1);
-    my $prefix = "$exename $cmd";
+    my $prefix = "$exename " . join(' ', @cmd);
     my $res = $class->cli_handler($prefix, $name, \@ARGV, $arg_param, $uri_param, $pwcallback, $stringfilemap);
     &$outsub($res) if $outsub;
 my $handle_simple_cmd = sub {
-    my ($def, $args, $pwcallback, $preparefunc, $stringfilemap) = @_;
+    my ($args, $pwcallback, $preparefunc, $stringfilemap) = @_;
-    my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param, $outsub) = @{$def};
+    my ($class, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param, $outsub) = @{$cmddef};
     die "no class specified" if !$class;
     if (scalar(@$args) >= 1) {
 	if ($args->[0] eq 'help') {
 	    my $str = "USAGE: $name help\n";
-	    $str .= $class->usage_str($name, $name, $arg_param, $uri_param, 'long', $pwcallback, $stringfilemap);
+	    $str .= &$generate_usage_str('long');
 	    print STDERR "$str\n\n";
 	} elsif ($args->[0] eq 'verifyapi') {
@@ -436,7 +589,7 @@ my $handle_simple_cmd = sub {
     if (scalar(@$args) >= 1) {
 	if ($args->[0] eq 'bashcomplete') {
 	    shift @$args;
-	    &$print_bash_completion({ $name => $def }, $name, @$args);
+	    &$print_bash_completion({ $name => $cmddef }, $name, @$args);
@@ -483,14 +636,12 @@ sub run_cli_handler {
     no strict 'refs';
-    my $def = ${"${class}::cmddef"};
+    $cmddef = ${"${class}::cmddef"};
-    if (ref($def) eq 'ARRAY') {
-	&$handle_simple_cmd($def, \@ARGV, $pwcallback, $preparefunc, $stringfilemap);
+    if (ref($cmddef) eq 'ARRAY') {
+	&$handle_simple_cmd(\@ARGV, $pwcallback, $preparefunc, $stringfilemap);
     } else {
-	$cmddef = $def;
-	my $cmd = shift @ARGV;
-	&$handle_cmd($cmddef, $exename, $cmd, \@ARGV, $pwcallback, $preparefunc, $stringfilemap);
+	&$handle_cmd(\@ARGV, $pwcallback, $preparefunc, $stringfilemap);
     exit 0;

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