[pve-devel] [PATCH cluster 3/3] Revert "pvecm: lock corosync config on addition and deletion"

Dominik Csapak d.csapak at proxmox.com
Thu Nov 2 14:22:10 CET 2017

This reverts commit b778c013a2fc245008512365ac0b1a37287b30b3.
but keeps some minor cleanups

locking the corosync conf for node addition/deletion was in general a
good idea, but this does not work correctly

after creating a cluster, when adding the second node
we get a cluster lock for corosync.conf for the change in the file
but want to release before the second node participates in the cluster,
thus we have no quorum and cannot remove the lock, which
prevents that we add a third node until the timeout of the lock runs out
(currently 120s)

this happens everytime when the quorate partition has (n+1)/2 nodes
exactly (where n is the current (odd) number of nodes; e.g., when
having a 3 node cluster with a quorate partition of 2) and adding a new

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <d.csapak at proxmox.com>
this patch is best viewed with the '-w' parameter
 data/PVE/CLI/pvecm.pm | 180 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/PVE/CLI/pvecm.pm b/data/PVE/CLI/pvecm.pm
index 9707114..3c64461 100755
--- a/data/PVE/CLI/pvecm.pm
+++ b/data/PVE/CLI/pvecm.pm
@@ -309,90 +309,85 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
-	my $code = sub {
-	    my $conf = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file("corosync.conf");
-	    my $nodelist = PVE::Corosync::nodelist($conf);
-	    my $totem_cfg = PVE::Corosync::totem_config($conf);
-	    my $name = $param->{node};
-	    # ensure we do not reuse an address, that can crash the whole cluster!
-	    my $check_duplicate_addr = sub {
-		my $addr = shift;
-		return if !defined($addr);
-		while (my ($k, $v) = each %$nodelist) {
-		    next if $k eq $name; # allows re-adding a node if force is set
-			if ($v->{ring0_addr} eq $addr || ($v->{ring1_addr} && $v->{ring1_addr} eq $addr)) {
-			    die "corosync: address '$addr' already defined by node '$k'\n";
-			}
+	my $conf = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file("corosync.conf");
+	my $nodelist = PVE::Corosync::nodelist($conf);
+	my $totem_cfg = PVE::Corosync::totem_config($conf);
+	my $name = $param->{node};
+	# ensure we do not reuse an address, that can crash the whole cluster!
+	my $check_duplicate_addr = sub {
+	    my $addr = shift;
+	    return if !defined($addr);
+	    while (my ($k, $v) = each %$nodelist) {
+		next if $k eq $name; # allows re-adding a node if force is set
+		if ($v->{ring0_addr} eq $addr || ($v->{ring1_addr} && $v->{ring1_addr} eq $addr)) {
+		    die "corosync: address '$addr' already defined by node '$k'\n";
-	    };
+	    }
+	};
-	    &$check_duplicate_addr($param->{ring0_addr});
-	    &$check_duplicate_addr($param->{ring1_addr});
+	&$check_duplicate_addr($param->{ring0_addr});
+	&$check_duplicate_addr($param->{ring1_addr});
-	    $param->{ring0_addr} = $name if !$param->{ring0_addr};
+	$param->{ring0_addr} = $name if !$param->{ring0_addr};
-	    die "corosync: using 'ring1_addr' parameter needs a configured ring 1 interface!\n"
-		if $param->{ring1_addr} && !defined($totem_cfg->{interface}->{1});
+	die "corosync: using 'ring1_addr' parameter needs a configured ring 1 interface!\n"
+	    if $param->{ring1_addr} && !defined($totem_cfg->{interface}->{1});
-	    die "corosync: ring 1 interface configured but 'ring1_addr' parameter not defined!\n"
-		if defined($totem_cfg->{interface}->{1}) && !defined($param->{ring1_addr});
+	die "corosync: ring 1 interface configured but 'ring1_addr' parameter not defined!\n"
+	    if defined($totem_cfg->{interface}->{1}) && !defined($param->{ring1_addr});
-	    if (defined(my $res = $nodelist->{$name})) {
-		$param->{nodeid} = $res->{nodeid} if !$param->{nodeid};
-		$param->{votes} = $res->{quorum_votes} if !defined($param->{votes});
+	if (defined(my $res = $nodelist->{$name})) {
+	    $param->{nodeid} = $res->{nodeid} if !$param->{nodeid};
+	    $param->{votes} = $res->{quorum_votes} if !defined($param->{votes});
-		if ($res->{quorum_votes} == $param->{votes} &&
-		    $res->{nodeid} == $param->{nodeid}) {
-		    print "node $name already defined\n";
-		    if ($param->{force}) {
-			exit (0);
-		    } else {
-			exit (-1);
-		    }
+	    if ($res->{quorum_votes} == $param->{votes} &&
+		$res->{nodeid} == $param->{nodeid}) {
+		print "node $name already defined\n";
+		if ($param->{force}) {
+		    exit (0);
 		} else {
-		    die "can't add existing node\n";
+		    exit (-1);
-	    } elsif (!$param->{nodeid}) {
-		my $nodeid = 1;
-		while(1) {
-		    my $found = 0;
-		    foreach my $v (values %$nodelist) {
-			if ($v->{nodeid} eq $nodeid) {
-			    $found = 1;
-			    $nodeid++;
-			    last;
-			}
-		    }
-		    last if !$found;
-		};
-		$param->{nodeid} = $nodeid;
+	    } else {
+		die "can't add existing node\n";
+	} elsif (!$param->{nodeid}) {
+	    my $nodeid = 1;
+	    while(1) {
+		my $found = 0;
+		foreach my $v (values %$nodelist) {
+		    if ($v->{nodeid} eq $nodeid) {
+			$found = 1;
+			$nodeid++;
+			last;
+		    }
+		}
+		last if !$found;
+	    };
-	    $param->{votes} = 1 if !defined($param->{votes});
+	    $param->{nodeid} = $nodeid;
+	}
-	    PVE::Cluster::gen_local_dirs($name);
+	$param->{votes} = 1 if !defined($param->{votes});
-	    eval { 	PVE::Cluster::ssh_merge_keys(); };
-	    warn $@ if $@;
+	PVE::Cluster::gen_local_dirs($name);
-	    $nodelist->{$name} = {
-		ring0_addr => $param->{ring0_addr},
-		nodeid => $param->{nodeid},
-		name => $name,
-	    };
-	    $nodelist->{$name}->{ring1_addr} = $param->{ring1_addr} if $param->{ring1_addr};
-	    $nodelist->{$name}->{quorum_votes} = $param->{votes} if $param->{votes};
+	eval { 	PVE::Cluster::ssh_merge_keys(); };
+	warn $@ if $@;
-	    PVE::Corosync::update_nodelist($conf, $nodelist);
+	$nodelist->{$name} = {
+	    ring0_addr => $param->{ring0_addr},
+	    nodeid => $param->{nodeid},
+	    name => $name,
+	$nodelist->{$name}->{ring1_addr} = $param->{ring1_addr} if $param->{ring1_addr};
+	$nodelist->{$name}->{quorum_votes} = $param->{votes} if $param->{votes};
-	PVE::Cluster::cfs_lock_file('corosync.conf', 10, $code);
-	die $@ if $@;
+	PVE::Corosync::update_nodelist($conf, $nodelist);
 	exit (0);
@@ -419,41 +414,36 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
-	my $code = sub {
-	    my $conf = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file("corosync.conf");
-	    my $nodelist = PVE::Corosync::nodelist($conf);
-	    my $node;
-	    my $nodeid;
-	    foreach my $tmp_node (keys %$nodelist) {
-		my $d = $nodelist->{$tmp_node};
-		my $ring0_addr = $d->{ring0_addr};
-		my $ring1_addr = $d->{ring1_addr};
-		if (($tmp_node eq $param->{node}) ||
-		    (defined($ring0_addr) && ($ring0_addr eq $param->{node})) ||
-		    (defined($ring1_addr) && ($ring1_addr eq $param->{node}))) {
-		    $node = $tmp_node;
-		    $nodeid = $d->{nodeid};
-		    last;
-		}
+	my $conf = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file("corosync.conf");
+	my $nodelist = PVE::Corosync::nodelist($conf);
+	my $node;
+	my $nodeid;
+	foreach my $tmp_node (keys %$nodelist) {
+	    my $d = $nodelist->{$tmp_node};
+	    my $ring0_addr = $d->{ring0_addr};
+	    my $ring1_addr = $d->{ring1_addr};
+	    if (($tmp_node eq $param->{node}) ||
+		(defined($ring0_addr) && ($ring0_addr eq $param->{node})) ||
+		(defined($ring1_addr) && ($ring1_addr eq $param->{node}))) {
+		$node = $tmp_node;
+		$nodeid = $d->{nodeid};
+		last;
+	}
-	    die "Node/IP: $param->{node} is not a known host of the cluster.\n"
+	die "Node/IP: $param->{node} is not a known host of the cluster.\n"
 		if !defined($node);
-	    my $our_nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();
-	    die "Cannot delete myself from cluster!\n" if $node eq $our_nodename;
+	my $our_nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();
+	die "Cannot delete myself from cluster!\n" if $node eq $our_nodename;
-	    delete $nodelist->{$node};
+	delete $nodelist->{$node};
-	    PVE::Corosync::update_nodelist($conf, $nodelist);
-	    run_command(['corosync-cfgtool','-k', $nodeid]) if defined($nodeid);
-	};
+	PVE::Corosync::update_nodelist($conf, $nodelist);
-	PVE::Cluster::cfs_lock_file('corosync.conf', 10, $code);
-	die $@ if $@;
+	run_command(['corosync-cfgtool','-k', $nodeid]) if defined($nodeid);
 	return undef;

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