[pve-devel] [PATCH 04/20] cloudinit: use qcow2 for future snapshot support

Alexandre Derumier aderumier at odiso.com
Thu Jul 27 17:06:37 CEST 2017

From: Wolfgang Bumiller <w.bumiller at proxmox.com>

The config-disk is now generated into a qcow2 located on a
configured storage.
It is now also storage-managed and so live-migration and
live-snapshotting should work as they do for regular hard
Config drives are recognized by their storage name of the
form: VMID/vm-VMID-cloudinit.qcow2
ahci0: local:112/vm-112-cloudinit.qcow2,media=cdrom

FIXME: This was easier to implement. Ideally the VMID
wouldn't be required at all but this requires some more
changes so I'm leaving this open for comments for now.

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
 PVE/QemuServer.pm | 83 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/QemuServer.pm b/PVE/QemuServer.pm
index 4438404..c76a99c 100644
--- a/PVE/QemuServer.pm
+++ b/PVE/QemuServer.pm
@@ -519,12 +519,6 @@ EODESCR
         type => 'string',
         description => "Ssh keys for root",
-    cloudinit => {
-	optional => 1,
-	type => 'boolean',
-	description => "Enable cloudinit config generation.",
-	default => 0,
-    },
 # what about other qemu settings ?
@@ -2367,11 +2361,6 @@ sub write_vm_config {
 	delete $conf->{cdrom};
-    if ($conf->{cloudinit}) {
-	die "option cloudinit conflicts with ide3\n" if $conf->{ide3};
-	delete $conf->{cloudinit};
-    }
     # we do not use 'smp' any longer
     if ($conf->{sockets}) {
 	delete $conf->{smp};
@@ -6618,10 +6607,70 @@ sub nbd_stop {
     vm_mon_cmd($vmid, 'nbd-server-stop');
+# FIXME: Reasonable size? qcow2 shouldn't grow if the space isn't used anyway?
+my $cloudinit_iso_size = 5; # in MB
+sub prepare_cloudinit_disk {
+    my ($vmid, $storeid) = @_;
+    my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
+    my $imagedir = PVE::Storage::get_image_dir($storecfg, $storeid, $vmid);
+    my $iso_name = "vm-$vmid-cloudinit.qcow2";
+    my $iso_path = "$imagedir/$iso_name";
+    if (!-e $iso_path) {
+	# vdisk_alloc size is in K
+	PVE::Storage::vdisk_alloc($storecfg, $storeid, $vmid, 'qcow2', $iso_name, $cloudinit_iso_size*1024);
+    }
+    return ($iso_path, 'qcow2');
+# FIXME: also in LXCCreate.pm => move to pve-common
+sub next_free_nbd_dev {
+    for(my $i = 0;;$i++) {
+	my $dev = "/dev/nbd$i";
+	last if ! -b $dev;
+	next if -f "/sys/block/nbd$i/pid"; # busy
+	return $dev;
+    }
+    die "unable to find free nbd device\n";
+sub commit_cloudinit_disk {
+    my ($file_path, $iso_path, $format) = @_;
+    my $nbd_dev = next_free_nbd_dev();
+    run_command(['qemu-nbd', '-c', $nbd_dev, $iso_path, '-f', $format]);
+    eval {
+	run_command(['genisoimage',
+		     '-R',
+		     '-V', 'config-2',
+		     '-o', $nbd_dev,
+		     $file_path]);
+    };
+    my $err = $@;
+    eval { run_command(['qemu-nbd', '-d', $nbd_dev]); };
+    warn $@ if $@;
+    die $err if $err;
+sub find_cloudinit_storage {
+    my ($conf, $vmid) = @_;
+    foreach my $ds (keys %$conf) {
+	next if !valid_drivename($ds);
+	if ($conf->{$ds} =~ m@^(?:volume=)?([^:]+):\Q$vmid\E/vm-\Q$vmid\E-cloudinit\.qcow2@) {
+	    return $1;
+	}
+    }
+    return undef;
 sub generate_cloudinitconfig {
     my ($conf, $vmid) = @_;
-    return if !$conf->{cloudinit};
+    my $storeid = find_cloudinit_storage($conf, $vmid);
+    return if !$storeid;
     my $path = "/tmp/cloudinit/$vmid";
@@ -6635,14 +6684,8 @@ sub generate_cloudinitconfig {
 		    . generate_cloudinit_network($conf, $path);
     generate_cloudinit_metadata($conf, $path, $digest_data);
-    my $cmd = [];
-    push @$cmd, 'genisoimage';
-    push @$cmd, '-R';
-    push @$cmd, '-V', 'config-2';
-    push @$cmd, '-o', "$path/configdrive.iso";
-    push @$cmd, "$path/drive";
-    run_command($cmd);
+    my ($iso_path, $format) = prepare_cloudinit_disk($vmid, $storeid);
+    commit_cloudinit_disk("$path/drive", $iso_path, $format);

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