[pve-devel] [RFC PATCH manager] Make explicit the meaning of an empty storage field

Emmanuel Kasper e.kasper at proxmox.com
Mon Feb 27 13:06:28 CET 2017

On 02/22/2017 11:07 AM, Dominik Csapak wrote:
> On 02/09/2017 04:13 PM, Emmanuel Kasper wrote:
>> +        emptyText: gettext('Same as source'),
>> On 02/08/2017 07:05 PM, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>>> I would like to avoid additional gettext entries if possible.
>>> Do we know the source storage? If so, can we set that storage as
>>> 'emptyText'?
>>> Other ideas?
>> We don't know the source storage*s*, we have only the limited info from
>> the Resource Store at that point. (vmid, vm name, isTemplate ... )
>> We could do here an API call to get the list of storages from the source
>> VM but I am not sure if a concatenated list of storages in the box will
>> be much readable.
>> As an alternative I was thinking of rewriting the emptyText as
>> Ext.String.format(gettext('Same as {0}'), vmid),
>> in the hope of making the new gettext string reusable.
> i think the text "same as source" is short enough, and brings a great
> value, because it is definitely not clear what an empty target storage
> box does.
> 'same as {0}' i do not find so good, because depending on the context,
> a translation seems to be hard (in german i would translate "same as
> source" with "wie quelle" but "same as {0}" could be translated as:
> "genauso wie {0}", "gleich(es/er) wie {0}", etc.)

can we maybe consider this patch for inclusion ?

I did a usability test with three different advanced proxmox users, and
none of them was able to guess that an empty storage in the clone window
would mean 'use the same storages as the source VM'.

I got this answers when asking what would happen:
 * storage will be the 'local' storage
 * 'it won't work'
 * 'the first storage in the list'

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