[pve-devel] [PATCH container v3] Create: fix architecture detection in restore_archive

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Thu Feb 16 17:55:29 CET 2017

For detecting a CT templates architecture we used the `file -b -L`
output from the PVE host side.
If the container has a link:
/bin/sh -> /bin/bash
(Alpine Linux does that, for example) the '-L' flag from file
resolves the $rootfs/bin/sh to /bin/bash and thus checks the
architecture of bash on the PVE system, which is always 64 bit.

Add a helper which chroots in the rootfs to avoid problems with
absolute symlinks and use 'open' to avoid relative symlink problems
read the first 5 bytes from /bin/sh, 4 bytes for the ELF magic number
and the fifth for the ELF class, which tells us if we have a 32
(class 1) or 64 (class 2) bit ELF binary.

Return this information as an exit code to the parent.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <t.lamprecht at proxmox.com>

changes v2 -> v3:
* add check for whenn waitpid could be interupted by a signal

The refactoring out of common components from this and
LXC::Setup::protected_call is, imo, currently not really useful
as while both have a fork and chroot call they handle a lot different besides

Here I communicate the class over the exit code from the child, incorporating
or allowing this in a general forked_call seems not feasible as such behavior
is really specific and not easily merge able with such a generic written method
as protected_call is, imo.

Also the protected call needs recursion protection, and adds devices in the
chroot environment, this can be done nonetheless but with this restrictions the
end result seems worse than just letting both, protected_call and get_elf_class

 src/PVE/LXC/Create.pm | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/PVE/LXC/Create.pm b/src/PVE/LXC/Create.pm
index 1f1ece1..d93159c 100644
--- a/src/PVE/LXC/Create.pm
+++ b/src/PVE/LXC/Create.pm
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use PVE::LXC;
 use PVE::LXC::Setup;
 use PVE::VZDump::ConvertOVZ;
 use PVE::Tools;
+use POSIX;
 sub next_free_nbd_dev {
@@ -23,6 +24,49 @@ sub next_free_nbd_dev {
     die "unable to find free nbd device\n";
+sub get_elf_class {
+    my ($rootdir, $elf_fn) = @_;
+    my $child_pid = fork();
+    die "fork failed: $!\n" if !defined($child_pid);
+    if (!$child_pid) {
+	# chroot avoids a problem where we check the binary of the host system
+	# if $elf_fn is an absolut symlink (e.g. $rootdir/bin/sh -> /bin/bash)
+	chroot($rootdir) or die "chroot '$rootdir' failed: $!\n";
+	chdir('/') or die "failed to change to root directory\n";
+	my $fh;
+	open($fh, "<", $elf_fn) or die "open '$elf_fn' failed: $!\n";
+	binmode($fh);
+	my $data;
+	my $length = read($fh, $data, 5);
+	die "read failed: $!\n" if !defined($length);
+	# 4 bytes ELF magic number and 1 byte ELF class
+	my ($magic, $class) = unpack("A4C", $data);
+	die "'$elf_fn' does not resolve to an ELF!\n"
+	    if (!defined($class) || !defined($magic) || $magic ne "\177ELF");
+	die "'$elf_fn' has unknown ELF class '$class'!\n"
+	    if ($class != 1 && $class != 2);
+	POSIX::_exit($class);
+    }
+    while (waitpid($child_pid, 0) != $child_pid) {}
+    my $exit_code = $?;
+    if (my $sig = ($exit_code & 127)) {
+	warn "could not get architecture, got signal $sig\n";
+    } else {
+	$exit_code >>= 8;
+    }
+    return $exit_code;
 sub restore_archive {
     my ($archive, $rootdir, $conf, $no_unpack_error) = @_;
@@ -53,21 +97,18 @@ sub restore_archive {
     # if arch is set, we do not try to autodetect it
     return if defined($conf->{arch});
-    # determine file type of /usr/bin/file itself to get guests' architecture
-    $cmd = [@$userns_cmd, '/usr/bin/file', '-b', '-L', "$rootdir/bin/sh"];
-    PVE::Tools::run_command($cmd, outfunc => sub {
-	shift =~ /^ELF (\d{2}-bit)/; # safely assumes x86 linux
-	my $arch_str = $1;
-	$conf->{'arch'} = 'amd64'; # defaults to 64bit
-	if(defined($arch_str)) {
-	    $conf->{'arch'} = 'i386' if $arch_str =~ /32/;
-	    print "Detected container architecture: $conf->{'arch'}\n";
-	} else {
-	    print "CT architecture detection failed, falling back to amd64.\n" .
-	          "Edit the config in /etc/pve/nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}.conf " .
-	          "to set another architecture.\n";
-	}
-    });
+    my $elf_class = get_elf_class($rootdir, '/bin/sh'); # /bin/sh is POSIX mandatory
+    $conf->{'arch'} = 'amd64'; # defaults to 64bit
+    if ($elf_class == 1 || $elf_class == 2) {
+	$conf->{'arch'} = 'i386' if $elf_class == 1;
+	print "Detected container architecture: $conf->{'arch'}\n";
+    } else {
+	print "CT architecture detection failed, falling back to amd64.\n" .
+	      "Edit the config in /etc/pve/nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}.conf " .
+	      "to set another architecture.\n";
+    }
 sub recover_config {

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