[pve-devel] [PATCH common] Add AbstractConfig base class

Fabian Grünbichler f.gruenbichler at proxmox.com
Wed Mar 2 13:56:26 CET 2016

This class contains common code formerly duplicated in
PVE::LXC and PVE::QemuServer, as well as abstract methods
that must be implemented for LXC and Qemu seperately.

Currently implemented in PVE::LXC::Config, Qemu refactoring
will follow.
This patch only takes effect when the related patch series for
pve-container is applied as well.

 src/Makefile              |   3 +-
 src/PVE/AbstractConfig.pm | 627 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 629 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 src/PVE/AbstractConfig.pm

diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 5e50005..92a323d 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ LIB_SOURCES=			\
 	INotify.pm		\
 	Tools.pm		\
 	AbstractMigrate.pm	\
-	Exception.pm
+	Exception.pm		\
+	AbstractConfig.pm
diff --git a/src/PVE/AbstractConfig.pm b/src/PVE/AbstractConfig.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be6eb5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PVE/AbstractConfig.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+package PVE::AbstractConfig;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PVE::Tools qw(lock_file lock_file_full);
+use PVE::INotify;
+my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();
+# Printable string, currently either "VM" or "CT"
+sub guest_type {
+    my ($class) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me ";
+sub __config_max_unused_disks {
+    my ($class) = @_;
+    die "implement me - abstract method\n";
+# Path to the flock file for this VM/CT
+sub config_file_lock {
+    my ($class, $vmid) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me";
+# Relative config file path for this VM/CT in CFS
+sub cfs_config_path {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $node) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me";
+# Absolute config file path for this VM/CT
+sub config_file {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $node) = @_;
+    my $cfspath = $class->cfs_config_path($vmid, $node);
+    return "/etc/pve/$cfspath";
+# Read and parse config file for this VM/CT
+sub load_config {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $node) = @_;
+    $node = $nodename if !$node;
+    my $cfspath = $class->cfs_config_path($vmid, $node);
+    my $conf = PVE::Cluster::cfs_read_file($cfspath);
+    die "Configuration file '$cfspath' does not exist\n"
+	if !defined($conf);
+    return $conf;
+# Generate and write config file for this VM/CT
+sub write_config {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $conf) = @_;
+    my $cfspath = $class->cfs_config_path($vmid);
+    PVE::Cluster::cfs_write_file($cfspath, $conf);
+# Lock config file using flock, run $code with @param, unlock config file.
+# $timeout is the maximum time to aquire the flock
+sub lock_config_full {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $timeout, $code, @param) = @_;
+    my $filename = $class->config_file_lock($vmid);
+    my $res = lock_file($filename, $timeout, $code, @param);
+    die $@ if $@;
+    return $res;
+# Lock config file using flock, run $code with @param, unlock config file.
+# $timeout is the maximum time to aquire the flock
+# $shared eq 1 creates a non-exclusive ("read") flock
+sub lock_config_mode {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $timeout, $shared, $code, @param) = @_;
+    my $filename = $class->config_file_lock($vmid);
+    my $res = lock_file_full($filename, $timeout, $shared, $code, @param);
+    die $@ if $@;
+    return $res;
+# Lock config file using flock, run $code with @param, unlock config file.
+sub lock_config {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $code, @param) = @_;
+    return $class->lock_config_full($vmid, 10, $code, @param);
+# Checks whether the config is locked with the lock parameter
+sub check_lock {
+    my ($class, $conf) = @_;
+    die $class->guest_type()." is locked ($conf->{lock})\n" if $conf->{lock};
+# Returns whether the config is locked with the lock parameter, also checks
+# whether the lock value is correct if the optional $lock is set.
+sub has_lock {
+    my ($class, $conf, $lock) = @_;
+    return $conf->{lock} && (!defined($lock) || $lock eq $conf->{lock});
+# Sets the lock parameter for this VM/CT's config to $lock.
+sub set_lock {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $lock) = @_;
+    my $conf;
+    $class->lock_config($vmid, sub {
+	$conf = $class->load_config($vmid);
+	$class->check_lock($conf);
+	$conf->{lock} = $lock;
+	$class->write_config($vmid, $conf);
+    });
+    return $conf;
+# Removes the lock parameter for this VM/CT's config, also checks whether
+# the lock value is correct if the optional $lock is set.
+sub remove_lock {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $lock) = @_;
+    $class->lock_config($vmid, sub {
+	my $conf = $class->load_config($vmid);
+	if (!$conf->{lock}) {
+	    die "no lock found trying to remove lock '$lock'\n";
+	} elsif (defined($lock) && $conf->{lock} ne $lock) {
+	    die "found lock '$conf->{lock}' trying to remove lock '$lock'\n";
+	}
+	delete $conf->{lock};
+	$class->write_config($vmid, $conf);
+    });
+# Checks whether protection mode is enabled for this VM/CT.
+sub check_protection {
+    my ($class, $conf, $err_msg) = @_;
+    if ($conf->{protection}) {
+	die "$err_msg - protection mode enabled\n";
+    }
+# Adds an unused volume to $config, if possible.
+sub add_unused_volume {
+    my ($class, $config, $volid) = @_;
+    my $key;
+    for (my $ind = $class->__config_max_unused_disks() - 1; $ind >= 0; $ind--) {
+	my $test = "unused$ind";
+	if (my $vid = $config->{$test}) {
+	    return if $vid eq $volid; # do not add duplicates
+	} else {
+	    $key = $test;
+	}
+    }
+    die "Too many unused volumes - please delete them first.\n" if !$key;
+    $config->{$key} = $volid;
+    return $key;
+# Returns whether the template parameter is set in $conf.
+sub is_template {
+    my ($class, $conf) = @_;
+    return 1 if defined $conf->{template} && $conf->{template} == 1;
+# Checks whether $feature is availabe for the referenced volumes in $conf.
+# Note: depending on the parameters, some volumes may be skipped!
+sub has_feature {
+    my ($class, $feature, $conf, $storecfg, $snapname, $running, $backup_only) = @_;
+    die "implement me - abstract method\n";
+# Internal snapshots
+# NOTE: Snapshot create/delete involves several non-atomic
+# actions, and can take a long time.
+# So we try to avoid locking the file and use the 'lock' variable
+# inside the config file instead.
+# Save the vmstate (RAM).
+sub __snapshot_save_vmstate {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $conf, $snapname, $storecfg) = @_;
+    die "implement me - abstract method\n";
+# Check whether the VM/CT is running.
+sub __snapshot_check_running {
+    my ($class, $vmid) = @_;
+    die "implement me - abstract method\n";
+# Check whether we need to freeze the VM/CT
+sub __snapshot_check_freeze_needed {
+    my ($sself, $vmid, $config, $save_vmstate) = @_;
+    die "implement me - abstract method\n";
+# Freeze or unfreeze the VM/CT.
+sub __snapshot_freeze {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $unfreeze) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me\n";
+# Create the volume snapshots for the VM/CT.
+sub __snapshot_create_vol_snapshot {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $vs, $volume, $snapname) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me\n";
+# Remove a drive from the snapshot config.
+sub __snapshot_delete_remove_drive {
+    my ($class, $snap, $remove_drive) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me\n";
+# Delete the vmstate file/drive
+sub __snapshot_delete_vmstate_file {
+    my ($class, $snap, $force) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me\n";
+# Delete a volume snapshot
+sub __snapshot_delete_vol_snapshot {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $vs, $volume, $snapname) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me\n";
+# Checks whether a volume snapshot is possible for this volume.
+sub __snapshot_rollback_vol_possible {
+    my ($class, $volume, $snapname) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me\n";
+# Rolls back this volume.
+sub __snapshot_rollback_vol_rollback {
+    my ($class, $volume, $snapname) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me\n";
+# Stops the VM/CT for a rollback.
+sub __snapshot_rollback_vm_stop {
+    my ($class, $vmid) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me\n";
+# Start the VM/CT after a rollback with restored vmstate.
+sub __snapshot_rollback_vm_start {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $vmstate, $forcemachine);
+    die "abstract method - implement me\n";
+# Iterate over all configured volumes, calling $func for each key/value pair.
+sub __snapshot_foreach_volume {
+    my ($class, $conf, $func) = @_;
+    die "abstract method - implement me\n";
+# Copy the current config $source to the snapshot config $dest
+sub __snapshot_copy_config {
+    my ($class, $source, $dest) = @_;
+    foreach my $k (keys %$source) {
+	next if $k eq 'snapshots';
+	next if $k eq 'snapstate';
+	next if $k eq 'snaptime';
+	next if $k eq 'vmstate';
+	next if $k eq 'lock';
+	next if $k eq 'digest';
+	next if $k eq 'description';
+	next if $k =~ m/^unused\d+$/;
+	$dest->{$k} = $source->{$k};
+    }
+# Apply the snapshot config $snap to the config $conf (rollback)
+sub __snapshot_apply_config {
+    my ($class, $conf, $snap) = @_;
+    # copy snapshot list
+    my $newconf = {
+	snapshots => $conf->{snapshots},
+    };
+    # keep description and list of unused disks
+    foreach my $k (keys %$conf) {
+	next if !($k =~ m/^unused\d+$/ || $k eq 'description');
+	$newconf->{$k} = $conf->{$k};
+    }
+    $class->__snapshot_copy_config($snap, $newconf);
+    return $newconf;
+# Prepares the configuration for snapshotting.
+sub __snapshot_prepare {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $snapname, $save_vmstate, $comment) = @_;
+    my $snap;
+    my $updatefn =  sub {
+	my $conf = $class->load_config($vmid);
+	die "you can't take a snapshot if it's a template\n"
+	    if $class->is_template($conf);
+	$class->check_lock($conf);
+	$conf->{lock} = 'snapshot';
+	die "snapshot name '$snapname' already used\n"
+	    if defined($conf->{snapshots}->{$snapname});
+	my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
+	die "snapshot feature is not available\n"
+	    if !$class->has_feature('snapshot', $conf, $storecfg, undef, undef, $snapname eq 'vzdump');
+	$snap = $conf->{snapshots}->{$snapname} = {};
+	if ($save_vmstate && $class->__snapshot_check_running($vmid)) {
+	    $class->__snapshot_save_vmstate($vmid, $conf, $snapname, $storecfg);
+	}
+	$class->__snapshot_copy_config($conf, $snap);
+	$snap->{snapstate} = "prepare";
+	$snap->{snaptime} = time();
+	$snap->{description} = $comment if $comment;
+	$class->write_config($vmid, $conf);
+    };
+    $class->lock_config($vmid, $updatefn);
+    return $snap;
+# Commits the configuration after snapshotting.
+sub __snapshot_commit {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $snapname) = @_;
+    my $updatefn = sub {
+	my $conf = $class->load_config($vmid);
+	die "missing snapshot lock\n"
+	    if !($conf->{lock} && $conf->{lock} eq 'snapshot');
+	my $snap = $conf->{snapshots}->{$snapname};
+	die "snapshot '$snapname' does not exist\n" if !defined($snap);
+	die "wrong snapshot state\n"
+	    if !($snap->{snapstate} && $snap->{snapstate} eq "prepare");
+	delete $snap->{snapstate};
+	delete $conf->{lock};
+	$conf->{parent} = $snapname;
+	$class->write_config($vmid, $conf);
+    };
+    $class->lock_config($vmid, $updatefn);
+# Creates a snapshot for the VM/CT.
+sub snapshot_create {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $snapname, $save_vmstate, $comment) = @_;
+    my $snap = $class->__snapshot_prepare($vmid, $snapname, $save_vmstate, $comment);
+    $save_vmstate = 0 if !$snap->{vmstate};
+    my $conf = $class->load_config($vmid);
+    my ($running, $freezefs) = $class->__snapshot_check_freeze_needed($vmid, $conf, $snap->{vmstate});
+    my $drivehash = {};
+    eval {
+	if ($freezefs) {
+	    $class->__snapshot_freeze($vmid, 0);
+	}
+	$class->__snapshot_foreach_volume($snap, sub {
+	    my ($vs, $volume) = @_;
+	    $class->__snapshot_create_vol_snapshot($vmid, $vs, $volume, $snapname);
+	    $drivehash->{$vs} = 1;
+	});
+    };
+    my $err = $@;
+    if ($running) {
+	if ($freezefs) {
+	    $class->__snapshot_freeze($vmid, 1);
+	}
+    }
+    if ($err) {
+	warn "snapshot create failed: starting cleanup\n";
+	eval { $class->snapshot_delete($vmid, $snapname, 1, $drivehash); };
+	warn "$@" if $@;
+	die "$err\n";
+    }
+    $class->__snapshot_commit($vmid, $snapname);
+# Deletes a snapshot.
+# Note: $drivehash is only set when called from snapshot_create.
+sub snapshot_delete {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $snapname, $force, $drivehash) = @_;
+    my $prepare = 1;
+    my $snap;
+    my $unused = [];
+    my $unlink_parent = sub {
+	my ($confref, $new_parent) = @_;
+	if ($confref->{parent} && $confref->{parent} eq $snapname) {
+	    if ($new_parent) {
+		$confref->{parent} = $new_parent;
+	    } else {
+		delete $confref->{parent};
+	    }
+	}
+    };
+    my $updatefn =  sub {
+	my ($remove_drive) = @_;
+	my $conf = $class->load_config($vmid);
+	if (!$drivehash) {
+	    $class->check_lock($conf);
+	    die "you can't delete a snapshot if vm is a template\n"
+		if $class->is_template($conf);
+	}
+	$snap = $conf->{snapshots}->{$snapname};
+	die "snapshot '$snapname' does not exist\n" if !defined($snap);
+	# remove parent refs
+	if (!$prepare) {
+	    &$unlink_parent($conf, $snap->{parent});
+	    foreach my $sn (keys %{$conf->{snapshots}}) {
+		next if $sn eq $snapname;
+		&$unlink_parent($conf->{snapshots}->{$sn}, $snap->{parent});
+	    }
+	}
+	if ($remove_drive) {
+	    $class->__snapshot_delete_remove_drive($snap, $remove_drive);
+	}
+	if ($prepare) {
+	    $snap->{snapstate} = 'delete';
+	} else {
+	    delete $conf->{snapshots}->{$snapname};
+	    delete $conf->{lock} if $drivehash;
+	    foreach my $volid (@$unused) {
+		$class->add_unused_volume($conf, $volid);
+	    }
+	}
+	$class->write_config($vmid, $conf);
+    };
+    $class->lock_config($vmid, $updatefn);
+    # now remove vmstate file
+    if ($snap->{vmstate}) {
+	$class->__snapshot_delete_vmstate_file($snap, $force);
+	# save changes (remove vmstate from snapshot)
+	$class->lock_config($vmid, $updatefn, 'vmstate') if !$force;
+    };
+    # now remove all volume snapshots
+    $class->__snapshot_foreach_volume($snap, sub {
+	my ($vs, $volume) = @_;
+	return if $snapname eq 'vzdump' && $vs ne 'rootfs' && !$volume->{backup};
+	if (!$drivehash || $drivehash->{$vs}) {
+	    eval { $class->__snapshot_delete_vol_snapshot($vmid, $vs, $volume, $snapname); };
+	    if (my $err = $@) {
+		die $err if !$force;
+		warn $err;
+	    }
+	}
+	# save changes (remove mp from snapshot)
+	$class->lock_config($vmid, $updatefn, $vs) if !$force;
+	push @$unused, $volume->{volume};
+    });
+    # now cleanup config
+    $prepare = 0;
+    $class->lock_config($vmid, $updatefn);
+# Rolls back to a given snapshot.
+sub snapshot_rollback {
+    my ($class, $vmid, $snapname) = @_;
+    my $prepare = 1;
+    my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
+    my $conf = $class->load_config($vmid);
+    my $get_snapshot_config = sub {
+	die "you can't rollback if vm is a template\n" if $class->is_template($conf);
+	my $res = $conf->{snapshots}->{$snapname};
+	die "snapshot '$snapname' does not exist\n" if !defined($res);
+	return $res;
+    };
+    my $snap = &$get_snapshot_config();
+    $class->__snapshot_foreach_volume($snap, sub {
+	my ($vs, $volume) = @_;
+	$class->__snapshot_rollback_vol_possible($volume, $snapname);
+    });
+    my $updatefn = sub {
+	$conf = $class->load_config($vmid);
+	$snap = &$get_snapshot_config();
+	die "unable to rollback to incomplete snapshot (snapstate = $snap->{snapstate})\n"
+	    if $snap->{snapstate};
+	if ($prepare) {
+	    $class->check_lock($conf);
+	    $class->__snapshot_rollback_vm_stop($vmid);
+	}
+	die "unable to rollback vm $vmid: vm is running\n"
+	    if $class->__snapshot_check_running($vmid);
+	if ($prepare) {
+	    $conf->{lock} = 'rollback';
+	} else {
+	    die "got wrong lock\n" if !($conf->{lock} && $conf->{lock} eq 'rollback');
+	    delete $conf->{lock};
+	}
+	# machine only relevant for Qemu
+	my $forcemachine;
+	if (!$prepare) {
+	    my $has_machine_config = defined($conf->{machine});
+	    # copy snapshot config to current config
+	    $conf = $class->__snapshot_apply_config($conf, $snap);
+	    $conf->{parent} = $snapname;
+	    # Note: old code did not store 'machine', so we try to be smart
+	    # and guess the snapshot was generated with kvm 1.4 (pc-i440fx-1.4).
+	    $forcemachine = $conf->{machine} || 'pc-i440fx-1.4';
+	    # we remove the 'machine' configuration if not explicitly specified
+	    # in the original config.
+	    delete $conf->{machine} if $snap->{vmstate} && !$has_machine_config;
+	}
+	$class->write_config($vmid, $conf);
+	if (!$prepare && $snap->{vmstate}) {
+	    $class->__snapshot_rollback_vm_start($vmid, $snap->{vmstate}, $forcemachine);
+	}
+    };
+    $class->lock_config($vmid, $updatefn);
+    $class->__snapshot_foreach_volume($snap, sub {
+	my ($vs, $volume) = @_;
+	$class->__snapshot_rollback_vol_rollback($volume, $snapname);
+    });
+    $prepare = 0;
+    $class->lock_config($vmid, $updatefn);

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