[pve-devel] [PATCH storage v3 1/2] add Diskmanage Utilities

Dominik Csapak d.csapak at proxmox.com
Thu Jun 9 12:42:58 CEST 2016

this adds the functions for listing the disks (mostly copied from
the ceph code), checking if a disk is a valid blockdevice, if it
is used/in a zfs pool/as an lvm pv, and an init function (just to add a gpt header;
this is important if one wants to use a fresh disk for ceph journals)

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <d.csapak at proxmox.com>
 PVE/Diskmanage.pm | 420 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 PVE/Makefile      |   1 +
 2 files changed, 421 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 PVE/Diskmanage.pm

diff --git a/PVE/Diskmanage.pm b/PVE/Diskmanage.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1d8640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PVE/Diskmanage.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+package PVE::Diskmanage;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PVE::ProcFSTools;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param run_command file_get_contents file_read_firstline dir_glob_regex dir_glob_foreach trim);
+my $SMARTCTL = "/usr/sbin/smartctl";
+my $ZPOOL = "/sbin/zpool";
+my $SGDISK = "/sbin/sgdisk";
+my $PVS = "/sbin/pvs";
+my $UDEVADM = "/bin/udevadm";
+sub verify_blockdev_path {
+    my ($rel_path) = @_;
+    die "missing path" if !$rel_path;
+    my $path = abs_path($rel_path);
+    die "failed to get absolute path to $rel_path\n" if !$path;
+    die "got unusual device path '$path'\n" if $path !~  m|^/dev/(.*)$|;
+    $path = "/dev/$1"; # untaint
+    assert_blockdev($path);
+    return $path;
+sub assert_blockdev {
+    my ($dev, $noerr) = @_;
+    if ($dev !~ m|^/dev/| || !(-b $dev)) {
+	return undef if $noerr;
+	die "not a valid block device\n";
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub init_disk {
+    my ($disk, $uuid) = @_;
+    assert_blockdev($disk);
+    # we should already have checked if it is in use in the api call
+    # but we check again for safety
+    die "disk $disk is already in use\n" if disk_is_used($disk);
+    my $id = $uuid || 'R';
+    run_command([$SGDISK, $disk, '-U', $id]);
+    return 1;
+sub disk_is_used {
+    my ($disk) = @_;
+    my $dev = $disk;
+    $dev =~ s|^/dev/||;
+    my $disklist = get_disks($dev);
+    die "'$disk' is not a valid local disk\n" if !defined($disklist->{$dev});
+    return 1 if $disklist->{$dev}->{used};
+    return 0;
+sub get_smart_data {
+    my ($disk) = @_;
+    assert_blockdev($disk);
+    my $smartdata = {};
+    my $datastarted = 0;
+    eval {
+	run_command([$SMARTCTL, '-a', '-f', 'brief', $disk], outfunc => sub{
+	    my ($line) = @_;
+	    if ($datastarted && $line =~ m/^[ \d]{2}\d/) {
+		$line = trim($line);
+		my @data = split /\s+/, $line;
+		my $entry = {};
+		$entry->{name} = $data[1];
+		$entry->{flags} = $data[2];
+		$entry->{value} = $data[3];
+		$entry->{worst} = $data[4];
+		$entry->{threshold} = $data[5];
+		$entry->{fail} = $data[6];
+		$entry->{raw} = $data[7];
+		$entry->{id} = $data[0];
+		push @{$smartdata->{attributes}}, $entry;
+	    } elsif ($line =~ m/self\-assessment test result: (.*)$/) {
+		$smartdata->{health} = $1;
+	    } elsif ($line =~ m/Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:/) {
+		$datastarted = 1;
+	    }
+	});
+    };
+    die "Error getting S.M.A.R.T. data: $@\n" if $@;
+    $smartdata->{health} = 'UNKOWN' if !defined $smartdata->{health};
+    return $smartdata;
+sub get_smart_health {
+    my ($disk) = @_;
+    return "NOT A DEVICE" if !assert_blockdev($disk, 1);
+    my $message = "UNKOWN";
+    eval {
+	run_command([$SMARTCTL, '-H', $disk], outfunc => sub {
+	    my ($line) = @_;
+	    if ($line =~ m/test result: (.*)$/) {
+		$message = $1;
+	    } elsif ($line =~ m/open device: (.*) failed: (.*)$/) {
+		$message = "FAILED TO OPEN";
+	    } elsif ($line =~ m/^SMART Disabled/) {
+		$message = "SMART DISABLED";
+	    }
+	});
+    };
+    # we ignore errors here because by default we want to return UNKNOWN
+    return $message;
+sub get_zfs_devices {
+    my $list = {};
+    # use zpool and parttype uuid,
+    # because log and cache do not have
+    # zfs type uuid
+    eval {
+	run_command([$ZPOOL, 'list', '-HPLv'], outfunc => sub {
+	     my ($line) = @_;
+	     if ($line =~ m|^\t([^\t]+)\t|) {
+		$list->{$1} = 1;
+	     }
+	});
+    };
+    # only warn here,
+    # because maybe zfs tools are not installed
+    warn "$@\n" if $@;
+    my $applezfsuuid = "6a898cc3-1dd2-11b2-99a6-080020736631";
+    my $bsdzfsuuid = "516e7cba-6ecf-11d6-8ff8-00022d09712b";
+    dir_glob_foreach('/dev/disk/by-parttypeuuid', "($applezfsuuid|$bsdzfsuuid)\..+", sub {
+	my ($entry) = @_;
+	my $real_dev = abs_path("/dev/disk/by-parttypeuuid/$entry");
+	$list->{$real_dev} = 1;
+    });
+    return $list;
+sub get_lvm_devices {
+    my $list = {};
+    eval {
+	run_command([$PVS, '--noheadings', '--readonly', '-o', 'pv_name'], outfunc => sub{
+	    my ($line) = @_;
+	    $line = trim($line);
+	    if ($line =~ m|^/dev/|) {
+		$list->{$line} = 1;
+	    }
+	});
+    };
+    # if something goes wrong, we do not want
+    # to give up, but indicate an error has occured
+    warn "$@\n" if $@;
+    my $lvmuuid = "e6d6d379-f507-44c2-a23c-238f2a3df928";
+    dir_glob_foreach('/dev/disk/by-parttypeuuid', "$lvmuuid\..+", sub {
+	my ($entry) = @_;
+	my $real_dev = abs_path("/dev/disk/by-parttypeuuid/$entry");
+	$list->{$real_dev} = 1;
+    });
+    return $list;
+sub get_ceph_journals {
+    my $journalhash = {};
+    my $journal_uuid = '45b0969e-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106';
+    dir_glob_foreach('/dev/disk/by-parttypeuuid', "$journal_uuid\..+", sub {
+	my ($entry) = @_;
+	my $real_dev = abs_path("/dev/disk/by-parttypeuuid/$entry");
+	$journalhash->{$real_dev} = 1;
+    });
+    return $journalhash;
+sub get_disks {
+    my ($disk) = @_;
+    my $disklist = {};
+    my $mounted = {};
+    my $mounts = PVE::ProcFSTools::parse_proc_mounts();
+    foreach my $mount (@$mounts) {
+	next if $mount->[0] !~ m|^/dev/|;
+	$mounted->{abs_path($mount->[0])} = $mount->[1];
+    };
+    my $dev_is_mounted = sub {
+	my ($dev) = @_;
+	return $mounted->{$dev};
+    };
+    my $dir_is_empty = sub {
+	my ($dir) = @_;
+	my $dh = IO::Dir->new ($dir);
+	return 1 if !$dh;
+	while (defined(my $tmp = $dh->read)) {
+	    next if $tmp eq '.' || $tmp eq '..';
+	    $dh->close;
+	    return 0;
+	}
+	$dh->close;
+	return 1;
+    };
+    my $journalhash = get_ceph_journals();
+    my $zfslist = get_zfs_devices();
+    my $lvmlist = get_lvm_devices();
+    dir_glob_foreach('/sys/block', '.*', sub {
+	my ($dev) = @_;
+	return if defined($disk) && $disk ne $dev;
+	# whitelisting following devices
+	# hdX: ide block device
+	# sdX: sd block device
+	# vdX: virtual block device
+	# xvdX: xen virtual block device
+	# nvmeXnY: nvme devices
+	# cXnY: cciss devices
+	return if $dev !~ m@^(h|s|x?v)d[a-z]+$@ &&
+		  $dev !~ m@^nvme\d+n\d+$@ &&
+		  $dev !~ m@^c\d+d\d+$@;
+	my $sysdir = "/sys/block/$dev";
+	return if ! -d "$sysdir/device";
+	# we do not want iscsi devices
+	return if readlink($sysdir) =~ m|host[^/]*/session[^/]*|;
+	my $size = file_read_firstline("$sysdir/size");
+	return if !$size;
+	$size = $size * 512;
+	my $info = "";
+	eval {
+	    run_command([$UDEVADM, 'info', '-n', $dev, '--query', 'all'], outfunc => sub {
+		my ($line) = @_;
+		$info .= "$line\n";
+	    });
+	};
+	warn $@ if $@;
+	return if !$info;
+	return if $info !~ m/^E: DEVTYPE=disk$/m;
+	return if $info =~ m/^E: ID_CDROM/m;
+	# we use this, because some disks are not simply in /dev
+	# e.g. /dev/cciss/c0d0
+	my $devpath;
+	if ($info =~ m/^E: DEVNAME=(\S+)$/m) {
+	    $devpath = $1;
+	}
+	return if !defined($devpath);
+	my $serial = 'unknown';
+	if ($info =~ m/^E: ID_SERIAL_SHORT=(\S+)$/m) {
+	    $serial = $1;
+	}
+	my $gpt = 0;
+	if ($info =~ m/^E: ID_PART_TABLE_TYPE=gpt$/m) {
+	    $gpt = 1;
+	}
+	# detect SSD
+	my $rpm = -1;
+	if ($info =~ m/^E: ID_ATA_ROTATION_RATE_RPM=(\d+)$/m) {
+	    $rpm = $1;
+	}
+	# dir/queue/rotational should be 1 for hdd, 0 for ssd
+	my $type = 'unknown';
+	my $rotational = file_read_firstline("$sysdir/queue/rotational");
+	if ($rotational == 0) {
+	    $type = 'ssd';
+	    $rpm = 0;
+	} elsif ($rotational == 1) {
+	    if ($rpm != -1) {
+		$type = 'hdd';
+	    } elsif ($info =~ m/^E: ID_BUS=usb$/m) {
+		$type = 'usb';
+		$rpm = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+	my $wwn = 'unknown';
+	if ($info =~ m/^E: ID_WWN=(.*)$/m) {
+	    $wwn = $1;
+	}
+	my $vendor = file_read_firstline("$sysdir/device/vendor") || 'unknown';
+	my $model = file_read_firstline("$sysdir/device/model") || 'unknown';
+	# we do not need smart data if we check a single disk
+	# because this functionality is only for disk_is_used
+	my $health = get_smart_health($devpath) if !defined($disk);
+	my $used;
+	$used = 'LVM' if $lvmlist->{$devpath};
+	$used = 'mounted' if &$dev_is_mounted($devpath);
+	$used = 'ZFS' if $zfslist->{$devpath};
+	$disklist->{$dev} = {
+	    vendor => $vendor,
+	    model => $model,
+	    size => $size,
+	    serial => $serial,
+	    gpt => $gpt,
+	    rpm => $rpm,
+	    type =>  $type,
+	    wwn => $wwn,
+	    health => $health,
+	    devpath => $devpath,
+	};
+	my $osdid = -1;
+	my $journal_count = 0;
+	my $found_partitions;
+	my $found_lvm;
+	my $found_mountpoints;
+	my $found_zfs;
+	my $found_dm;
+	my $partpath = $devpath;
+	# remove part after last / to
+	# get the base path for the partitions
+	# e.g. from /dev/cciss/c0d0 get /dev/cciss
+	$partpath =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//;
+	dir_glob_foreach("$sysdir", "$dev.+", sub {
+	    my ($part) = @_;
+	    $found_partitions = 1;
+	    if (my $mp = &$dev_is_mounted("$partpath/$part")) {
+		$found_mountpoints = 1;
+		if ($mp =~ m|^/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-(\d+)$|) {
+		    $osdid = $1;
+		}
+	    }
+	    if ($lvmlist->{"$partpath/$part"}) {
+		$found_lvm = 1;
+	    }
+	    if ($zfslist->{"$partpath/$part"}) {
+		$found_zfs = 1;
+	    }
+	    $journal_count++ if $journalhash->{"$partpath/$part"};
+	    if (!&$dir_is_empty("$sysdir/$part/holders") && !$found_lvm)  {
+		$found_dm = 1;
+	    }
+	});
+	$used = 'mounted' if $found_mountpoints && !$used;
+	$used = 'LVM' if $found_lvm && !$used;
+	$used = 'ZFS' if $found_zfs && !$used;
+	$used = 'Device Mapper' if $found_dm && !$used;
+	$used = 'partitions' if $found_partitions && !$used;
+	# multipath, software raid, etc. 
+	# this check comes in last, to show more specific info
+	# if we have it
+	$used = 'Device Mapper' if !$used && !&$dir_is_empty("$sysdir/holders");
+	$disklist->{$dev}->{used} = $used if $used;
+	$disklist->{$dev}->{osdid} = $osdid;
+	$disklist->{$dev}->{journals} = $journal_count;
+    });
+    return $disklist;
diff --git a/PVE/Makefile b/PVE/Makefile
index 655cad8..ae2bd35 100644
--- a/PVE/Makefile
+++ b/PVE/Makefile
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 .PHONY: install
 	install -D -m 0644 Storage.pm ${DESTDIR}${PERLDIR}/PVE/Storage.pm
+	install -D -m 0644 Diskmanage.pm ${DESTDIR}${PERLDIR}/PVE/Diskmanage.pm
 	make -C Storage install
 	make -C API2 install
 	make -C CLI install

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