[pve-devel] proxmox4 : ntp not enable by default ?

Alexandre DERUMIER aderumier at odiso.com
Wed Nov 18 18:02:52 CET 2015


with systemd, ntp should be manage by timesyncd,
but it don't seem to be enabled by default

# timedatectl
      Local time: Wed 2015-11-18 18:01:39 CET
  Universal time: Wed 2015-11-18 17:01:39 UTC
        RTC time: Wed 2015-11-18 17:01:39
       Time zone: Europe/Paris (CET, +0100)
     NTP enabled: no  -----------> here not enabled
NTP synchronized: yes
 RTC in local TZ: no
      DST active: no
 Last DST change: DST ended at
                  Sun 2015-10-25 02:59:59 CEST
                  Sun 2015-10-25 02:00:00 CET
 Next DST change: DST begins (the clock jumps one hour forward) at
                  Sun 2016-03-27 01:59:59 CET
                  Sun 2016-03-27 03:00:00 CEST

# systemctl |grep timesync

-> not running

enable it:

#timedatectl set-ntp true

# timedatectl 
      Local time: Wed 2015-11-18 17:58:00 CET
  Universal time: Wed 2015-11-18 16:58:00 UTC
        RTC time: Wed 2015-11-18 16:58:00
       Time zone: Europe/Paris (CET, +0100)
     NTP enabled: yes
NTP synchronized: yes
 RTC in local TZ: no
      DST active: no
 Last DST change: DST ended at
                  Sun 2015-10-25 02:59:59 CEST
                  Sun 2015-10-25 02:00:00 CET
 Next DST change: DST begins (the clock jumps one hour forward) at
                  Sun 2016-03-27 01:59:59 CET
                  Sun 2016-03-27 03:00:00 CEST

# systemctl |grep timesync

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