[pve-devel] pveproxy issue

Guy Loesch guy.loesch at education.lu
Thu Oct 16 08:57:02 CEST 2014

Yes, all the students work on the same server, but that is exactly the
same machine with the same users and pool setup as last year, and at
that time I had 15 students working concurrently.

Students create a Centos-KVM at the same time and then open a noVNC
console to setup the machine. Accessing the machines through noVNC or by
remote desktop is no problem. They run fine and response time is ok. But
after a while, if I or a student accesses the Proxmox GUI to view for
example the summary tab of a machine, the graphs don't update any more
and we get a communication failure(0) error message. Other tabs don't
respond either. This happens less often when we accesses Proxmox through
nginx running in a container on the same machine.


On 16/10/2014 08:19, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>> I don't have a reliable way to reproduce the behavior. Students connect and
>> pveproxy hangs after a relative short time.
> What are they doing? Same thing at same time? All connect to same server? All open a noVNC console?
> All allocates some storage? ...?

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