[pve-devel] new simulate command

Alexandre DERUMIER aderumier at odiso.com
Wed May 21 06:03:19 CEST 2014

ok thanks, good job !

----- Mail original ----- 

De: "Dietmar Maurer" <dietmar at proxmox.com> 
À: "Alexandre DERUMIER (aderumier at odiso.com)" <aderumier at odiso.com> 
Cc: pve-devel at pve.proxmox.com 
Envoyé: Mardi 20 Mai 2014 11:16:59 
Objet: new simulate command 

Hi Alexandre, 

I finally moved the regression test code into a separate package “PVE::FirewallSimulator”, 
and made it available with the command line tool. So we can now 
run tests with: 

# pve-firewall simulate -dport 8006 
Test packet: 
from : outside 
to : host 
proto : tcp 
dport : 8006 

# pve-firewall simulate -from vm100 -to outside -dport 22 
Test packet: 
from : vm100 
to : outside 
proto : tcp 
dport : 22 

(use option –verbose to get complete trace) 

# pve-firewall help simulate 
USAGE: pve-firewall simulate [OPTIONS] 

Simulate firewall rules. This does not simulate kernel 'routing' table. 
Instead, this simply assumes that routing from source zone to destination 
zone is possible. 

-dest string 

Destination IP address. 

-dport integer 

Destination port. 

-from (host|outside|vm\d+|ct\d+|vmbr\d+/\S+) (default=outside) 

Source zone. 

-protocol (tcp|udp) (default=tcp) 


-source string 

Source IP address. 

-sport integer 

Source port. 

-to (host|outside|vm\d+|ct\d+|vmbr\d+/\S+) (default=host) 

Destination zone. 

-verbose boolean (default=0) 

Verbose output. 

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