[pve-devel] ZFS Storage Patches

Chris Allen ca.allen at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 19:08:41 CET 2014


Thanks for testing these.  If I supply you with future patches I'll try to
be a little  bit more rigorous with testing before I send them in.

Connecting to the target with a host group defined fails unless the
initiator has been added to the host group, as it should be by design.  If
I manually add the initiator name ("iqn.2008-11.org.linux-kvm:<vm-name>")
to the host group on the server then I can connect to and use the volume.
 Since, like you pointed out Micheal, the initiator name is based on the
VM's name, maintaining the host-group association, manually or
automatically is a pain.  Too bad we can't force an initiator name.

Did you try using only a target group, with no host group definition?  This
seems to work fine for me.  It might be worth it to keep just the target
group part of the patch and scrap the host group.

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 5:31 PM, Michael Rasmussen <mir at datanom.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have now tested the patch set. See attached PDF.
> Conclusion:
> Apart from host and target group and problems parsing the sparse option
> when a VM has been converted to a template the patch works. However, due
> to limitations in current backup/restore, cloning and storage migration
> sparse images only remains sparse as long as you don't restore, clone
> or migrate the storage.
> --
> Hilsen/Regards
> Michael Rasmussen
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