[pve-devel] PVE Firewall

Alexandre DERUMIER aderumier at odiso.com
Mon Jun 16 09:28:53 CEST 2014

>>Still need to figure out why the firewall does not work for me at all.

Do you some special network setup ?

can you post your vmid.conf , full "#brctl show"  ?

also, check that

is corretly updated

(you should have 
PVE::Network::tap_plug($iface, $net->{bridge}, $net->{tag}, $net->{firewall} at the end)

also QemuServer.pm should have

# netX: e1000=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX,bridge=vmbr0,rate=<mbps>
sub parse_net {
    my ($data) = @_;

    my $res = {};

    foreach my $kvp (split(/,/, $data)) {

        if ($kvp =~ m/^(ne2k_pci|e1000|rtl8139|pcnet|virtio|ne2k_isa|i82551|i82557b|i82559er|vmxnet3)(=([0-9a-f]{2}(:[0-9a-f]{2}){5}))?$/i) {
            my $model = lc($1);
            my $mac = defined($3) ? uc($3) : PVE::Tools::random_ether_addr();
            $res->{model} = $model;
            $res->{macaddr} = $mac;
        } elsif ($kvp =~ m/^bridge=(\S+)$/) {
            $res->{bridge} = $1;
        } elsif ($kvp =~ m/^queues=(\d+)$/) {
            $res->{queues} = $1;
        } elsif ($kvp =~ m/^rate=(\d+(\.\d+)?)$/) {
            $res->{rate} = $1;
        } elsif ($kvp =~ m/^tag=(\d+)$/) {
            $res->{tag} = $1;
        } elsif ($kvp =~ m/^firewall=(\d+)$/) {
            $res->{firewall} = $1;
        } else {
            return undef;


    return undef if !$res->{model};

    return $res;

and Network.pm

sub tap_plug {
    my ($iface, $bridge, $tag, $firewall) = @_;

    #cleanup old port config from any openvswitch bridge
    eval {run_command("/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl del-port $iface", outfunc => sub {}, errfunc => sub {}) };

    if (-d "/sys/class/net/$bridge/bridge") {
        &$cleanup_firewall_bridge($iface); # remove stale devices

        my $newbridge = activate_bridge_vlan($bridge, $tag);
        copy_bridge_config($bridge, $newbridge) if $bridge ne $newbridge;

        $newbridge = &$create_firewall_bridge_linux($iface, $newbridge) if $firewall;

        &$bridge_add_interface($newbridge, $iface);
    } else {
        &$cleanup_firewall_bridge($iface); # remove stale devices

        if ($firewall) {
            &$create_firewall_bridge_ovs($iface, $bridge, $tag);
        } else {
            &$ovs_bridge_add_port($bridge, $iface, $tag);

----- Mail original ----- 

De: "Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG" <s.priebe at profihost.ag> 
À: "Dietmar Maurer" <dietmar at proxmox.com>, pve-devel at pve.proxmox.com 
Envoyé: Lundi 16 Juin 2014 09:21:34 
Objet: Re: [pve-devel] PVE Firewall 

Am 13.06.2014 20:33, schrieb Dietmar Maurer: 
>> i would like to have different levels of firewall. Something the USER / VM Owner 
>> can control and something the PVE Manage / Sysadmin can control. 
>> So i can give the user the ability to use the new cool firewall code but i can still 
>> be shure that he doesn't use a DHCP Server, didn't disable the MAC filter and 
>> doesn't fake IP adresses. 
>> Is this something we can archieve? 
>> May be some kind of "global" rules inside the cluster.fw? Which the user can't 
>> touch? 
> Maybe we can use the current permission system, and require special privileges 
> to enable/disable those feature (firewall, macfilter). 

That sounds great! 

> We can also add an option to set default security groups: 
> ---1000.fw--- 
> [options] 
> groups: group1,group2,group3 
> ... 
> ------------- 
> Those groups are added before any other rule, and needs special privileges to set/modify. 
> ? 

That sounds great too ;-) 

Still need to figure out why the firewall does not work for me at all. 

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