[pve-devel] PATCH: Add support for bridges with more than one physical link.

Dietmar Maurer dietmar at proxmox.com
Wed Feb 12 08:10:58 CET 2014

see comment below:

> +sub activate_bridge_vlan {
> +    my ($bridge, $tag_param) = @_;
> +
> +    die "bridge '$bridge' is not active\n" if ! -d "/sys/class/net/$bridge";
> +
> +    return $bridge if !defined($tag_param); # no vlan, simply return
> +
> +    my $tag = int($tag_param);
> +
> +    die "got strange vlan tag '$tag_param'\n" if $tag < 1 || $tag > 4094;
> +
> +    my $bridgevlan = "${bridge}v$tag";
> +
>      # add bridgevlan if it doesn't already exist
>      if (! -d "/sys/class/net/$bridgevlan") {
>          system("/sbin/brctl addbr $bridgevlan") == 0 ||
>              die "can't add bridge $bridgevlan\n";
>      }
> +    # for each physical interface (eth or bridge) bind them to bridge vlan
> +    my $ifcount = 0;
> +    my $dir = "/sys/class/net/$bridge/brif";
> +    PVE::Tools::dir_glob_foreach($dir, '((eth|bond)\d+)', sub {
> +        my ($slave) = @_;
> +        activate_bridge_vlan_slave($bridgevlan, $slave, $tag);
> +        $ifcount++;
> +    });
> +
> +    die "no physical interface on bridge '$bridge'\n" if $ifcount == 0;
> +

This check should be done before we create the vlan bridge. 

>      #fixme: set other bridge flags
>      # be sure to have the bridge up
>      system("/sbin/ip link set $bridgevlan up") == 0 ||
>          die "can't up bridge $bridgevlan\n";
> -
> -    # add $ifacevlan to the bridge
> -    system("/sbin/brctl addif $bridgevlan $ifacevlan") == 0 ||
> -	die "can't add interface $ifacevlan to bridge $bridgevlan\n";
> -
> +
>      return $bridgevlan;
>  }

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