[pve-devel] Better translate to Spanish language

Cesar Peschiera brain at click.com.py
Tue Aug 5 08:20:31 CEST 2014

>> In the left Panel - Datacenter:
>> ====================
>> 1- Summary tag:
>> Title of the column: "Estranged"
>This is a flag from the output of:
># clustat -x

Hi Dietmar

This is the last question for go to the next phase (send you my new es.po 
file with my comments of other errors found, but with all words and phrases 
correctly translated and free of errors).

I see differents behaviors:
1- In y mini lab with only a PVE node and without PVE Cluster configured:
The PVE GUI say: "No"
shell> clustat -x
Could not connect to CMAN: No such file or directory

2- In a environment of production with a PVE Cluster configured:
The PVE GUI say: "No"
shell> clustat -x
... (shows many information, resembling my cluster.conf file)...

...maybe a bug?... good, if here we have a bug, correct the bug isn't my
target, i only want understand what is supposed to tell us this field?.
I would appreciate if you answer the question more clearly.

Best regards

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