[pve-devel] [PATCH] qemu-server: add support for unsecure migration (setting in datacenter.cfg)

Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG s.priebe at profihost.ag
Fri Jul 26 10:20:29 CEST 2013

new patch sent

Am 26.07.2013 10:14, schrieb Dietmar Maurer:
>> OK
>>> (just remove ssh parameters '-L', "$lport:localhost:$rport" if !$rport
>>> in fork_tunnel)
> yes (if we do not need the ssh tunnel)
>> That makes no sense to me as $rport is always set. Or do you mean if $raddr
>> ne "localhost"?
>>>> +    if ($raddr eq "localhost") {
>>>> +        $self->log('info', "starting ssh migration tunnel");
>>>> -    $self->log('info', "starting online/live migration on port $lport");
>>>> -    # start migration
>>>> +        ## create tunnel to remote port
>>>> +        my $lport = PVE::Tools::next_migrate_port();
>>>> +        $self->{tunnel} = $self->fork_tunnel($self->{nodeip}, $lport, $rport);
>>>> +    }
>>>>      my $start = time();
>>>> +    $self->log('info', "starting online/live migration on $raddr:$rport");
>>>> +    $self->{livemigration} = 1;
>>> no need to change if we start the tunnel anyways?
>> Most probably but maybe still nicer than relying on tunnel variable?
> OK

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