[pve-devel] [PATCH 10/13] add qemu_drive_mirror

Alexandre Derumier aderumier at odiso.com
Thu Feb 14 11:58:58 CET 2013

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Derumier <aderumier at odiso.com>
 PVE/QemuServer.pm |   66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+)

diff --git a/PVE/QemuServer.pm b/PVE/QemuServer.pm
index 4f236e0..bfc7dde 100644
--- a/PVE/QemuServer.pm
+++ b/PVE/QemuServer.pm
@@ -4534,4 +4534,70 @@ sub qemu_img_format {
+sub qemu_drive_mirror {
+    my ($vmid, $drive, $dst_volid, $vmiddst, $maxwait) = @_;
+    my $count = 1;
+    my $old_len = 0;
+    my $frozen = undef;
+    my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
+    my ($dst_storeid, $dst_volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($dst_volid, 1);
+    if ($dst_storeid) {
+	my $dst_scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($storecfg, $dst_storeid);
+	my $format = undef;
+        if ($dst_volname =~ m/\.(raw|qcow2)$/){
+	    $format = $1;
+	}
+	my $dst_path = PVE::Storage::path($storecfg, $dst_volid);
+	if($format){
+	    PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "drive-mirror", device => "drive-$drive", mode => "existing", sync => "full", target => $dst_path, format => $format);
+	}else{
+	    PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "drive-mirror", device => "drive-$drive", mode => "existing", sync => "full", target => $dst_path);
+	}
+	eval{
+	    while (1) {
+		my $stats = PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "query-block-jobs");
+		my $stat = @$stats[0];
+		die "error job is not mirroring" if $stat->{type} ne "mirror";
+		print "copy ".$stat->{offset}." bytes of ".$stat->{len}." bytes\n";
+		last if ($stat->{len} == $stat->{offset});
+		if ($old_len == $stat->{offset}) {
+		    if ($maxwait && $count > $maxwait) {
+		    # if writes to disk occurs the disk needs to be freezed
+		    # to be able to complete the migration
+			vm_suspend($vmid,1);
+			$count = 0;
+			$frozen = 1;
+		    }else {
+			$count++ unless $frozen;
+		    }
+		}
+		elsif ($frozen) {
+			vm_resume($vmid,1);
+			$count = 0;
+		}
+		$old_len = $stat->{offset};
+		sleep 1;
+	    }
+	};
+	if ($@) {
+	    PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "block-job-cancel", device => "drive-$drive");
+	    die "mirroring error: $@";
+	}
+	if($vmiddst != $vmid){
+	    #if we clone a disk for a new target vm, we don't switch the disk
+	    PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "block-job-cancel", device => "drive-$drive");
+	}else{
+	    #if source and destination are on the same guest
+	    PVE::QemuServer::vm_mon_cmd($vmid, "block-job-complete", device => "drive-$drive");
+	}
+    }

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