[pve-devel] Firewalling Proxmox with Shorewall

Jason Villalta jason at rubixnet.com
Mon Aug 13 21:35:11 CEST 2012

Also, this seems very similar to the way Amazon EC2 works.  FYI.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Jason Villalta <jason at rubixnet.com> wrote:

> Couldn't the be done more simply using ebtables.  Sorry if the has already
> been discussed.
> http://serverfault.com/questions/388544/is-it-possible-to-enable-port-isolation-on-linux-bridges
> This would provide port based isolation on each existing bridge.  This
> would provide true isolation not just ipv4.
> I will see if I can get something setup and passed along.
> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Loiseleur Michel <michel at loiseleur.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I finally manage to have something which seems to be a working setup with
>> Shorewall. I am able to filter within, with or without on a simple bridged
>> ipv4 network. Here are the necessary steps:
>> 0) Preliminary steps
>>  a) apt-get install shorewall.
>>  b) set IP_FORWARDING=On in /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf
>>  c) set sysctl parameter allowing netfilter for bridge (in
>> /etc/sysctl.d/pve.conf or with sysctl cli)
>> net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-**iptables = 1
>> 1) You need to define your /etc/shorewall/interfaces. With one bridge on
>> one interface, it will look like:
>> world       vmbr0           detect              bridge
>> net           eth0
>> dmz         vmbr0:tap+
>> 2) You need to define more precisely the range of your vms. It can be
>> done in /etc/shorewall/hosts:
>> #ZONE    HOST(S)                    OPTIONS
>> dmz         vmbr0:
>> 3) and help shorewall understand your bridge in /etc/shorewall/zones:
>> #ZONE        TYPE    OPTIONS            IN OPT           OUT OPT
>> fw                firewall
>> world           ipv4
>> net               ipv4
>> dmz:world    bport
>> 4) You can then start to define your global policy, in
>> /etc/shorewall/policy ("info" loglevel is quite handy when trying to
>> understand what's going and can be removed later)
>> #SOURCE        DEST        POLICY        LOG LEVEL    LIMIT:BURST
>> # Internet Connections
>> dmz        net        ACCEPT
>> # Allow FW to use internet
>> $FW        world        ACCEPT
>> net        all        DROP        info
>> all        all        REJECT        info
>> 5) And a simple rules file, in /etc/shorewall/rules, allowing dns, ssh,
>> proxmox and ping between vms but not outside:
>> #ACTION        SOURCE        DEST        PROTO    DEST  PORT ...
>> #  Accept DNS connections from the firewall to the network
>> DNS(ACCEPT)    dmz        $FW        udp    67
>> #    Accept SSH connections
>> SSH(ACCEPT)    net          $FW
>> SSH(ACCEPT)    dmz        $FW
>> SSH(ACCEPT)    world       $FW
>> # Permit access to Proxmox Manager and Console
>> ACCEPT        dmz        $FW        tcp    5900:5999
>> HTTPS(ACCEPT)    dmz        $FW        tcp    443,8006
>> HTTP(ACCEPT)    dmz        $FW
>> # Allow Ping only within the local vm network
>> Ping(ACCEPT)    dmz        dmz
>> There are two key points in this setup. First is to specify the link
>> between your interfaces (vmbr0:tap+) and your zones (dmz:world). Second one
>> is to define more precisely internal range of the bridge, in hosts file. If
>> you do not, shorewall won't be able to distinguish your vm network from the
>> internet.
>> Now that I hope to have gained my "you're not anymore a complete noob in
>> shorewall networking" medal, maybe I would be able to see what can I do
>> about multiple bridges. It seems there's a start of answer here:
>> http://www1.shorewall.net/**bridge-Shorewall-perl.html#**Multiple<http://www1.shorewall.net/bridge-Shorewall-perl.html#Multiple>
>> According to this page, one should be able to use a logical name in order
>> to workaround uniqueness on port name.
>> --
>> Michel Loiseleur
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