[pve-devel] [PATCH] add print_pci_addr

Alexandre DERUMIER aderumier at odiso.com
Thu Sep 15 13:08:50 CEST 2011

one thing i'v just see on a mailing list 

-m 1024,maxmem=2048 and also 

> >      info->maxMem = vm->def->maxmem;
> > -    info->memory = vm->def->memory;
> > +    if (err == 0) /* Balloon not supported */
> > +        info->memory = vm->def->memory;
i'll do some test with differents param, and try to code a little patch, so you can test it too . 

I'll keep you in touch. 

----- Mail original -----

De: "Dietmar Maurer" <dietmar at proxmox.com> 
À: "Alexandre DERUMIER" <aderumier at odiso.com> 
Cc: pve-devel at pve.proxmox.com 
Envoyé: Jeudi 15 Septembre 2011 12:37:02 
Objet: RE: [pve-devel] [PATCH] add print_pci_addr 

> exemple config : 
> memory : 8000 MB 
> balloon: 2000 MB 
> we start the vm with 8GB,and just after set balloon to 2GB. 
> after we can adjust memory, with balloon param, between 0 and 8GB. 
> if guest don't have balloon driver, it'll take the 8 GB (need to verify). 



	Alexandre Derumier 
Ingénieur système 
e-mail : aderumier at odiso.com 
Tél : +33 (0)3 20 68 88 90 
Fax : +33 (0)3 20 68 90 81 
45 Bvd du Général Leclerc 

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