[pmg-devel] applied: [PATCH pmg-api v2] backup: restore: keep directories in /etc/pmg for inotify

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Mon Dec 12 13:18:11 CET 2022

Am 30/11/2022 um 18:07 schrieb Stoiko Ivanov:
> By wiping the subdirectories in /etc/pmg/, we lose the inotify
> watchers upon restore (/etc/pmg itself and thus most configs are
> currently handled by the keep_root flag to rmtree)
> This can lead to inconsistencies after restoring for parts relying on
> config in a subdirectory (e.g. /etc/pmg/pbs/pbs.conf).
> This patch uses File::Find (included in perl-modules-$perlver) to keep
> all directories an unlink everything else.
> This was chosen for future robustness over keeping an explicit list of
> directories to keep, in case a new directory gets added.
> quickly tested with a fifo, chardev, and socket in the directory.
> an alternative approach would be to simply reload pmgdaemon/pmgproxy
> upon config-restore, but that feels more likely to miss some
> (potentially future) service, expecting inotify to work.
> Reported-by: Fiona Ebner <f.ebner at proxmox.com>
> Signed-off-by: Stoiko Ivanov <s.ivanov at proxmox.com>
> ---
> v1->v2:
> * do not track an explicit list of directories, but simply keep all
>   (as suggested by Fiona)
> * use File::Find, since it's present if perl-modules is installed
> I did not put this in a helper by itself in pve-common, because it seems
> short/direct enough to not warrant it.
>  src/PMG/Backup.pm | 10 ++++++++--
>  1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

applied, with Fiona's T-b, thanks!

I changed the find call to directly pass the code ref sub, as I found using
the "wanted" option not really helpful (name makes it sound like it would have
some influence on descending, but it really is just a dumb callback).

Also caught ENOENT error explicitly from the unlink invocation, while not _that_
likely IMO still a good practice.

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