[pmg-devel] [PATCH api 6/8] add certificates api endpoint
Dominik Csapak
d.csapak at proxmox.com
Thu Mar 11 12:06:23 CET 2021
On 3/9/21 3:13 PM, Wolfgang Bumiller wrote:
> This adds /nodes/{nodename}/certificates endpoint
> containing:
> /custom/{type} - update smtp or api certificates manually
> /acme/{type} - update via acme
> Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <w.bumiller at proxmox.com>
> ---
> src/Makefile | 1 +
> src/PMG/API2/Certificates.pm | 690 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> src/PMG/API2/Nodes.pm | 7 +
> 3 files changed, 698 insertions(+)
> create mode 100644 src/PMG/API2/Certificates.pm
> diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
> index ebc6bd8..e0629b2 100644
> --- a/src/Makefile
> +++ b/src/Makefile
> @@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ LIBSOURCES = \
> PMG/API2/When.pm \
> PMG/API2/What.pm \
> PMG/API2/Action.pm \
> + PMG/API2/Certificates.pm \
> PMG/API2/ACME.pm \
> PMG/API2/ACMEPlugin.pm \
> PMG/API2.pm \
> diff --git a/src/PMG/API2/Certificates.pm b/src/PMG/API2/Certificates.pm
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..d196af6
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/src/PMG/API2/Certificates.pm
> @@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
> +package PMG::API2::Certificates;
> +
> +use strict;
> +use warnings;
> +
> +use PVE::Certificate;
> +use PVE::Exception qw(raise raise_param_exc);
> +use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option);
> +use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param file_get_contents file_set_contents);
> +
> +use PMG::CertHelpers;
> +use PMG::NodeConfig;
> +use PMG::RS::CSR;
> +
> +use PMG::API2::ACMEPlugin;
> +
> +use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler);
> +
> +my $acme_account_dir = PMG::CertHelpers::acme_account_dir();
> +
> +sub first_typed_pem_entry : prototype($$) {
> + my ($label, $data) = @_;
> +
> + if ($data =~ /^(-----BEGIN (?<label>\Q$label\E)-----\n.*?\n-----END \g{label}-----)$/ms) {
nit: isn't
$data =~ /^(-----BEGIN \Q$label\E-----\n.*?\n-----END \Q$label\E-----)$/ms
shorter and does the same?
> + chomp(my $content = $1);
nit: why chomp? the regex does not allow trailing/whitespace newlines in
$1 ?
> + return $content;
> + }
> + return undef;
> +}
> +
> +sub pem_private_key : prototype($) {
> + my ($data) = @_;
> + return first_typed_pem_entry('PRIVATE KEY', $data);
> +}
> +
> +sub pem_certificate : prototype($) {
> + my ($data) = @_;
> + return first_typed_pem_entry('CERTIFICATE', $data);
> +}
> +
> +my sub restart_after_cert_update : prototype($) {
> + my ($type) = @_;
> +
> + if ($type eq 'api') {
> + print "Restarting pmgproxy\n";
> + PVE::Tools::run_command(['systemctl', 'reload-or-restart', 'pmgproxy']);
> + }
> +};
> +
> +my sub update_cert : prototype($$$$) {
> + my ($type, $cert_path, $certificate, $force) = @_;
> + my $code = sub {
> + print "Setting custom certificate file $cert_path\n";
> + PMG::CertHelpers::set_cert_file($certificate, $cert_path, $force);
> +
> + restart_after_cert_update($type);
> + };
> + PMG::CertHelpers::cert_lock(10, $code);
> +};
> +
> +__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> + name => 'index',
> + path => '',
> + method => 'GET',
> + permissions => { user => 'all' },
> + description => "Node index.",
> + parameters => {
> + additionalProperties => 0,
> + properties => {
> + node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
> + },
> + },
> + returns => {
> + type => 'array',
> + items => {
> + type => "object",
> + properties => {},
> + },
> + links => [ { rel => 'child', href => "{name}" } ],
> + },
> + code => sub {
> + my ($param) = @_;
> +
> + return [
> + { name => 'acme' },
> + { name => 'custom' },
> + { name => 'info' },
> + { name => 'config' },
> + ];
> + },
> +});
> +
> +__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> + name => 'info',
> + path => 'info',
> + method => 'GET',
> + permissions => { user => 'all' },
> + proxyto => 'node',
> + protected => 1,
> + description => "Get information about the node's certificates.",
> + parameters => {
> + additionalProperties => 0,
> + properties => {
> + node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
> + },
> + },
> + returns => {
> + type => 'array',
> + items => get_standard_option('pve-certificate-info'),
> + },
> + code => sub {
> + my ($param) = @_;
> +
> + my $res = [];
> + for my $path (&PMG::CertHelpers::API_CERT, &PMG::CertHelpers::SMTP_CERT) {
> + eval {
> + my $info = PVE::Certificate::get_certificate_info($path);
> + push @$res, $info if $info;
> + };
> + }
> + return $res;
> + },
> +});
> +
> +__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> + name => 'custom_cert_index',
> + path => 'custom',
> + method => 'GET',
> + permissions => { user => 'all' },
> + description => "Certificate index.",
> + parameters => {
> + additionalProperties => 0,
> + properties => {
> + node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
> + },
> + },
> + returns => {
> + type => 'array',
> + items => {
> + type => "object",
> + properties => {},
> + },
> + links => [ { rel => 'child', href => "{type}" } ],
> + },
> + code => sub {
> + my ($param) = @_;
> +
> + return [
> + { type => 'api' },
> + { type => 'smtp' },
> + ];
> + },
> +});
> +
> +__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> + name => 'upload_custom_cert',
> + path => 'custom/{type}',
> + method => 'POST',
> + permissions => { check => [ 'admin' ] },
> + description => 'Upload or update custom certificate chain and key.',
> + protected => 1,
> + proxyto => 'node',
> + parameters => {
> + additionalProperties => 0,
> + properties => {
> + node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
> + certificates => {
> + type => 'string',
> + format => 'pem-certificate-chain',
> + description => 'PEM encoded certificate (chain).',
> + },
> + key => {
> + type => 'string',
> + description => 'PEM encoded private key.',
> + format => 'pem-string',
> + optional => 0,
> + },
> + type => get_standard_option('pmg-certificate-type'),
> + force => {
> + type => 'boolean',
> + description => 'Overwrite existing custom or ACME certificate files.',
> + optional => 1,
> + default => 0,
> + },
> + restart => {
> + type => 'boolean',
> + description => 'Restart services.',
> + optional => 1,
> + default => 0,
> + },
> + },
> + },
> + returns => get_standard_option('pve-certificate-info'),
> + code => sub {
> + my ($param) = @_;
> +
> + my $type = extract_param($param, 'type'); # also used to know which service to restart
> + my $cert_path = PMG::CertHelpers::cert_path($type);
> +
> + my $certs = extract_param($param, 'certificates');
> + $certs = PVE::Certificate::strip_leading_text($certs);
> +
> + my $key = extract_param($param, 'key');
> + if ($key) {
> + $key = PVE::Certificate::strip_leading_text($key);
> + $certs = "$key\n$certs";
> + } else {
> + my $private_key = pem_private_key($certs);
> + if (!defined($private_key)) {
> + my $old = file_get_contents($cert_path);
> + $private_key = pem_private_key($old);
> + if (!defined($private_key)) {
> + raise_param_exc({
> + 'key' => "Attempted to upload custom certificate without (existing) key."
> + })
> + }
> +
> + # copy the old certificate's key:
> + $certs = "$key\n$certs";
> + }
> + }
> +
> + my $info;
> +
> + my $code = sub {
> + print "Setting custom certificate file $cert_path\n";
> + $info = PMG::CertHelpers::set_cert_file($certs, $cert_path, $param->{force});
> +
> + if ($type eq 'api' && $param->{restart}) {
> + print "Restarting pmgproxy\n";
> + PVE::Tools::run_command(['systemctl', 'reload-or-restart', 'pmgproxy']);
you could reuse the 'restart_after_cert_update' here, no?
> + }
> + };
> +
> + PMG::CertHelpers::cert_lock(10, $code);
> + die "$@\n" if $@;
> +
> + if ($type eq 'smtp') {
> + $code = sub {
> + my $cfg = PMG::Config->new();
> +
> + print "Rewriting postfix config\n";
> + $cfg->set('mail', 'tls', 1);
> + $cfg->rewrite_config_postfix();
> +
> + if ($param->{restart}) {
> + print "Reloading postfix\n";
> + PMG::Utils::service_cmd('postfix', 'reload');
also, why couldn't that be handled there too? then we could
combine the two restart/reload calls?
> + }
> + };
> + PMG::Config::lock_config($code, "failed to reload postfix");
> + }
> +
> + return $info;
> + }});
> +
> +__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> + name => 'remove_custom_cert',
> + path => 'custom/{type}',
> + method => 'DELETE',
> + permissions => { check => [ 'admin' ] },
> + description => 'DELETE custom certificate chain and key.',
> + protected => 1,
> + proxyto => 'node',
> + parameters => {
> + additionalProperties => 0,
> + properties => {
> + node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
> + type => get_standard_option('pmg-certificate-type'),
> + restart => {
> + type => 'boolean',
> + description => 'Restart pmgproxy.',
> + optional => 1,
> + default => 0,
> + },
> + },
> + },
> + returns => {
> + type => 'null',
> + },
> + code => sub {
> + my ($param) = @_;
> +
> + my $type = extract_param($param, 'type');
> + my $cert_path = PMG::CertHelpers::cert_path($type);
> +
> + my $code = sub {
> + print "Deleting custom certificate files\n";
> + unlink $cert_path;
> +
> + if ($param->{restart}) {
> + restart_after_cert_update($type);
> + }
> + };
> +
> + PMG::CertHelpers::cert_lock(10, $code);
> + die "$@\n" if $@;
> +
> + return undef;
don't we need to update the postfix config and reload if the type is
smtp? or at least error out?
> + }});
> +
> +__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> + name => 'acme_cert_index',
> + path => 'acme',
> + method => 'GET',
> + permissions => { user => 'all' },
> + description => "ACME Certificate index.",
> + parameters => {
> + additionalProperties => 0,
> + properties => {
> + node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
> + },
> + },
> + returns => {
> + type => 'array',
> + items => {
> + type => "object",
> + properties => {},
> + },
> + links => [ { rel => 'child', href => "{type}" } ],
> + },
> + code => sub {
> + my ($param) = @_;
> +
> + return [
> + { type => 'api' },
> + { type => 'smtp' },
> + ];
> + },
> +});
> +
> +my $order_certificate = sub {
> + my ($acme, $acme_node_config) = @_;
> +
> + my $plugins = PMG::API2::ACMEPlugin::load_config();
> +
> + print "Placing ACME order\n";
> + my ($order_url, $order) = $acme->new_order([ keys %{$acme_node_config->{domains}} ]);
> + print "Order URL: $order_url\n";
> + for my $auth_url (@{$order->{authorizations}}) {
> + print "\nGetting authorization details from '$auth_url'\n";
> + my $auth = $acme->get_authorization($auth_url);
> +
> + # force lower case, like get_acme_conf does
> + my $domain = lc($auth->{identifier}->{value});
> + if ($auth->{status} eq 'valid') {
> + print "$domain is already validated!\n";
> + } else {
> + print "The validation for $domain is pending!\n";
> +
> + my $domain_config = $acme_node_config->{domains}->{$domain};
> + die "no config for domain '$domain'\n" if !$domain_config;
> +
> + my $plugin_id = $domain_config->{plugin};
> +
> + my $plugin_cfg = $plugins->{ids}->{$plugin_id};
> + die "plugin '$plugin_id' for domain '$domain' not found!\n"
> + if !$plugin_cfg;
> +
> + my $data = {
> + plugin => $plugin_cfg,
> + alias => $domain_config->{alias},
> + };
> +
> + my $plugin = PVE::ACME::Challenge->lookup($plugin_cfg->{type});
> + $plugin->setup($acme, $auth, $data);
> +
> + print "Triggering validation\n";
> + eval {
> + die "no validation URL returned by plugin '$plugin_id' for domain '$domain'\n"
> + if !defined($data->{url});
> +
> + $acme->request_challenge_validation($data->{url});
> + print "Sleeping for 5 seconds\n";
> + sleep 5;
> + while (1) {
> + $auth = $acme->get_authorization($auth_url);
> + if ($auth->{status} eq 'pending') {
> + print "Status is still 'pending', trying again in 10 seconds\n";
> + sleep 10;
> + next;
> + } elsif ($auth->{status} eq 'valid') {
> + print "Status is 'valid', domain '$domain' OK!\n";
> + last;
> + }
> + die "validating challenge '$auth_url' failed - status: $auth->{status}\n";
> + }
> + };
> + my $err = $@;
> + eval { $plugin->teardown($acme, $auth, $data) };
> + warn "$@\n" if $@;
> + die $err if $err;
> + }
> + }
> + print "\nAll domains validated!\n";
> + print "\nCreating CSR\n";
> + # Currently we only support dns entries, so extract those from the order:
> + my $san = [
> + map {
> + $_->{value}
> + } grep {
> + $_->{type} eq 'dns'
> + } $order->{identifiers}->@*
> + ];
> + die "DNS identifiers are required to generate a CSR.\n" if !scalar @$san;
> + my ($csr_der, $key) = PMG::RS::CSR::generate_csr($san, {});
> +
> + my $finalize_error_cnt = 0;
> + print "Checking order status\n";
> + while (1) {
> + $order = $acme->get_order($order_url);
> + if ($order->{status} eq 'pending') {
> + print "still pending, trying to finalize order\n";
> + # FIXME
> + # to be compatible with and without the order ready state we try to
> + # finalize even at the 'pending' state and give up after 5
> + # unsuccessful tries this can be removed when the letsencrypt api
> + # definitely has implemented the 'ready' state
> + eval {
> + $acme->finalize_order($order->{finalize}, $csr_der);
> + };
> + if (my $err = $@) {
> + die $err if $finalize_error_cnt >= 5;
> +
> + $finalize_error_cnt++;
> + warn $err;
> + }
> + sleep 5;
> + next;
> + } elsif ($order->{status} eq 'ready') {
> + print "Order is ready, finalizing order\n";
> + $acme->finalize_order($order->{finalize}, $csr_der);
> + sleep 5;
> + next;
> + } elsif ($order->{status} eq 'processing') {
> + print "still processing, trying again in 30 seconds\n";
> + sleep 30;
> + next;
> + } elsif ($order->{status} eq 'valid') {
> + print "valid!\n";
> + last;
> + }
> + die "order status: $order->{status}\n";
> + }
> +
> + print "\nDownloading certificate\n";
> + my $cert = $acme->get_certificate($order->{certificate});
> +
> + return ($cert, $key);
> +};
> +
> +# Filter domains and raise an error if the list becomes empty.
> +my $filter_domains = sub {
> + my ($acme_config, $type) = @_;
> +
> + my $domains = $acme_config->{domains};
> + foreach my $domain (keys %$domains) {
> + my $entry = $domains->{$domain};
> + if (!(grep { $_ eq $type } PVE::Tools::split_list($entry->{usage}))) {
> + delete $domains->{$domain};
> + }
> + }
> +
> + if (!%$domains) {
> + raise("No domains configured for type '$type'\n", 400);
> + }
> +};
> +
> +__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> + name => 'new_acme_cert',
> + path => 'acme/{type}',
> + method => 'POST',
> + permissions => { check => [ 'admin' ] },
> + description => 'Order a new certificate from ACME-compatible CA.',
> + protected => 1,
> + proxyto => 'node',
> + parameters => {
> + additionalProperties => 0,
> + properties => {
> + node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
> + type => get_standard_option('pmg-certificate-type'),
> + force => {
> + type => 'boolean',
> + description => 'Overwrite existing custom certificate.',
> + optional => 1,
> + default => 0,
> + },
> + },
> + },
> + returns => {
> + type => 'string',
> + },
> + code => sub {
> + my ($param) = @_;
> +
> + my $type = extract_param($param, 'type'); # also used to know which service to restart
> + my $cert_path = PMG::CertHelpers::cert_path($type);
> + raise_param_exc({'force' => "Custom certificate exists but 'force' is not set."})
> + if !$param->{force} && -e $cert_path;
> +
> + my $node_config = PMG::NodeConfig::load_config();
> + my $acme_config = PMG::NodeConfig::get_acme_conf($node_config);
> + raise("ACME domain list in configuration is missing!", 400)
> + if !$acme_config || !$acme_config->{domains}->%*;
> +
> + $filter_domains->($acme_config, $type);
> +
> + my $rpcenv = PMG::RESTEnvironment->get();
> + my $authuser = $rpcenv->get_user();
> +
> + my $realcmd = sub {
> + STDOUT->autoflush(1);
> + my $account = $acme_config->{account};
> + my $account_file = "${acme_account_dir}/${account}";
> + die "ACME account config file '$account' does not exist.\n"
> + if ! -e $account_file;
> +
> + print "Loading ACME account details\n";
> + my $acme = PMG::RS::Acme->load($account_file);
> +
> + my ($cert, $key) = $order_certificate->($acme, $acme_config);
> + my $certificate = "$key\n$cert";
> +
> + update_cert($type, $cert_path, $certificate, $param->{force});
> +
> + if ($type eq 'smtp') {
> + my $code = sub {
> + my $cfg = PMG::Config->new();
> +
> + print "Rewriting postfix config\n";
> + $cfg->set('mail', 'tls', 1);
> + if ($cfg->rewrite_config_postfix()) {
> + print "Reloading postfix\n";
> + PMG::Utils::service_cmd('postfix', 'reload');
> + }
> + };
> + PMG::Config::lock_config($code, "failed to reload postfix");
> + }
> +
> + die "$@\n" if $@;
> + };
> +
> + return $rpcenv->fork_worker("acmenewcert", undef, $authuser, $realcmd);
> + }});
> +
> +__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> + name => 'renew_acme_cert',
> + path => 'acme/{type}',
> + method => 'PUT',
> + permissions => { check => [ 'admin' ] },
> + description => "Renew existing certificate from CA.",
> + protected => 1,
> + proxyto => 'node',
> + parameters => {
> + additionalProperties => 0,
> + properties => {
> + node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
> + type => get_standard_option('pmg-certificate-type'),
> + force => {
> + type => 'boolean',
> + description => 'Force renewal even if expiry is more than 30 days away.',
> + optional => 1,
> + default => 0,
> + },
> + },
> + },
> + returns => {
> + type => 'string',
> + },
> + code => sub {
> + my ($param) = @_;
> +
> + my $type = extract_param($param, 'type'); # also used to know which service to restart
> + my $cert_path = PMG::CertHelpers::cert_path($type);
> +
> + raise("No current (custom) certificate found, please order a new certificate!\n")
> + if ! -e $cert_path;
> +
> + my $expires_soon = PVE::Certificate::check_expiry($cert_path, time() + 30*24*60*60);
> + raise_param_exc({'force' => "Certificate does not expire within the next 30 days, and 'force' is not set."})
> + if !$expires_soon && !$param->{force};
> +
> + my $node_config = PMG::NodeConfig::load_config();
> + my $acme_config = PMG::NodeConfig::get_acme_conf($node_config);
> + raise("ACME domain list in configuration is missing!", 400)
> + if !$acme_config || !$acme_config->{domains}->%*;
> +
> + $filter_domains->($acme_config, $type);
> +
> + my $rpcenv = PMG::RESTEnvironment->get();
> + my $authuser = $rpcenv->get_user();
> +
> + my $old_cert = PVE::Tools::file_get_contents($cert_path);
> +
> + my $realcmd = sub {
> + STDOUT->autoflush(1);
> + my $account = $acme_config->{account};
> + my $account_file = "${acme_account_dir}/${account}";
> + die "ACME account config file '$account' does not exist.\n"
> + if ! -e $account_file;
> +
> + print "Loading ACME account details\n";
> + my $acme = PMG::RS::Acme->load($account_file);
> +
> + my ($cert, $key) = $order_certificate->($acme, $acme_config);
> + my $certificate = "$key\n$cert";
> +
> + update_cert($type, $cert_path, $certificate, 1);
> +
> + if (defined($old_cert)) {
> + print "Revoking old certificate\n";
> + eval { $acme->revoke_certificate($old_cert, undef) };
> + warn "Revoke request to CA failed: $@" if $@;
> + }
> + };
> +
> + return $rpcenv->fork_worker("acmerenew", undef, $authuser, $realcmd);
> + }});
> +
> +__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> + name => 'revoke_acme_cert',
> + path => 'acme/{type}',
> + method => 'DELETE',
> + permissions => { check => [ 'admin' ] },
> + description => "Revoke existing certificate from CA.",
> + protected => 1,
> + proxyto => 'node',
> + parameters => {
> + additionalProperties => 0,
> + properties => {
> + node => get_standard_option('pve-node'),
> + type => get_standard_option('pmg-certificate-type'),
> + },
> + },
> + returns => {
> + type => 'string',
> + },
> + code => sub {
> + my ($param) = @_;
> +
> + my $type = extract_param($param, 'type'); # also used to know which service to restart
> + my $cert_path = PMG::CertHelpers::cert_path($type);
> +
> + my $node_config = PMG::NodeConfig::load_config();
> + my $acme_config = PMG::NodeConfig::get_acme_conf($node_config);
> + raise("ACME domain list in configuration is missing!", 400)
> + if !$acme_config || !$acme_config->{domains}->%*;
> +
> + $filter_domains->($acme_config, $type);
> +
> + my $rpcenv = PMG::RESTEnvironment->get();
> + my $authuser = $rpcenv->get_user();
> +
> + my $cert = PVE::Tools::file_get_contents($cert_path);
> + $cert = pem_certificate($cert)
> + or die "no certificate section found in '$cert_path'\n";
> +
> + my $realcmd = sub {
> + STDOUT->autoflush(1);
> + my $account = $acme_config->{account};
> + my $account_file = "${acme_account_dir}/${account}";
> + die "ACME account config file '$account' does not exist.\n"
> + if ! -e $account_file;
> +
> + print "Loading ACME account details\n";
> + my $acme = PMG::RS::Acme->load($account_file);
> +
> + print "Revoking old certificate\n";
> + eval { $acme->revoke_certificate($cert, undef) };
> + if (my $err = $@) {
> + # is there a better check?
> + die "Revoke request to CA failed: $err" if $err !~ /"Certificate is expired"/;
> + }
> +
> + my $code = sub {
> + print "Deleting certificate files\n";
> + unlink $cert_path;
> +
> + # FIXME: Regenerate self-signed `api` certificate.
> + restart_after_cert_update($type);
> + };
> +
> + PMG::CertHelpers::cert_lock(10, $code);
> + die "$@\n" if $@;
> + };
> +
> + return $rpcenv->fork_worker("acmerevoke", undef, $authuser, $realcmd);
> + }});
what happens here with postfix?
> +
> +1;
> diff --git a/src/PMG/API2/Nodes.pm b/src/PMG/API2/Nodes.pm
> index c0f5963..b6f0cd5 100644
> --- a/src/PMG/API2/Nodes.pm
> +++ b/src/PMG/API2/Nodes.pm
> @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ use PMG::API2::Postfix;
> use PMG::API2::MailTracker;
> use PMG::API2::Backup;
> use PMG::API2::PBS::Job;
> +use PMG::API2::Certificates;
> use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler);
> @@ -85,6 +86,11 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> path => 'pbs',
> });
> +__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> + subclass => "PMG::API2::Certificates",
> + path => 'certificates',
> +});
> +
> __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> name => 'index',
> path => '',
> @@ -126,6 +132,7 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
> { name => 'subscription' },
> { name => 'termproxy' },
> { name => 'rrddata' },
> + { name => 'certificates' },
> ];
> return $result;
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