[pmg-devel] [PATCH v7 pmg-log-tracker 2/4] remove C source code

Mira Limbeck m.limbeck at proxmox.com
Tue Feb 18 16:36:37 CET 2020

Remove src/pmg-log-tracker.c and src/Makefile as they are no longer

Signed-off-by: Mira Limbeck <m.limbeck at proxmox.com>
 src/Makefile          |   20 -
 src/pmg-log-tracker.c | 2580 -----------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 2600 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 src/pmg-log-tracker.c

diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f48092..0000000
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-LIBS=$(shell pkg-config --libs glib-2.0) -lz
-CFLAGS=$(shell pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0) -O2 -Wpedantic
-all: pmg-log-tracker
-pmg-log-tracker: pmg-log-tracker.c
-	gcc $< -o $@ ${CFLAGS} ${LIBS}
-.PHONY: install
-install: pmg-log-tracker
-	install -d ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin
-	install -m 0755 pmg-log-tracker ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/
-.PHONY: clean distclean
-distclean: clean
-	rm -rf pmg-log-tracker
-	find . -name '*~' -exec rm {} ';'
diff --git a/src/pmg-log-tracker.c b/src/pmg-log-tracker.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b4ba612..0000000
--- a/src/pmg-log-tracker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2580 +0,0 @@
-  (C) 2007-2017 Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH, All Rights Reserved
-  Proxmox Mail Tracker
-  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-  (at your option) any later version.
-  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-  Author: Dietmar Maurer <dietmar at proxmox.com>
-  See http://www.proxmox.com for more information
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <zlib.h>
-#include <fnmatch.h>
-  We assume the syslog files belong to one host, i.e. we do not
-  consider the hostname at all
-  REGEX: we do not use posix regular expressions (libc implementation
-  is too slow). fnmatch() is also slow.
-  Future versions may use our own implementation of a DFA. But currently we
-  just use strstr (no regex support at all)
-//#define STRMATCH(pattern, string) (fnmatch (pattern, string, FNM_CASEFOLD) == 0)
-#define STRMATCH(pattern, string) (strcasestr (string, pattern) != NULL)
-//#define EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE 512
-//#define EPOOL_MAX_SIZE 128
-#define EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE 2048
-#define EPOOL_MAX_SIZE 128
-#define MAX_LOGFILES 32
-//#define EPOOL_DEBUG
-//#define DEBUG
-typedef struct _SList SList;
-struct _SList {
-  gpointer data;
-  SList *next;
-typedef struct _NQList NQList;
-struct _NQList {
-  char *from;
-  char *to;
-  char dstatus;
-  time_t ltime;
-  NQList *next;
-typedef struct _TOList TOList;
-struct _TOList {
-  char *to;
-  char *relay;
-  char dstatus;
-  time_t ltime;
-  TOList *next;
-#define MatchTypeQID 1
-#define MatchTypeRelLineNr 2
-typedef struct _MatchList MatchList;
-struct _MatchList {
-  unsigned int mtype;
-  char *id;
-  time_t ltime;
-  unsigned long rel_line_nr;
-  MatchList *next;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  GHashTable *smtpd_debug_alloc;
-  GHashTable *qmgr_debug_alloc;
-  GHashTable *filter_debug_alloc;
-  GHashTable *smtpd_debug_free;
-  GHashTable *qmgr_debug_free;
-  GHashTable *filter_debug_free;
-// EPool: Entry related memory pools
-int ep_allocated;
-int ep_maxalloc;
-typedef struct _EPool EPool;
-struct _EPool {
-  SList *blocks;     // allocated usiing g_slice_alloc(EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE)
-  SList *mblocks;    // allocated use g_malloc
-  int cpos;
-  int allocated;
-typedef struct {
-  EPool ep;
-  GHashTable *smtpd_h;
-  GHashTable *qmgr_h;
-  GHashTable *filter_h;
-  //GHashTable *track_h;
-  gzFile stream[MAX_LOGFILES];
-  char *from;
-  char *to;
-  time_t year[MAX_LOGFILES];
-  time_t start;
-  time_t end;
-  time_t ctime;
-  MatchList *match_list;
-  char *server;
-  char *msgid;
-  char *strmatch;
-  unsigned long limit;
-  unsigned long count;
-  int verbose;
-  unsigned int exclude_greylist:1;
-  unsigned int exclude_ndrs:1;
-} LParser;
-typedef struct _SEntry SEntry;
-typedef struct _QEntry QEntry;
-typedef struct _FEntry FEntry;
-typedef struct _LogEntry LogEntry;
-typedef struct _LogList LogList;
-struct _LogEntry {
-  const char *text;
-  unsigned long linenr;
-  LogEntry *next;
-struct _LogList {
-  LogEntry *log;
-  LogEntry *logs_last; // pointer to last log (speedup add log)
-// SEntry: Store SMTPD related logs
-struct _SEntry {
-  EPool ep;
-  LogList loglist;
-  int pid;
-  SList *refs;
-  NQList *nqlist;
-  char *connect;
- // time,rel_line_nr is used as cursor/ID
-  time_t ltime;
-  unsigned long rel_line_nr;
-  //unsigned int external:1;        // not from local host
-  unsigned int disconnect:1;
-  unsigned int strmatch:1;
-// QEntry: Store Queue (qmgr, smtp, lmtp) related logs
-struct _QEntry {
-  EPool ep;
-  LogList loglist;
-  char *qid;
-  SEntry *smtpd;
-  FEntry *filter;
-  TOList *tolist;
-  unsigned int size;
-  char *from;
-  char *client;
-  char *msgid;
-  unsigned int cleanup:1;
-  unsigned int removed:1;
-  unsigned int filtered:1; // set when passed via lmtp to filter
-  unsigned int strmatch:1;
-// FEntry: Store filter (proxprox) related logs
-struct _FEntry {
-  EPool ep;
-  LogList loglist;
-  char *logid; // proxprox log id
-  TOList *tolist;
-  float ptime;
-  unsigned int finished:1;
-  unsigned int strmatch:1;
-// Prototypes
-void      debug_error (char *msg, const char *line);
-EPool    *epool_init (EPool *ep);
-void      epool_free (EPool *ep);
-gpointer  epool_alloc (EPool *ep, int size);
-char     *epool_strndup (EPool *ep, const char *s, int len);
-char     *epool_strndup0 (EPool *ep, const char *s, int len);
-char     *epool_strdup (EPool *ep, const char *s);
-void      loglist_print (LogList *loglist);
-void      loglist_add (EPool *ep, LogList *loglist, const char *text, int len, unsigned long linenr);
-SEntry   *sentry_new (int pid, time_t ltime, unsigned long rel_line_nr);
-SEntry   *sentry_get (LParser *parser, int pid, time_t ltime, unsigned long rel_line_nr);
-void      sentry_ref_add (SEntry *sentry, QEntry *qentry);
-int       sentry_ref_del (SEntry *sentry, QEntry *qentry);
-void      sentry_ref_finalize (LParser *parser, SEntry *sentry);
-int       sentry_ref_rem_unneeded (LParser *parser, SEntry *sentry);
-void      sentry_nqlist_add (SEntry *sentry, time_t ltime, const char *from, int from_len,
-			     const char *to, int to_len, char dstatus);
-void      sentry_print (LParser *parser, SEntry *sentry);
-void      sentry_set_connect (SEntry *sentry, const char *connect, int len);
-void      sentry_free_noremove (SEntry *sentry);
-void      sentry_free (LParser *parser, SEntry *sentry);
-void      sentry_cleanup_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
-QEntry   *qentry_new (const char *qid);
-QEntry   *qentry_get (LParser *parser, const char *qid);
-void      qentry_tolist_add (QEntry *qentry, time_t ltime, char dstatus, const char *to,
-			     int to_len, const char *relay, int relay_len);
-void      qentry_set_from (QEntry *qentry, const char *from, int len);
-void      qentry_set_msgid (QEntry *qentry, const char *msgid, int len);
-void      qentry_set_client (QEntry *qentry, const char *client, int len);
-void      qentry_print (LParser *parser, QEntry *qentry);
-void      qentry_finalize (LParser *parser, QEntry *qentry);
-void      qentry_free_noremove (QEntry *qentry);
-void      qentry_free (LParser *parser, QEntry *qentry);
-void      qentry_cleanup_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
-FEntry   *fentry_new (const char *logid);
-FEntry   *fentry_get (LParser *parser, const char *logid);
-void      fentry_tolist_add (FEntry *fentry, char dstatus, const char *to,
-			     int to_len, const char *qid, int qid_len);
-void      fentry_free_noremove (FEntry *fentry);
-void      fentry_free (LParser *parser, FEntry *fentry);
-void      fentry_cleanup_hash (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
-LParser  *parser_new ();
-void      parser_free (LParser *parser);
-//char     *parser_track (LParser *parser, const char *qid, gboolean insert);
-// Implementations
-// Checksum Macros
-#define PROXPROX		0xE0E4DEF0
-#define PMG_SMTP_FILTER		0x0A85A6B7
-#define POSTFIX_POSTSCREEN	0xD17E2019
-#define POSTFIX_QMGR		0x48465316
-#define POSTFIX_SMTP		0x4A466014
-#define POSTFIX_LMTP		0x43466014
-#define POSTFIX_LOCAL		0x484F05AF
-#define POSTFIX_ERROR		0x4B5E13AE
-#define POSTFIX_SMTPD		0x466014AE
-#define POSTFIX_CLEANUP		0x05A8BAC1
-//#define LOGPATH "./log/"
-#define LOGPATH "/var/log/"
-//#define LOGPATH "/root/testlog/"
-static const char *logfiles[] = {
-  LOGPATH "syslog",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.1",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.2.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.3.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.4.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.5.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.6.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.7.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.8.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.9.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.10.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.11.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.12.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.13.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.14.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.15.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.16.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.17.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.18.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.19.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.20.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.21.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.22.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.23.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.24.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.25.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.26.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.27.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.28.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.29.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.30.gz",
-  LOGPATH "syslog.31.gz",
-debug_error (char *msg, const char *line)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", msg);
-  if (line) fprintf (stderr, "LINE: %s\n", line);
-  exit (-1);
-EPool *
-epool_init (EPool *ep)
-  gpointer data;
-  SList *blocks;
-  data = g_slice_alloc0(EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE);
-  blocks = (SList *)data;
-  ep->allocated += EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE;
-  ep_allocated += EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE;
-  ep_maxalloc = (ep_allocated > ep_maxalloc) ? ep_allocated : ep_maxalloc;
-  blocks->data = data;
-  blocks->next = NULL;
-  ep->blocks = blocks;
-  ep->cpos = sizeof (SList);
-  return ep;
-epool_free (EPool *ep)
-  SList *l;
-  gpointer data;
-  ep_allocated -= ep->allocated;
-  printf ("MEM: %d\n", ep_allocated);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  return;
-  l = ep->mblocks;
-  while (l) {
-    data = l->data;
-    l = l->next;
-    g_free (data);
-  }
-  l = ep->blocks;
-  while (l) {
-    data = l->data;
-    l = l->next;
-    g_slice_free1(EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE, data);
-  }
-epool_alloc (EPool *ep, int size)
-  int rs = (size + 3) & ~3;
-  int space = EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof (SList) - ep->cpos;
-  gpointer data;
-  if (size > EPOOL_MAX_SIZE) {
-    SList *blocks;
-    if (space >= sizeof (SList)) {
-      blocks = (SList *)((char *)ep->blocks->data + ep->cpos);
-      ep->cpos += sizeof (SList);
-    } else {
-      blocks = (SList *)epool_alloc (ep, sizeof (SList));
-    }
-    data = g_malloc (size);
-    ep->allocated += size;
-    ep_allocated += size;
-    ep_maxalloc = (ep_allocated > ep_maxalloc) ? ep_allocated : ep_maxalloc;
-    blocks->data = data;
-    blocks->next = ep->mblocks;
-    ep->mblocks = blocks;
-    return data;
-  } else if (space >= rs) {
-    data = (char *)ep->blocks->data + ep->cpos;
-    ep->cpos += rs;
-    return data;
-  } else {
-    SList *blocks = (SList *)((char *)ep->blocks->data + ep->cpos);
-    data = g_slice_alloc0 (EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    blocks->data = data;
-    blocks->next = ep->blocks;
-    ep->blocks = blocks;
-    ep->cpos = rs;
-    ep->allocated += EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    ep_allocated += EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE;
-    ep_maxalloc = (ep_allocated > ep_maxalloc) ? ep_allocated : ep_maxalloc;
-    return data;
-  }
-char *
-epool_strndup (EPool *ep, const char *s, int len)
-  int l = len + 1;
-  char *res = epool_alloc (ep, l);
-  strncpy (res, s, l);
-  return res;
-char *
-epool_strndup0 (EPool *ep, const char *s, int len)
-  char *res = epool_alloc (ep, len + 1);
-  strncpy (res, s, len);
-  res[len] = 0;
-  return res;
-char *
-epool_strdup (EPool *ep, const char *s)
-  int l = strlen (s) + 1;
-  char *res = epool_alloc (ep, l);
-  strncpy (res, s, l);
-  return res;
-loglist_print (LogList *loglist)
-  LogEntry *log = loglist->log;
-  while (log) {
-    printf ("L%08lX %s", log->linenr, log->text);
-    log = log->next;
-  }
-loglist_add (EPool *ep, LogList *loglist, const char *text, int len, unsigned long linenr)
-  LogEntry *log;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  if (len != strlen (text)) {
-    debug_error ("string with wrong len", NULL);
-  }
-  if (text[len] != 0) {
-    debug_error ("string is not null terminated", NULL);
-    return;
-  }
-  log = epool_alloc (ep, sizeof (LogEntry));
-  log->text = epool_strndup (ep, text, len);
-  log->linenr = linenr;
-  log->next = NULL;
-  if (loglist->logs_last) {
-    loglist->logs_last->next = log;
-    loglist->logs_last = log;
-  } else {
-    loglist->log = log;
-    loglist->logs_last = log;
-  }
-  return;
-sentry_new (int pid, time_t ltime, unsigned long rel_line_nr)
-  SEntry *sentry;
-  SList *blocks;
-  int cpos;
-  sentry = (SEntry *)g_slice_alloc0(EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE);
-  sentry->pid = pid;
-  sentry->ltime = ltime;
-  sentry->rel_line_nr = rel_line_nr;
-  sentry->ep.allocated += EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE;
-  ep_allocated += EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE;
-  ep_maxalloc = (ep_allocated > ep_maxalloc) ? ep_allocated : ep_maxalloc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    SEntry *se;
-    if ((se = g_hash_table_lookup (smtpd_debug_alloc, sentry))) {
-      debug_error ("SEntry already alloced", NULL);
-    } else {
-      g_hash_table_insert (smtpd_debug_alloc, sentry, sentry);
-    }
-  }
-  cpos = sizeof (SEntry);
-  blocks = (SList *)((char *)sentry + cpos);
-  cpos += sizeof (SList);
-  blocks->data = sentry;
-  blocks->next = NULL;
-  sentry->ep.blocks = blocks;
-  sentry->ep.cpos = cpos;
-  return sentry;
-SEntry *
-sentry_get (LParser *parser, int pid, time_t ltime, unsigned long rel_line_nr)
-  SEntry *sentry;
-  if ((sentry = g_hash_table_lookup (parser->smtpd_h, &pid))) {
-    return sentry;
-  } else {
-    if ((sentry = sentry_new (pid, ltime, rel_line_nr))) {
-      g_hash_table_insert (parser->smtpd_h, &sentry->pid, sentry);
-    }
-    return sentry;
-  }
-sentry_ref_add (SEntry *sentry, QEntry *qentry)
-  SList *l;
-  if (qentry->smtpd) {
-    if (qentry->smtpd != sentry) {
-      debug_error ("qentry ref already set", NULL);
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  l = sentry->refs;
-  while (l) {
-    if (l->data == qentry) return;
-    l = l->next;
-  }
-  l = epool_alloc (&sentry->ep, sizeof (SList));
-  qentry->smtpd = sentry;
-  l->data = qentry;
-  l->next = sentry->refs;
-  sentry->refs = l;
-sentry_ref_del (SEntry *sentry, QEntry *qentry)
-  SList *l = sentry->refs;
-  int count = 0;
-  if (!qentry->smtpd) {
-    debug_error ("qentry does not hav a qentry ref", NULL);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  l = sentry->refs;
-  while (l) {
-    QEntry *qe = (QEntry *)l->data;
-    if (qe == qentry) {
-      l->data = NULL;
-    } else {
-      if (qe && qe->cleanup) count++;
-    }
-    l = l->next;
-  }
-  return count;
-sentry_ref_finalize (LParser *parser, SEntry *sentry)
-  SList *l = sentry->refs;
-  int count = 0;
-  while (l) {
-    SList *cl = l;
-    QEntry *qe = l->data;
-    l = l->next;
-    if (!qe) continue;
-    count++;
-    if (!qe->removed) continue;
-    FEntry *fe = qe->filter;
-    if (fe && !fe->finished) continue;
-    count--;
-    qentry_print (parser, qe);
-    cl->data = NULL;
-    qe->smtpd = NULL;
-    qentry_free (parser, qe);
-    if (fe) fentry_free (parser, fe);
-  }
-  if (!count) sentry_free_noremove (sentry);
-sentry_ref_rem_unneeded (LParser *parser, SEntry *sentry)
-  SList *l = sentry->refs;
-  int count = 0;
-  while (l) {
-    QEntry *qe = (QEntry *)l->data;
-    if (qe) {
-      if (!qe->cleanup) {
-	qe->smtpd = NULL;
-	qentry_free (parser, qe);
-	l->data = NULL;
-      } else {
-	count++;
-      }
-    }
-    l = l->next;
-  }
-  return count;
-sentry_nqlist_add (SEntry *sentry, time_t ltime, const char *from, int from_len,
-		   const char *to, int to_len, char dstatus)
-  NQList *nq = (NQList *)epool_alloc (&sentry->ep, sizeof (NQList));
-  nq->from = epool_strndup0 (&sentry->ep, from, from_len);
-  nq->to = epool_strndup0 (&sentry->ep, to, to_len);
-  nq->dstatus = dstatus;
-  nq->next = sentry->nqlist;
-  nq->ltime = ltime;
-  sentry->nqlist = nq;
-sentry_print (LParser *parser, SEntry *sentry)
-  NQList *nq;
-  if (parser->msgid) return;
-  if (parser->server) {
-    if (!sentry->connect) return;
-    if (!strcasestr (sentry->connect, parser->server)) return;
-  }
-  MatchList *match = parser->match_list;
-  if (match) {
-    int found = 0;
-    while(match) {
-      if (match->mtype == MatchTypeQID) {
-	return;
-      } else if (match->mtype == MatchTypeRelLineNr) {
-	if (match->ltime == sentry->ltime && match->rel_line_nr == sentry->rel_line_nr) {
-	  found = 1;
-	  break;
-	}
-      } else {
-	g_error("implement me");
-      }
-      match = match->next;
-    }
-    if (!found) return;
-  }
-  if (parser->from || parser->to ||
-      parser->exclude_greylist || parser->exclude_ndrs) {
-    nq = sentry->nqlist;
-    int found = 0;
-    while (nq) {
-      if (parser->from) {
-	if (!*(parser->from)) {
-	  if (*(nq->from)) nq->dstatus = 0;
-	} else if (!STRMATCH(parser->from, nq->from)) {
-	  nq->dstatus = 0;
-	}
-      }
-      if (parser->exclude_greylist && nq->dstatus == 'G') nq->dstatus = 0;
-      if (parser->exclude_ndrs && nq->from && !*nq->from) nq->dstatus = 0;
-      if (parser->to && nq->to && !STRMATCH(parser->to, nq->to)) {
-	nq->dstatus = 0;
-      }
-      if (nq->dstatus != 0) found = 1;
-      nq = nq->next;
-    }
-    if (!found) return;
-  }
-  if (parser->strmatch && !sentry->strmatch) return;
-  if (parser->verbose) {
-    printf ("SMTPD: T%08lXL%08lX\n", sentry->ltime, sentry->rel_line_nr);
-    printf ("CTIME: %08lX\n", parser->ctime);
-    if (sentry->connect) { printf ("CLIENT: %s\n", sentry->connect); }
-    //printf ("EXTERNAL: %d\n", sentry->external);
-  }
-  nq = sentry->nqlist;
-  while (nq) {
-    if (nq->from && nq->to && nq->dstatus) {
-      printf ("TO:%08lX:T%08lXL%08lX:%c: from <%s> to <%s>\n", nq->ltime,
-	      sentry->ltime, sentry->rel_line_nr, nq->dstatus,
-	      nq->from, nq->to);
-      parser->count++;
-    }
-    nq = nq->next;
-  }
-  if (!parser->verbose)  { fflush (stdout); return; }
-  if (parser->verbose > 1) {
-    printf ("LOGS:\n");
-    loglist_print (&sentry->loglist);
-  }
-  printf ("\n");
-  fflush (stdout);
-sentry_set_connect (SEntry *sentry, const char *connect, int len)
-  if (sentry->connect) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (strncmp (sentry->connect, connect, len)) {
-      debug_error ("duplicate connect", NULL);
-    }
-  } else {
-    sentry->connect = epool_strndup0 (&sentry->ep, connect, len);
-  }
-sentry_free_noremove (SEntry *sentry)
-  SList *l;
-  gpointer data;
-  ep_allocated -= sentry->ep.allocated;
-  printf ("MEM: %d\n", ep_allocated);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    SEntry *se;
-    if ((se = g_hash_table_lookup (smtpd_debug_free, sentry))) {
-      debug_error ("SEntry already freed", NULL);
-    } else {
-      g_hash_table_insert (smtpd_debug_free, sentry, sentry);
-    }
-  }
-  return;
-  l = sentry->ep.mblocks;
-  while (l) {
-    data = l->data;
-    l = l->next;
-    g_free (data);
-  }
-  l = sentry->ep.blocks;
-  while (l) {
-    data = l->data;
-    l = l->next;
-    g_slice_free1(EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE, data);
-  }
-sentry_free (LParser *parser, SEntry *sentry)
-  g_hash_table_remove (parser->smtpd_h, &sentry->pid);
-  sentry_free_noremove (sentry);
-sentry_cleanup_hash (gpointer key,
-		     gpointer value,
-		     gpointer user_data)
-  SEntry *se = value;
-  LParser *parser = (LParser *)user_data;
-  sentry_print (parser, se);
-  sentry_free_noremove (se);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-sentry_debug_alloc (gpointer key,
-		    gpointer value,
-		    gpointer user_data)
-  LParser *parser = (LParser *)user_data;
-  SEntry *se = value;
-  SEntry *fe;
-  if ((fe = g_hash_table_lookup (smtpd_debug_free, se))) {
-    return;
-  }
-  printf ("FOUND ALLOCATED SENTRY:\n");
-  sentry_print (parser, se);
-  exit (-1);
-// QEntry
-qentry_new (const char *qid)
-  QEntry *qentry;
-  SList *blocks;
-  int cpos;
-  char *qid_cp;
-  qentry = (QEntry *)g_slice_alloc0(EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE);
-  qentry->ep.allocated += EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE;
-  ep_allocated += EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE;
-  ep_maxalloc = (ep_allocated > ep_maxalloc) ? ep_allocated : ep_maxalloc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    QEntry *qe;
-    if ((qe = g_hash_table_lookup (qmgr_debug_alloc, qentry))) {
-      debug_error ("QEntry already alloced", NULL);
-    } else {
-      g_hash_table_insert (qmgr_debug_alloc, qentry, qentry);
-    }
-  }
-  cpos = sizeof (QEntry);
-  blocks = (SList *)((char *)qentry + cpos);
-  cpos += sizeof (SList);
-  blocks->data = qentry;
-  blocks->next = NULL;
-  qentry->qid = qid_cp = (char *)qentry + cpos;
-  while ((*qid_cp++ = *qid++)) cpos++;
-  cpos = (cpos + 4) & ~3;
-  qentry->ep.blocks = blocks;
-  qentry->ep.cpos = cpos;;
-  return qentry;
-qentry_tolist_add (QEntry *qentry, time_t ltime, char dstatus, const char *to, int to_len,
-		   const char *relay, int relay_len)
-  TOList *tl = (TOList *)epool_alloc (&qentry->ep, sizeof (TOList));
-  tl->to = epool_strndup0 (&qentry->ep, to, to_len);
-  tl->relay = epool_strndup0 (&qentry->ep, relay, relay_len);
-  tl->dstatus = dstatus;
-  tl->ltime = ltime;
-  tl->next = qentry->tolist;
-  qentry->tolist = tl;
-qentry_set_from (QEntry *qentry, const char *from, int len)
-  if (qentry->from) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (strncmp (qentry->from, from, len)) {
-      debug_error ("duplicate from", NULL);
-    }
-  } else {
-    qentry->from = epool_strndup0 (&qentry->ep, from, len);
-  }
-qentry_set_msgid (QEntry *qentry, const char *msgid, int len)
-  if (qentry->msgid) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (strncmp (qentry->msgid, msgid, len)) {
-      debug_error ("duplicate msgid", NULL);
-    }
-  } else {
-    qentry->msgid = epool_strndup0 (&qentry->ep, msgid, len);
-  }
-qentry_set_client (QEntry *qentry, const char *client, int len)
-  if (qentry->client) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    if (strncmp (qentry->client, client, len)) {
-      debug_error ("duplicate client", NULL);
-    }
-  } else {
-    qentry->client = epool_strndup0 (&qentry->ep, client, len);
-  }
-qentry_print (LParser *parser, QEntry *qentry)
-  TOList *tl, *fl;
-  SEntry *se = qentry->smtpd;
-  FEntry *fe = qentry->filter;
-  if (parser->msgid) {
-    if (!qentry->msgid) return;
-    if (strcasecmp (parser->msgid, qentry->msgid)) return;
-  }
-  MatchList *match = parser->match_list;
-  if (match) {
-    int found = 0;
-    while(match) {
-      if (match->mtype == MatchTypeQID) {
-	if ((fe && !strcmp (fe->logid, match->id)) ||
-	    (!strcmp (qentry->qid, match->id))) {
-	  found = 1;
-	  break;
-	}
-      } else if (match->mtype == MatchTypeRelLineNr) {
-	if (se && match->ltime == se->ltime && match->rel_line_nr == se->rel_line_nr) {
-	  found = 1;
-	  break;
-	}
-      } else {
-	g_error("implement me");
-      }
-      match = match->next;
-    }
-    if (!found) return;
-  }
-  if (parser->server) {
-    int found = 0;
-    if (se && se->connect && strcasestr (se->connect, parser->server)) found = 1;
-    if (qentry->client && strcasestr (qentry->client, parser->server)) found = 1;
-    if (!found) return;
-  }
-  if (parser->from) {
-    if (!qentry->from) return;
-    if (!*(parser->from)) {
-      if (*(qentry->from)) return;
-    } else if (!STRMATCH(parser->from, qentry->from)) {
-      return;
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (parser->exclude_ndrs && qentry->from && !*qentry->from) return;
-  }
-  if (parser->to) {
-    tl = qentry->tolist;
-    int found = 0;
-    while (tl) {
-      if (parser->to && !STRMATCH(parser->to, tl->to)) {
-	tl->to = NULL;
-      } else {
-	found = 1;
-      }
-      tl = tl->next;
-    }
-    if (!found) return;
-  }
-  if (parser->strmatch &&
-      !(qentry->strmatch || (se && se->strmatch) || (fe && fe->strmatch)))
-    return;
-  if (parser->verbose) {
-    printf ("QENTRY: %s\n", qentry->qid);
-    printf ("CTIME: %08lX\n", parser->ctime);
-    printf ("SIZE: %u\n", qentry->size);
-    if (qentry->client) {
-      printf ("CLIENT: %s\n", qentry->client);
-    } else if (se && se->connect) {
-      printf ("CLIENT: %s\n", se->connect);
-    }
-    if (qentry->msgid) { printf ("MSGID: %s\n", qentry->msgid); }
-  }
-  tl = qentry->tolist;
-  while (tl) {
-    if (tl->to) {
-      fl = NULL;
-      if (fe && tl->dstatus == '2') {
-	fl = fe->tolist;
-	while (fl) {
-	  if (fl->to && !strcmp (tl->to, fl->to)) {
-	    break;
-	  }
-	  fl = fl->next;
-	}
-      }
-      char *to;
-      char dstatus;
-      char *relay;
-      if (fl) {
-	to = fl->to;
-	dstatus = fl->dstatus;
-	relay = fl->relay;
-      } else {
-	to = tl->to;
-	dstatus = tl->dstatus;
-	relay = tl->relay;
-      }
-      printf ("TO:%08lX:%s:%c: from <%s> to <%s> (%s)\n", tl->ltime, qentry->qid, dstatus, qentry->from ? qentry->from : "", to ? to : "", relay ? relay : "none");
-      parser->count++;
-    }
-    tl = tl->next;
-  }
-  if (!parser->verbose)  { fflush (stdout); return; }
-  if (parser->verbose > 1) {
-    if (se && se->loglist.log) {
-      printf ("SMTP:\n");
-      loglist_print (&se->loglist);
-    }
-    if (fe && fe->loglist.log) {
-      printf ("FILTER: %s\n", fe->logid);
-      loglist_print (&fe->loglist);
-    }
-    if (qentry->loglist.log) {
-      printf ("QMGR:\n");
-      loglist_print (&qentry->loglist);
-    }
-  }
-  printf ("\n");
-  fflush (stdout);
-  //sleep (1);
-QEntry *
-qentry_get (LParser *parser, const char *qid)
-  QEntry *qentry;
-  if ((qentry = g_hash_table_lookup (parser->qmgr_h, qid))) {
-    return qentry;
-  } else {
-    if ((qentry = qentry_new (qid))) {
-      g_hash_table_insert (parser->qmgr_h, qentry->qid, qentry);
-    }
-    return qentry;
-  }
-qentry_free_noremove (QEntry *qentry)
-  SList *l;
-  gpointer data;
-  SEntry *se;
-  if ((se = qentry->smtpd)) {
-    if (sentry_ref_del (se, qentry) == 0) {
-      if (se->disconnect) {
-	sentry_free_noremove (se);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  ep_allocated -= qentry->ep.allocated;
-  printf ("MEM: %d\n", ep_allocated);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    QEntry *qe;
-    if ((qe = g_hash_table_lookup (qmgr_debug_free, qentry))) {
-      debug_error ("QEntry already freed", NULL);
-    } else {
-      g_hash_table_insert (qmgr_debug_free, qentry, qentry);
-    }
-  }
-  return;
-  l = qentry->ep.mblocks;
-  while (l) {
-    data = l->data;
-    l = l->next;
-    g_free (data);
-  }
-  l = qentry->ep.blocks;
-  while (l) {
-    data = l->data;
-    l = l->next;
-    g_slice_free1(EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE, data);
-  }
-qentry_free (LParser *parser, QEntry *qentry)
-  g_hash_table_remove (parser->qmgr_h, qentry->qid);
-  qentry_free_noremove (qentry);
-qentry_cleanup_hash (gpointer key,
-		     gpointer value,
-		     gpointer user_data)
-  QEntry *qe = value;
-  LParser *parser = (LParser *)user_data;
-  qentry_print (parser, qe);
-  qentry_free_noremove (qe);
-qentry_finalize (LParser *parser, QEntry *qentry)
-  if (qentry && qentry->removed) {
-    SEntry *se = qentry->smtpd;
-    if (se && !se->disconnect) return;
-    FEntry *fe = qentry->filter;
-    if (fe && !fe->finished) return;
-    qentry_print (parser, qentry);
-    qentry_free (parser, qentry);
-    if (fe) fentry_free (parser, fe);
-  }
-// FEntry
-fentry_new (const char *logid)
-  FEntry *fentry;
-  SList *blocks;
-  int cpos;
-  char *logid_cp;
-  fentry = (FEntry *)g_slice_alloc0(EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE);
-  fentry->ep.allocated += EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE;
-  ep_allocated += EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE;
-  ep_maxalloc = (ep_allocated > ep_maxalloc) ? ep_allocated : ep_maxalloc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    FEntry *fe;
-    if ((fe = g_hash_table_lookup (filter_debug_alloc, fentry))) {
-      debug_error ("FEntry already alloced", NULL);
-    } else {
-      g_hash_table_insert (filter_debug_alloc, fentry, fentry);
-    }
-  }
-  cpos = sizeof (FEntry);
-  blocks = (SList *)((char *)fentry + cpos);
-  cpos += sizeof (SList);
-  blocks->data = fentry;
-  blocks->next = NULL;
-  fentry->logid = logid_cp = (char *)fentry + cpos;
-  while ((*logid_cp++ = *logid++)) cpos++;
-  cpos = (cpos + 4) & ~3;
-  fentry->ep.blocks = blocks;
-  fentry->ep.cpos = cpos;;
-  return fentry;
-FEntry *
-fentry_get (LParser *parser, const char *logid)
-  FEntry *fentry;
-  if ((fentry = g_hash_table_lookup (parser->filter_h, logid))) {
-    return fentry;
-  } else {
-    if ((fentry = fentry_new (logid))) {
-      g_hash_table_insert (parser->filter_h, fentry->logid, fentry);
-    }
-    return fentry;
-  }
-fentry_tolist_add (FEntry *fentry, char dstatus, const char *to, int to_len,
-		   const char *qid, int qid_len)
-  TOList *tl = (TOList *)epool_alloc (&fentry->ep, sizeof (TOList));
-  tl->to = epool_strndup0 (&fentry->ep, to, to_len);
-  if (qid) {
-    tl->relay = epool_strndup0 (&fentry->ep, qid, qid_len);
-  } else {
-    tl->relay = NULL;
-  }
-  tl->dstatus = dstatus;
-  tl->next = fentry->tolist;
-  fentry->tolist = tl;
-fentry_free_noremove (FEntry *fentry)
-  SList *l;
-  gpointer data;
-  ep_allocated -= fentry->ep.allocated;
-  printf ("MEM: %d\n", ep_allocated);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    FEntry *fe;
-    if ((fe = g_hash_table_lookup (filter_debug_free, fentry))) {
-      debug_error ("FEntry already freed", NULL);
-    } else {
-      g_hash_table_insert (filter_debug_free, fentry, fentry);
-    }
-  }
-  return;
-  l = fentry->ep.mblocks;
-  while (l) {
-    data = l->data;
-    l = l->next;
-    g_free (data);
-  }
-  l = fentry->ep.blocks;
-  while (l) {
-    data = l->data;
-    l = l->next;
-    g_slice_free1(EPOOL_BLOCK_SIZE, data);
-  }
-fentry_free (LParser *parser, FEntry *fentry)
-  g_hash_table_remove (parser->filter_h, fentry->logid);
-  fentry_free_noremove (fentry);
-fentry_cleanup_hash (gpointer key,
-		     gpointer value,
-		     gpointer user_data)
-  FEntry *fe = value;
-  fentry_free_noremove (fe);
-// Parser
-parser_new ()
-  LParser *parser = g_malloc0 (sizeof (LParser));
-  struct timeval tv;
-  struct tm *ltime;
-  int i;
-  epool_init (&parser->ep);
-  if (!(parser->smtpd_h = g_hash_table_new (g_int_hash, g_int_equal))) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (!(parser->qmgr_h = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal))) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (!(parser->filter_h = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal))) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  //if (!(parser->track_h = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal))) {
-  //return NULL;
-  //}
-  for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGFILES; i++) {
-    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
-    tv.tv_sec -= 3600*24*i;
-    ltime = localtime (&tv.tv_sec);
-    parser->year[i] = ltime->tm_year + 1900;
-  }
-  return parser;
-parser_free (LParser *parser)
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGFILES; i++) {
-    if (parser->stream[i]) gzclose (parser->stream[i]);
-  }
-  epool_free (&parser->ep);
-  g_hash_table_destroy (parser->smtpd_h);
-  g_hash_table_destroy (parser->qmgr_h);
-  g_hash_table_destroy (parser->filter_h);
-  //g_hash_table_destroy (parser->track_h);
-  g_free (parser);
-#if 0
-char *
-parser_track (LParser *parser, const char *qid, gboolean insert)
-  char *res;
-  if ((res = g_hash_table_lookup (parser->track_h, qid))) {
-    return res;
-  } else {
-    if (insert && (res = epool_strdup (&parser->ep, qid))) {
-      g_hash_table_insert (parser->track_h, res, res);
-      return res;
-    }
-  }
-  return NULL;
-#define LINEBUFSIZE 8192
-static int cur_year;
-static int cur_month = 0;
-static int cal_mtod[12] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334};
-static time_t
-mkgmtime (struct tm *tm)
-  time_t res;
-  int year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
-  int mon = tm->tm_mon;
-  res = (year - 1970) * 365 + cal_mtod[mon];
-  // leap year corrections (gregorian calendar)
-  if (mon <= 1) year -= 1;
-  res += (year - 1968) / 4;
-  res -= (year - 1900) / 100;
-  res += (year - 1600) / 400;
-  res += tm->tm_mday - 1;
-  res = res*24 + tm->tm_hour;
-  res = res*60 + tm->tm_min;
-  res = res*60 + tm->tm_sec;
-  return res;
-#define JAN (('J'<<16)|('a'<<8)|'n')
-#define FEB (('F'<<16)|('e'<<8)|'b')
-#define MAR (('M'<<16)|('a'<<8)|'r')
-#define APR (('A'<<16)|('p'<<8)|'r')
-#define MAY (('M'<<16)|('a'<<8)|'y')
-#define JUN (('J'<<16)|('u'<<8)|'n')
-#define JUL (('J'<<16)|('u'<<8)|'l')
-#define AUG (('A'<<16)|('u'<<8)|'g')
-#define SEP (('S'<<16)|('e'<<8)|'p')
-#define OCT (('O'<<16)|('c'<<8)|'t')
-#define NOV (('N'<<16)|('o'<<8)|'v')
-#define DEC (('D'<<16)|('e'<<8)|'c')
-parse_time (const char **text, int len)
-  time_t ltime = 0;
-  int year = cur_year;
-  int mon = 0;
-  int mday = 0;
-  int hour = 0;
-  int min = 0;
-  int sec = 0;
-  int found;
-  const char *line = *text;
-  if (len == (LINEBUFSIZE - 1)) {
-    debug_error ("skipping long line data", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (len < 15) {
-    debug_error ("skipping short line data", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // parse month
-  int csum = (line[0]<<16) + (line[1]<<8) + line[2];
-  switch (csum) {
-    case JAN: mon = 0; break;
-    case FEB: mon = 1; break;
-    case MAR: mon = 2; break;
-    case APR: mon = 3; break;
-    case MAY: mon = 4; break;
-    case JUN: mon = 5; break;
-    case JUL: mon = 6; break;
-    case AUG: mon = 7; break;
-    case SEP: mon = 8; break;
-    case OCT: mon = 9; break;
-    case NOV: mon = 10; break;
-    case DEC: mon = 11; break;
-  default:
-    debug_error ("unable to parse month", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // year change heuristik
-  if (cur_month == 11 && mon == 0) {
-    year++;
-  }
-  if (mon > cur_month) cur_month = mon;
-  ltime = (year - 1970)*365 + cal_mtod[mon];
-  // leap year corrections (gregorian calendar)
-  if (mon <= 1) year -= 1;
-  ltime += (year - 1968) / 4;
-  ltime -= (year - 1900) / 100;
-  ltime += (year - 1600) / 400;
-  const char *cpos = line + 3;
-  found = 0; while (isspace (*cpos)) { cpos++; found = 1; }
-  if (!found) {
-    debug_error ("missing spaces after month", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  found = 0; while (isdigit (*cpos)) { mday = mday*10 + *cpos - '0'; cpos++; found++; }
-  if (found < 1 || found > 2) {
-    debug_error ("unable to parse day of month", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  ltime += mday - 1;
-  found = 0; while (isspace (*cpos)) { cpos++; found++; }
-  if (!found) {
-    debug_error ("missing spaces after day of month", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  found = 0; while (isdigit (*cpos)) { hour = hour*10 + *cpos - '0'; cpos++; found++; }
-  if (found < 1 || found > 2) {
-    debug_error ("unable to parse hour", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  ltime *= 24;
-  ltime += hour;
-  if (*cpos != ':') {
-    debug_error ("missing collon after hour", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  cpos++;
-  found = 0; while (isdigit (*cpos)) { min = min*10 + *cpos - '0'; cpos++; found++; }
-  if (found < 1 || found > 2) {
-    debug_error ("unable to parse minute", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  ltime *= 60;
-  ltime += min;
-  if (*cpos != ':') {
-    debug_error ("missing collon after minute", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  cpos++;
-  found = 0; while (isdigit (*cpos)) { sec = sec*10 + *cpos - '0'; cpos++; found++; }
-  if (found < 1 || found > 2) {
-    debug_error ("unable to parse second", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  ltime *= 60;
-  ltime += sec;
-  found = 0; while (isspace (*cpos)) { cpos++; found = 1; }
-  if (!found) {
-    debug_error ("missing spaces after time", line);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  *text = cpos;
-  return ltime;
-parser_count_files (LParser *parser)
-  int i;
-  time_t start = parser->start;
-  char linebuf[LINEBUFSIZE];
-  const char *line;
-  gzFile stream;
-  for (i = 0; i < (MAX_LOGFILES - 1); i++) {
-    cur_year = parser->year[i];
-    cur_month = 0;
-    if ((stream = gzopen (logfiles[i], "r"))) {
-      if ((line = gzgets (stream, linebuf, LINEBUFSIZE))) {
-	if (parse_time (&line, strlen (line)) < start) {
-	  break;
-	}
-      } else {
-	return i;
-      }
-      gzclose (stream);
-    } else {
-      return i;
-    }
-  }
-  return i + 1;
-static char *
-parse_qid (const char **text, char *out, char delim, int maxlen)
-  const char *idx;
-  char *copy = out;
-  int found = 0;
-  idx = *text;
-  while (isxdigit (*idx)) { *copy++ = *idx++; found++; if (found > maxlen) break; }
-  if (found > 1 && found < maxlen &&
-      ((delim && (*idx == delim)) || (!delim && isspace (*idx)))) {
-    *copy = 0;
-    idx++;
-    while (isspace (*idx)) idx++;
-    *text = idx;
-    return out;
-  }
-  return NULL;
-print_usage (const char *name)
-  fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [OPTIONS] [OUTPUTFILENAME]\n", name);
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-f SENDER      mails from SENDER\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-t RECIPIENT   mails to RECIPIENT\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-h Server      Server IP or Hostname\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-s START       start time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t               or seconds since epoch\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-e END         end time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t               or seconds since epoch\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-m MSGID       message ID (exact match)\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-q QID         queue ID (exact match), can be\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t               specified multiple times.\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-x STRING      search for strings\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-l LIMIT       print max limit entries\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-g             exclude greylist entries\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-n             exclude NDR entries\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-v             verbose output (no logs)\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "\t-vv            verbose output with logs\n");
-// gzgets is ways too slow, so we do it our own way
-static char
-mygzgetc (gzFile stream)
-  int br;
-  static char readbuf[16384];
-  static char *readend = readbuf + sizeof (readbuf);
-  static char *readpos = readbuf + sizeof (readbuf);
-  if (readpos < readend) return *readpos++;
-  if ((br = gzread (stream, readbuf, sizeof (readbuf))) <= 0) {
-    return -1;
-  } else {
-    readpos = readbuf;
-    readend = readbuf + br;
-    return *readpos++;
-  }
-static char *
-mygzgets (gzFile stream, char *line, int bufsize)
-  char c=0;
-  char *cpos;
-  cpos = line;
-  while (--bufsize > 0 && (c = mygzgetc(stream)) != -1) {
-    *cpos++ = c;
-    if (c == '\n')
-      break;
-  }
-  if (c == -1 && cpos == line)
-    return NULL;
-  *cpos++ = '\0';
-  return line;
-extern char *optarg;
-extern int optind, opterr, optopt;
-main (int argc, char * const argv[])
-  char linebuf[LINEBUFSIZE];
-  char *line;
-  char *inputfile = NULL;
-  const char *text;
-  const char *idx1;
-  const char *idx2;
-  const char *cpos;
-  int found = 0;
-  uint32_t csum_prog;
-  unsigned long lines = 0;
-  unsigned long rel_line_nr = 0;
-  char qidbuf[30];
-  int i;
-  struct tm *ltime;
-  struct timeval tv;
-  time_t ctime, next_ctime, start, end;
-  LParser *parser;
-  int opt;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  smtpd_debug_alloc = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
-  qmgr_debug_alloc = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
-  filter_debug_alloc = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
-  smtpd_debug_free = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
-  qmgr_debug_free = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
-  filter_debug_free = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
-  if (!(parser = parser_new ())) {
-    fprintf (stderr, "unable to alloc parser structure\n");
-    exit (-1);
-  }
-  while ((opt = getopt (argc, argv, "f:t:s:e:h:m:q:x:i:l:vgn")) != -1) {
-    if (opt == 'f') {
-      parser->from = epool_strdup (&parser->ep, optarg);
-    } else if (opt == 't') {
-      parser->to = epool_strdup (&parser->ep, optarg);
-    } else if (opt == 'v') {
-      parser->verbose += 1;
-    } else if (opt == 'g') {
-      parser->exclude_greylist = 1;
-    } else if (opt == 'n') {
-      parser->exclude_ndrs = 1;
-    } else if (opt == 'h') {
-      parser->server = epool_strdup (&parser->ep, optarg);
-    } else if (opt == 'm') {
-      parser->msgid = epool_strdup (&parser->ep, optarg);
-    } else if (opt == 'q') {
-      time_t ltime;
-      unsigned long rel_line_nr;
-      MatchList *match = (MatchList *)epool_alloc(&parser->ep, sizeof(MatchList));
-      if (sscanf(optarg, "T%08lXL%08lX", &ltime, &rel_line_nr) == 2) {
-	match->mtype = MatchTypeRelLineNr;
-	match->ltime = ltime;
-	match->rel_line_nr = rel_line_nr;
-	match->next = parser->match_list;
-	parser->match_list = match;
-      } else {
-	match->mtype = MatchTypeQID;
-	match->id = epool_strdup(&parser->ep, optarg);
-	match->next = parser->match_list;
-	parser->match_list = match;
-      }
-    } else if (opt == 'x') {
-      parser->strmatch = epool_strdup (&parser->ep, optarg);
-    } else if (opt == 'i') {
-      inputfile = optarg;
-    } else if (opt == 'l') {
-      char *l;
-      parser->limit = strtoul (optarg, &l, 0);
-      if (!*optarg || *l) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "unable to parse limit '%s'\n", optarg);
-	exit (-1);
-      }
-    } else if (opt == 's') {
-      // use strptime to convert time
-      struct tm tm;
-      char *res;
-      if ((!(res = strptime (optarg, "%F %T", &tm)) &&
-	   !(res = strptime (optarg, "%s", &tm))) || *res) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "unable to parse start time\n");
-	exit (-1);
-      } else {
-	parser->start = mkgmtime (&tm);
-      }
-    } else if (opt == 'e') {
-      struct tm tm;
-      char *res;
-      if ((!(res = strptime (optarg, "%F %T", &tm)) &&
-	   !(res = strptime (optarg, "%s", &tm))) || *res) {
-	fprintf (stderr, "unable to parse end time\n");
-	exit (-1);
-      } else {
-	parser->end = mkgmtime (&tm);
-      }
-    } else {
-      print_usage (argv[0]);
-      exit (-1);
-    }
-  }
-  if (optind < argc) {
-    if ((argc - optind) > 1) {
-      print_usage (argv[0]);
-      exit (-1);
-    }
-    char *tmpfn = g_strdup_printf ("/tmp/.proxtrack-%08X.txt", getpid ());
-    if ((stdout = freopen (tmpfn, "w", stdout)) == NULL) {
-      perror ("unable to open output file");
-      exit (-1);
-    }
-    if (rename (tmpfn, argv[optind]) != 0) {
-      perror ("unable to open output file");
-      unlink (tmpfn);
-      exit (-1);
-    }
-  }
-  // we use gmtime exerywhere to speedup things, this can cause problems
-  // when daylight saving time changes
-  gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
-  ltime = localtime (&tv.tv_sec);
-  if (!parser->start) {
-    ltime->tm_sec = 0;
-    ltime->tm_min = 0;
-    ltime->tm_hour = 0;
-    parser->start = mkgmtime (ltime);
-  }
-  ltime = localtime (&tv.tv_sec);
-  if (!parser->end) {
-    parser->end = mkgmtime (ltime);
-  }
-  if (parser->end < parser->start) {
-    fprintf (stderr, "end time before start time\n");
-    exit (-1);
-  }
-  int filecount;
-  if (inputfile) {
-      filecount = 1;
-  } else if ((filecount = parser_count_files (parser)) <= 0) {
-    fprintf (stderr, "unable to access log files\n");
-    exit (-1);
-  }
-  printf ("# LogReader: %d\n", getpid());
-  printf ("# Query options\n");
-  if (parser->from) printf ("# Sender:    %s\n", parser->from);
-  if (parser->to) printf ("# Recipient: %s\n", parser->to);
-  if (parser->server) printf ("# Server:    %s\n", parser->server);
-  if (parser->msgid) printf ("# MsgID:     %s\n", parser->msgid);
-  MatchList *match = parser->match_list;
-  while (match) {
-    if (match->mtype == MatchTypeQID) {
-      printf ("# QID:       %s\n", match->id);
-    } else if (match->mtype == MatchTypeRelLineNr) {
-      printf ("# QID:       T%08lXL%08lX\n", match->ltime, match->rel_line_nr);
-    } else {
-      g_error("internal error - unknown match type %d\n", match->mtype);
-    }
-    match = match->next;
-  }
-  if (parser->strmatch) printf ("# Match:     %s\n", parser->strmatch);
-  strftime (linebuf, 256, "%F %T", gmtime (&parser->start));
-  printf ("# Start:     %s (%lu)\n", linebuf, parser->start);
-  strftime (linebuf, 256, "%F %T", gmtime (&parser->end));
-  printf ("# END:       %s (%lu)\n", linebuf, parser->end);
-  printf ("# End Query Options\n\n");
-  fflush (stdout);
-  start = parser->start;
-  end = parser->end;
-  ctime = 0;
-  for (i = filecount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-    gpointer stream;
-    // syslog files does not conain years, so we must compute then
-    // cur_year is the assumed start year
-    cur_month = 0;
-    cur_year = parser->year[i];
-    if (i <= 1) {
-      if (inputfile && strlen(inputfile) == 1 && *inputfile == '-') {
-	stream = (gpointer) stdin;
-      } else if (inputfile) {
-	if (!(stream = (gpointer) fopen (inputfile, "r"))) {
-	  fprintf(stderr, "unable to open log file\n");
-	  exit (-1);
-	}
-      } else if (!(stream = (gpointer) fopen (logfiles[i], "r"))) continue;
-    } else {
-      if (!(stream = (gpointer) gzopen (logfiles[i], "r"))) continue;
-    }
-    while (1) {
-      if (parser->limit && (parser->count >= parser->limit)) {
-	printf ("STATUS: aborted by limit (too many hits)\n");
-	exit (0);
-      }
-      if (i <= 1) {
- 	line = fgets (linebuf, LINEBUFSIZE, (FILE *)stream);
-      } else {
-	line = mygzgets ((gzFile)stream, linebuf, LINEBUFSIZE);
-      }
-      if (!line) break;
-      int len = strlen (line);
-      int pid = 0;
-      cpos = line;
-      next_ctime = parse_time (&cpos, len);
-      if (!next_ctime) {
-	continue;
-      }
-      if (next_ctime != ctime) {
-	rel_line_nr = 0;
-      } else {
-	rel_line_nr++;
-      }
-      ctime = next_ctime;
-      if (ctime < start) continue;
-      if (ctime > end) break;
-      lines++;
-      found = 0; while (!isspace (*cpos)) { cpos++; found = 1; }
-      if (!found) {
-	debug_error ("missing hostname", line);
-	continue;
-      }
-      found = 0; while (isspace (*cpos)) { cpos++; found = 1; }
-      if (!found) {
-	debug_error ("missing spaces after host", line);
-	continue;
-      }
-      if ((*cpos == 'l') && !strncmp (cpos, "last message repeated", 21)) {
-	continue;
-      }
-      //printf ("LINE: %s\n", line);
-      //const char *prog = cpos;
-      csum_prog = 0;
-      found = 0; while (*cpos && (*cpos != ':') && (*cpos != '[')) {
-	csum_prog = ((csum_prog << 8)|(csum_prog >> 24)) + *cpos;
-	cpos++;
-	found++;
-      }
-      //idx1 = g_strndup (prog, found);
-      //printf ("TEST:%s:%08X\n", idx1, csum_prog);
-      //free (idx1);
-      if (*cpos == '[') {
-	cpos++;
-	found = 0; while (isdigit (*cpos)) {
-	  pid = pid*10 + *cpos - '0';
-	  cpos++;
-	  found++;
-	}
-	if (found < 1 || found > 15 || *cpos != ']') {
-	  debug_error ("unable to parse pid", line);
-	  continue;
-	}
-	cpos++;
-      }
-      if (*cpos++ != ':') {
-	debug_error ("missing collon", line);
-	continue;
-      }
-      if (!isspace (*cpos++)) {
-	debug_error ("missing space after collon", line);
-	continue;
-      }
-      text = cpos;
-      parser->ctime = ctime;
-      int strmatch = 0;
-      if (parser->strmatch && STRMATCH(parser->strmatch, text)) {
-	strmatch = 1;
-      }
-      if ((csum_prog == PROXPROX) ||
-	  (csum_prog == PMG_SMTP_FILTER)) {
-	if ((idx1 = parse_qid (&cpos, qidbuf, ':', 25))) {
-	  FEntry *fe;
-	  if (!(fe = fentry_get (parser, idx1))) {
-	    continue;
-	  }
-	  loglist_add (&fe->ep, &fe->loglist, line, len, lines);
-	  if (strmatch) fe->strmatch = 1;
-	  //fixme: BCC, Notify?
-	  //fixme: parse virus info
-	  //fixme: parse spam score
-	  if ((*cpos == 'a') && !strncmp (cpos, "accept mail to <", 16)) {
-	    const char *to_s, *to_e;
-	    to_s = cpos = cpos + 16;
-	    while (*cpos && (*cpos != '>')) { cpos++; }
-	    if (*cpos != '>') continue;
-	    to_e = cpos;
-	    cpos++;
-	    if ((*cpos++ != ' ') || (*cpos++ != '(')) continue;
-	    if (!(idx1 = parse_qid (&cpos, qidbuf, ')', 15))) continue;
-	    // parser_track (parser, idx1, 1);
-	    fentry_tolist_add (fe, 'A', to_s, to_e - to_s, idx1, strlen (idx1));
-	  } else if ((*cpos == 'm') && !strncmp (cpos, "moved mail for <", 16)) {
-	    const char *to_s, *to_e;
-	    to_s = cpos = cpos + 16;
-	    while (*cpos && (*cpos != '>')) { cpos++; }
-	    to_e = cpos;
-	    if (strncmp (cpos, "> to ", 5)) continue;
-	    cpos += 5;
-	    if (!strncmp (cpos, "spam", 4)) {
-	      cpos += 4;
-	    } else if (!strncmp (cpos, "virus", 5)) {
-	      cpos += 5;
-	    } else {
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	    if (strncmp (cpos, " quarantine - ", 14)) continue;
-	    cpos += 14;
-	    if (!(idx1 = parse_qid (&cpos, qidbuf, 0, 25))) continue;
-	    fentry_tolist_add (fe, 'Q', to_s, to_e - to_s, idx1, strlen (idx1));
-	  } else if ((*cpos == 'b') && !strncmp (cpos, "block mail to <", 15)) {
-	    const char *to_s;
-	    to_s = cpos = cpos + 15;
-	    while (*cpos && (*cpos != '>')) { cpos++; }
-	    if (*cpos != '>') continue;
-	    fentry_tolist_add (fe, 'B', to_s, cpos - to_s, NULL, 0);
-	  } else if ((*cpos == 'p') && !strncmp (cpos, "processing time: ", 17)) {
-	    cpos += 17;
-	    sscanf (cpos, "%f", &fe->ptime);
-	    fe->finished = 1;
-	  }
-	}
-      } else if (csum_prog == POSTFIX_POSTSCREEN) {
-	      SEntry *se;
-	      if (!pid) {
-		      debug_error ("no pid for postscreen", line);
-		      continue;
-	      }
-	      if ((*text == 'N') && !strncmp (text, "NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from ", 27)) {
-		      cpos = text + 27;
-		      if (!(idx1 = strstr (cpos, "; client ["))) continue;
-		      const char *client = cpos = idx1 + 10;
-		      while (*cpos && (*cpos != ']')) { cpos++; }
-		      const char *client_end = cpos;
-		      if (!(idx1 = strstr (cpos, "; from=<"))) continue;
-		      const char *from = cpos = idx1 + 8;
-		      while (*cpos && (*cpos != '>')) { cpos++; }
-		      idx1 = cpos;
-		      if ((*cpos == '>') && strncmp (cpos, ">, to=<", 7)) continue;
-		      const char *to = cpos = cpos + 7;
-		      while (*cpos && (*cpos != '>')) { cpos++; }
-		      if (*cpos != '>') continue;
-		      if (!(se = sentry_get (parser, pid, ctime, rel_line_nr))) {
-			      continue;
-		      }
-		      if (strmatch) se->strmatch = 1;
-		      loglist_add (&se->ep, &se->loglist, line, len, lines);
-		      sentry_nqlist_add (se, ctime, from, idx1 - from, to, cpos - to, 'N');
-		      sentry_set_connect (se, client, client_end - client);
-		      g_hash_table_remove (parser->smtpd_h, &se->pid);
-		      se->disconnect = 1;
-		      sentry_print (parser, se);
-		      sentry_free (parser, se);
-	      }
-      } else if (csum_prog == POSTFIX_QMGR) {
-	if ((idx2 = text) && (idx1 = parse_qid (&idx2, qidbuf, ':', 15))) {
-	  QEntry *qe;
-	  if (!(qe = qentry_get (parser, idx1))) {
-	    continue;
-	  }
-	  if (strmatch) qe->strmatch = 1;
-	  qe->cleanup = 1;
-	  loglist_add (&qe->ep, &qe->loglist, line, len, lines);
-	  if ((*idx2 == 'f') && !strncmp (idx2, "from=<", 6)) {
-	    cpos = idx2 = idx2 + 6;
-	    while (*cpos && (*cpos != '>')) { cpos++; }
-	    if (*cpos != '>') {
-	      debug_error ("unable to parse 'from' address", line);
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	    qentry_set_from (qe, idx2, cpos - idx2);
-	    cpos++;
-	    if ((*cpos == ',') && !strncmp (cpos, ", size=", 7)) {
-	      int size = 0;
-	      cpos += 7;
-	      while (isdigit (*cpos)) { size = size*10 + *cpos++ - '0'; }
-	      qe->size = size;
-	    }
-	  } else if ((*idx2 == 'r') && !strncmp (idx2, "removed\n", 8)) {
-	    qe->removed = 1;
-	    qentry_finalize (parser, qe);
-	  }
-	}
-      } else if ((csum_prog == POSTFIX_SMTP) ||
-		 (csum_prog == POSTFIX_LMTP) ||
-		 (csum_prog == POSTFIX_LOCAL) ||
-		 (csum_prog == POSTFIX_ERROR)) {
-	int lmtp = (csum_prog == POSTFIX_LMTP);
-	if ((cpos = text) && (idx1 = parse_qid (&cpos, qidbuf, ':', 15))) {
-	  QEntry *qe;
-	  if (!(qe = qentry_get (parser, idx1))) {
-	    continue;
-	  }
-	  if (strmatch) qe->strmatch = 1;
-	  qe->cleanup = 1;
-	  loglist_add (&qe->ep, &qe->loglist, line, len, lines);
-	  if (strncmp (cpos, "to=<", 4)) continue;
-	  cpos += 4;
-	  const char *to_s, *to_e;
-	  to_s = cpos;
-	  while (*cpos && (*cpos != '>')) { cpos++; }
-	  if (*cpos != '>') continue;
-	  to_e = cpos;
-	  cpos ++;
-	  if (!(cpos = strstr (cpos, ", relay="))) continue;
-	  cpos += 8;
-	  const char *relay_s, *relay_e;
-	  relay_s = cpos;
-	  while (*cpos && (*cpos != ',')) { cpos++; }
-	  if (*cpos != ',') continue;
-	  relay_e = cpos;
-	  if (!(idx1 = strstr (cpos + 1, ", dsn="))) continue;
-	  cpos = idx1 + 6;
-	  if (!isdigit (*cpos)) continue;
-	  char dstatus = *cpos;
-	  qentry_tolist_add (qe, ctime, dstatus, to_s, to_e - to_s,
-			     relay_s, relay_e - relay_s);
-	  if (!lmtp) continue; // filter always uses lmtp
-	  if (!(idx1 = strstr (cpos + 1, "status=sent (250 2.")))
-	    continue;
-	  cpos = idx1 = idx1 + 19;
-	  if (*cpos == '5' && (idx1 = strstr (cpos, "5.0 OK ("))) {
-	    cpos = idx1 = idx1 + 8;
-	  } else if (*cpos == '7' && (idx1 = strstr (cpos, "7.0 BLOCKED ("))) {
-	    cpos = idx1 = idx1 + 13;
-	  } else {
-	    continue;
-	  }
-	  if (!(idx1 = parse_qid (&cpos, qidbuf, ')', 25)))
-	    continue;
-	  FEntry *fe;
-	  qe->filtered = 1;
-	  if ((fe = g_hash_table_lookup (parser->filter_h, idx1))) {
-	    qe->filter = fe;
-	  }
-	}
-      } else if (csum_prog == POSTFIX_SMTPD) {
-	SEntry *se;
-	if (!pid) {
-	  debug_error ("no pid for smtpd", line);
-	  continue;
-	}
-	if (!(se = sentry_get (parser, pid, ctime, rel_line_nr))) {
-	  continue;
-	}
-	if (strmatch) se->strmatch = 1;
-	loglist_add (&se->ep, &se->loglist, line, len, lines);
-	if ((*text == 'c') && !strncmp (text, "connect from ", 13)) {
-	  cpos = idx1 = text + 13;
-	  while (*idx1 && !isspace (*idx1)) { idx1++; }
-	  sentry_set_connect (se, cpos, idx1 - cpos);
-	  // fixme: do we need this?
-	  //if (strcmp (se->connect, "localhost[]")) {
-	  //  se->external = 1;
-	  //}
-	} else if ((*text == 'd') && !strncmp (text, "disconnect from", 15)) {
-	  // unlink
-	  g_hash_table_remove (parser->smtpd_h, &se->pid);
-	  se->disconnect = 1;
-	  if (sentry_ref_rem_unneeded (parser, se) == 0) {
-	    sentry_print (parser, se);
-	    sentry_free (parser, se);
-	  } else {
-	    sentry_ref_finalize (parser, se);
-	  }
-	} else if ((*text == 'N') && !strncmp (text, "NOQUEUE:", 8)) {
-	  cpos = text + 8;
-	  // parse 'whatsup' (reject:)
-	  while (*cpos && (*cpos != ':')) { cpos++; }
-	  if (*cpos != ':') continue;
-	  cpos++;
-	  // parse '%s from %s:'
-	  while (*cpos && (*cpos != ':')) { cpos++; }
-	  if (*cpos != ':') continue;
-	  idx1 = cpos++;
-	  // parse '%s;'
-	  while (*cpos && (*cpos != ';')) { cpos++; }
-	  if (*cpos != ';') continue;
-	  // greylisting test
-	  char dstatus = 'N';
-	  *(char *)cpos = 0; // dangerous hack: delimit string
-	  if (strstr (idx1, ": Recipient address rejected: Service is unavailable (try later)")) {
-	    dstatus = 'G';
-	  }
-	  *(char *)cpos = ';'; // dangerous hack: restore line
-	  if (!(idx1 = strstr (cpos, "; from=<"))) continue;
-	  const char *from = cpos = idx1 + 8;
-	  while (*cpos && (*cpos != '>')) { cpos++; }
-	  idx1 = cpos;
-	  if ((*cpos == '>') && strncmp (cpos, "> to=<", 6)) continue;
-	  const char *to = cpos = cpos + 6;
-	  while (*cpos && (*cpos != '>')) { cpos++; }
-	  if (*cpos != '>') continue;
-	  sentry_nqlist_add (se, ctime, from, idx1 - from, to, cpos - to, dstatus);
-	} else if ((idx2 = text) && (idx1 = parse_qid (&idx2, qidbuf, ':', 15))) {
-	  QEntry *qe;
-	  if ((qe = qentry_get (parser, idx1))) {
-	    if (strmatch) qe->strmatch = 1;
-	    sentry_ref_add (se, qe);
-	    if ((*idx2 == 'c') && !strncmp (idx2, "client=", 7)) {
-	      cpos = idx2 = idx2 + 7;
-	      while (*cpos && !isspace (*cpos)) { cpos++; }
-	      qentry_set_client (qe, idx2, cpos - idx2);
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-      } else if (csum_prog == POSTFIX_CLEANUP) { // postfix/cleanup
-	QEntry *qe;
-	idx2 = text;
-	if ((idx1 = parse_qid (&idx2, qidbuf, ':', 15))) {
-	  if ((qe = qentry_get (parser, idx1))) {
-	    if (strmatch) qe->strmatch = 1;
-	    loglist_add (&qe->ep, &qe->loglist, line, len, lines);
-	    if ((*idx2 == 'm') && !strncmp (idx2, "message-id=", 11)) {
-	      cpos = idx2 = idx2 + 11;
-	      while (*cpos && !isspace(*cpos)) { cpos++; }
-	      qentry_set_msgid (qe, idx2, cpos - idx2);
-	      qe->cleanup = 1;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    if (i <= 1) {
-      fclose ((FILE *)stream);
-    } else {
-      gzclose ((gzFile)stream);
-    }
-    if (ctime > end) break;
-  }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  printf ("LINES: %d\n", lines);
-  printf ("MEM SMTPD  entries: %d\n", g_hash_table_size (parser->smtpd_h));
-  printf ("MEM QMGR   entries: %d\n", g_hash_table_size (parser->qmgr_h));
-  printf ("MEM FILTER entries: %d\n", g_hash_table_size (parser->filter_h));
-  printf ("MEMDEB SMTPD entries: %d %d\n",
-	  g_hash_table_size (smtpd_debug_alloc),
-	  g_hash_table_size (smtpd_debug_free));
-  printf ("MEMDEB QMGR  entries: %d %d\n",
-	  g_hash_table_size (qmgr_debug_alloc),
-	  g_hash_table_size (qmgr_debug_free));
-  printf ("MEMDEB FILTER  entries: %d %d\n",
-	  g_hash_table_size (filter_debug_alloc),
-	  g_hash_table_size (filter_debug_free));
-  g_hash_table_foreach (parser->qmgr_h, qentry_cleanup_hash, parser);
-  g_hash_table_foreach (parser->smtpd_h, sentry_cleanup_hash, parser);
-  g_hash_table_foreach (parser->filter_h, fentry_cleanup_hash, parser);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  printf ("MEMDEB SMTPD entries: %d %d\n",
-	  g_hash_table_size (smtpd_debug_alloc),
-	  g_hash_table_size (smtpd_debug_free));
-  printf ("MEMDEB QMGR  entries: %d %d\n",
-	  g_hash_table_size (qmgr_debug_alloc),
-	  g_hash_table_size (qmgr_debug_free));
-  printf ("MEMDEB FILTER  entries: %d %d\n",
-	  g_hash_table_size (filter_debug_alloc),
-	  g_hash_table_size (filter_debug_free));
-  g_hash_table_foreach (smtpd_debug_alloc, sentry_debug_alloc, parser);
-  printf ("MEMMAX %d\n", ep_maxalloc);
-  parser_free (parser);
-  fclose (stdout);
-  exit (0);

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