[pmg-devel] [PATCH pmg-api 10/10] DBTools: add new default rule/objects for attachment quarantine

Dominik Csapak d.csapak at proxmox.com
Thu Sep 26 12:28:14 CEST 2019

the new rule is disabled by default

also adapt the ruledb test for default rules

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <d.csapak at proxmox.com>
 src/PMG/DBTools.pm   | 17 +++++++++++++++++
 src/tests/testdb.txt | 11 +++++++++++
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/PMG/DBTools.pm b/src/PMG/DBTools.pm
index c675e2f..66dfc28 100644
--- a/src/PMG/DBTools.pm
+++ b/src/PMG/DBTools.pm
@@ -711,6 +711,16 @@ sub init_ruledb {
     my $add_discl = $ruledb->create_group_with_obj(
 	$obj, 'Disclaimer', 'Add Disclaimer');
+    # Move to attachment quarantine
+    $obj = PMG::RuleDB::Remove->new(0, undef, undef, 1);
+    my $attach_quar = $ruledb->create_group_with_obj(
+	$obj, 'Attachment Quarantine (remove matching)', 'Remove matching attachments and move the whole mail to the attachment quarantine.');
+    # Remove all attachments
+    $obj = PMG::RuleDB::Remove->new(1, undef, undef, 1);
+    my $attach_quar_all = $ruledb->create_group_with_obj(
+	$obj, 'Attachment Quarantine (remove all)', 'Remove all attachments and move the whole mail to the attachment quarantine.');
     # Attach original mail
     #$obj = Proxmox::RuleDB::Attach->new ();
     #my $attach_orig = $ruledb->create_group_with_obj ($obj, 'Attach Original Mail',
@@ -822,6 +832,13 @@ sub init_ruledb {
     $ruledb->rule_add_what_group ($rule, $mm_content);
     $ruledb->rule_add_action ($rule, $remove);
+    # Quarantine Office Files
+    $rule = PMG::RuleDB::Rule->new ('Quarantine Office Files', 89, 0, 0);
+    $ruledb->save_rule ($rule);
+    $ruledb->rule_add_what_group ($rule, $office_content);
+    $ruledb->rule_add_action ($rule, $attach_quar);
     #$ruledb->rule_add_from_group ($rule, $anybody);
     #$ruledb->rule_add_from_group ($rule, $trusted);
     #$ruledb->rule_add_to_group ($rule, $anybody);
diff --git a/src/tests/testdb.txt b/src/tests/testdb.txt
index c69f4ed..dc08df8 100644
--- a/src/tests/testdb.txt
+++ b/src/tests/testdb.txt
@@ -31,6 +31,17 @@ Found RULE 1: Block Dangerous Files
     OBJECT 21: filename=.*\.\{.+\}
   FOUND ACTION GROUP 14: Remove attachments
     OBJECT 28: remove matching attachments
+Found RULE 12: Quarantine Office Files
+  FOUND WHAT GROUP 6: Office Files
+    OBJECT 9: content-type=application/msword
+    OBJECT 7: content-type=application/vnd\.ms-excel
+    OBJECT 8: content-type=application/vnd\.ms-powerpoint
+    OBJECT 11: content-type=application/vnd\.oasis\.opendocument\..*
+    OBJECT 10: content-type=application/vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument\..*
+    OBJECT 12: content-type=application/vnd\.stardivision\..*
+    OBJECT 13: content-type=application/vnd\.sun\.xml\..*
+  FOUND ACTION GROUP 22: Attachment Quarantine (remove matching)
+    OBJECT 36: remove matching attachments
 Found RULE 11: Block Multimedia Files
   FOUND WHAT GROUP 5: Multimedia
     OBJECT 5: content-type=audio/.*

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