[pmg-devel] [PATCH pmg-api v4 08/11] add DKIM API paths

Stoiko Ivanov s.ivanov at proxmox.com
Mon Oct 21 19:23:32 CEST 2019

A new path is added at /config/dkim with 2 subpaths:
* /config/dkim/domains gives access to the dkimdomains
* /config/dkim/selector gives access to the private key for the configured

Signed-off-by: Stoiko Ivanov <s.ivanov at proxmox.com>
 src/Makefile             |   1 +
 src/PMG/API2/Config.pm   |   7 +++
 src/PMG/API2/DKIMSign.pm | 127 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 135 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/PMG/API2/DKIMSign.pm

diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index aa8c644..89658db 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ LIBSOURCES =				\
 	PMG/API2/Domains.pm		\
 	PMG/API2/DKIMSignDomains.pm	\
+	PMG/API2/DKIMSign.pm		\
 	PMG/API2/Fetchmail.pm		\
 	PMG/API2/Users.pm		\
 	PMG/API2/Transport.pm		\
diff --git a/src/PMG/API2/Config.pm b/src/PMG/API2/Config.pm
index 3b688fa..43653e4 100644
--- a/src/PMG/API2/Config.pm
+++ b/src/PMG/API2/Config.pm
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ use PMG::API2::SMTPWhitelist;
 use PMG::API2::MimeTypes;
 use PMG::API2::Fetchmail;
 use PMG::API2::DestinationTLSPolicy;
+use PMG::API2::DKIMSign;
 use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler);
@@ -81,6 +82,11 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
     path => 'tlspolicy',
+    subclass => "PMG::API2::DKIMSign",
+    path => 'dkim',
 __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
     name => 'index', 
     path => '',
@@ -118,6 +124,7 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
 	push @$res, { section => 'whitelist' };
 	push @$res, { section => 'regextest' };
 	push @$res, { section => 'tlspolicy' };
+	push @$res, { section => 'dkim' };
 	return $res;
diff --git a/src/PMG/API2/DKIMSign.pm b/src/PMG/API2/DKIMSign.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e2d85b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PMG/API2/DKIMSign.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+package PMG::API2::DKIMSign;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param);
+use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option);
+use PVE::Exception qw(raise_param_exc);
+use PVE::RESTHandler;
+use PMG::Config;
+use PMG::DKIMSign;
+use PMG::API2::DKIMSignDomains;
+use base qw(PVE::RESTHandler);
+    subclass => "PMG::API2::DKIMSignDomains",
+    path => 'domains',
+    name => 'index',
+    path => '',
+    method => 'GET',
+    description => "Directory index.",
+    parameters => {
+	additionalProperties => 0,
+	properties => {},
+    },
+    returns => {
+	type => 'array',
+	items => {
+	    type => "object",
+	    properties => { section => { type => 'string'} },
+	},
+	links => [ { rel => 'child', href => "{section}" } ],
+    },
+    code => sub {
+	my ($param) = @_;
+	return [
+	    { section => 'domains'},
+	    { section => 'selector'}
+	];
+    }});
+    name => 'set_selector',
+    path => 'selector',
+    method => 'POST',
+    description => "Generate a new private key for selector. All future mail will be signed with the new key!",
+    protected => 1,
+    permissions => { check => [ 'admin' ] },
+    proxyto => 'master',
+    parameters => {
+	additionalProperties => 0,
+	properties => {
+	    selector => {
+		description => "DKIM Selector",
+		type => 'string', format => 'dns-name',
+	    },
+	    keysize => {
+		description => "Number of bits for the RSA-Key",
+		type => 'integer', minimum => 1024
+	    },
+	},
+    },
+    returns => { type => 'null' },
+    code => sub {
+	my ($param) = @_;
+	my $selector = extract_param($param, 'selector');
+	my $keysize = extract_param($param, 'keysize');
+	PMG::DKIMSign::set_selector($selector, $keysize);
+	return undef;
+    }});
+sub pmg_verify_dkim_pubkey_record {
+    my ($rec, $noerr) = @_;
+    if ($rec !~ /\._domainkey\tIN\tTXT\t\( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; ".+ \)  ; ----- DKIM key/ms ) {
+	return undef if $noerr;
+	die "value does not look like a valid DKIM TXT record\n";
+    }
+    return $rec
+    'pmg-dkim-record', \&pmg_verify_dkim_pubkey_record);
+    name => 'get_selector_info',
+    path => 'selector',
+    method => 'GET',
+    description => "Get the public key for the configured selector, prepared as DKIM TXT record",
+    protected => 1,
+    permissions => { check => [ 'admin' ] },
+    proxyto => 'master',
+    parameters => {
+	additionalProperties => 0,
+	properties => { },
+    },
+    returns => {
+	type => 'object',
+	properties => {
+	    selector => { type => 'string', format => 'dns-name', optional => 1 },
+	    keysize => { type => 'integer', minimum => 1024 , optional => 1},
+	    record => { type => 'string', format => 'pmg-dkim-record', optional => 1},
+	},
+    },
+    code => sub {
+	my $cfg = PMG::Config->new();
+	my $selector = $cfg->get('admin', 'dkim_selector');
+	return {} if !defined($selector);
+	my ($record, $size);
+	eval { ($record, $size) = PMG::DKIMSign::get_selector_info($selector); };
+	return {selector => $selector} if $@;
+	return { selector => $selector, keysize => $size, record => $record };
+    }});

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