[pmg-devel] Commercial AV Support

Davide Bozzelli davide.bozzelli at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 15:20:35 CET 2018


I've read some thread about additional av support.
I've also browse the pmg-filter code and i see the way you use clamav,
which is basically
an invocation of clamdscan to let clamd scan the mail.

The approach to be taken in order to integrate pmg with others av shoul be
imho the same:
choose a daemonized av .

>From  my knowledge two commercial linux antivirus produtcs exists which
fullfill the above prerequisite, and the are avast and kaspersky.

I tested personally avast: It has a amavis interface and work perfectly
with it.
You could get a 30days trial to test and integrate with pmg.

Kaspersky have a version specifically for linux mail server , and could be
integrated with postfix via milter and with amavis too.

I think one of this two av could be easily integrated with pmg.


Got problems with Windows? - ReBooT
Got problems with Linux? - Be RooT
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