[pdm-devel] [PATCH v2 datacenter-manager 3/7] server: separate ConnectInfo from client creation
Wolfgang Bumiller
w.bumiller at proxmox.com
Wed Mar 5 16:01:04 CET 2025
Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <w.bumiller at proxmox.com>
Reviewed-by: Lukas Wagner <l.wagner at proxmox.com>
No changes since v1.
server/src/connection.rs | 141 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
1 file changed, 83 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server/src/connection.rs b/server/src/connection.rs
index 984cd79..35b9462 100644
--- a/server/src/connection.rs
+++ b/server/src/connection.rs
@@ -29,43 +29,29 @@ static INSTANCE: OnceLock<Box<dyn ClientFactory + Send + Sync>> = OnceLock::new(
/// Connection Info returned from [`prepare_connect_client`]
struct ConnectInfo {
- pub client: Client,
- pub prefix: String,
- pub perl_compat: bool,
+ prefix: String,
+ perl_compat: bool,
+ pve_compat: bool,
+ default_port: u16,
-/// Returns a [`proxmox_client::Client`] and a token prefix for the specified
-/// [`pdm_api_types::Remote`]
-fn prepare_connect_client(
- remote: &Remote,
- target_endpoint: Option<&str>,
-) -> Result<ConnectInfo, Error> {
- let node = remote
- .nodes
- .iter()
- .find(|endpoint| match target_endpoint {
- Some(target) => target == endpoint.hostname,
- None => true,
- })
- .ok_or_else(|| match target_endpoint {
- Some(endpoint) => format_err!("{endpoint} not configured for remote"),
- None => format_err!("no nodes configured for remote"),
- })?;
+impl ConnectInfo {
+ fn for_remote(remote: &Remote) -> Self {
+ let (default_port, prefix, perl_compat, pve_compat) = match remote.ty {
+ RemoteType::Pve => (8006, "PVEAPIToken".to_string(), true, true),
+ RemoteType::Pbs => (8007, "PBSAPIToken".to_string(), false, false),
+ };
- let (default_port, prefix, perl_compat, pve_compat) = match remote.ty {
- RemoteType::Pve => (8006, "PVEAPIToken".to_string(), true, true),
- RemoteType::Pbs => (8007, "PBSAPIToken".to_string(), false, false),
- };
- let client = prepare_connect_client_to_node(node, default_port, pve_compat)?;
- Ok(ConnectInfo {
- client,
- prefix,
- perl_compat,
- })
+ ConnectInfo {
+ prefix,
+ perl_compat,
+ pve_compat,
+ default_port,
+ }
+ }
+/// Returns a [`proxmox_client::Client`] set up to connect to a specific node.
fn prepare_connect_client_to_node(
node: &NodeUrl,
default_port: u16,
@@ -92,51 +78,82 @@ fn prepare_connect_client_to_node(
+/// Returns a [`proxmox_client::Client`] and connection info required to set token authentication
+/// data for the [`pdm_api_types::Remote`].
+fn prepare_connect_client(
+ remote: &Remote,
+ target_endpoint: Option<&str>,
+) -> Result<(Client, ConnectInfo), Error> {
+ let node = remote
+ .nodes
+ .iter()
+ .find(|endpoint| match target_endpoint {
+ Some(target) => target == endpoint.hostname,
+ None => true,
+ })
+ .ok_or_else(|| match target_endpoint {
+ Some(endpoint) => format_err!("{endpoint} not configured for remote"),
+ None => format_err!("no nodes configured for remote"),
+ })?;
+ let info = ConnectInfo::for_remote(remote);
+ let client = prepare_connect_client_to_node(node, info.default_port, info.pve_compat)?;
+ Ok((client, info))
/// Constructs a [`Client`] for the given [`Remote`] for an API token
/// It does not actually opens a connection there, but prepares the client with the correct
/// authentication information and settings for the [`RemoteType`]
fn connect(remote: &Remote, target_endpoint: Option<&str>) -> Result<Client, anyhow::Error> {
- let ConnectInfo {
- client,
- perl_compat,
- prefix,
- } = prepare_connect_client(remote, target_endpoint)?;
+ let (client, info) = prepare_connect_client(remote, target_endpoint)?;
client.set_authentication(proxmox_client::Token {
userid: remote.authid.to_string(),
- prefix,
value: remote.token.to_string(),
- perl_compat,
+ prefix: info.prefix,
+ perl_compat: info.perl_compat,
-/// Like [`connect()`], but for remotes which have multiple clients.
-fn multi_connect(remote: &Remote) -> Result<MultiClient, anyhow::Error> {
- let (default_port, prefix, perl_compat, pve_compat) = match remote.ty {
- RemoteType::Pve => (8006, "PVEAPIToken".to_string(), true, true),
- RemoteType::Pbs => (8007, "PBSAPIToken".to_string(), false, false),
+/// Returns a [`MultiClient`] and connection info required to set token authentication
+/// data for the [`pdm_api_types::Remote`].
+fn prepare_connect_multi_client(remote: &Remote) -> Result<(MultiClient, ConnectInfo), Error> {
+ if remote.nodes.is_empty() {
+ bail!("no nodes configured for remote");
+ let info = ConnectInfo::for_remote(remote);
let mut clients = Vec::new();
for node in &remote.nodes {
- let client = prepare_connect_client_to_node(node, default_port, pve_compat)?;
+ clients.push(Arc::new(prepare_connect_client_to_node(
+ node,
+ info.default_port,
+ info.pve_compat,
+ )?));
+ }
+ Ok((MultiClient::new(clients), info))
+/// Like [`connect()`], but with failover support for remotes which can have multiple nodes.
+fn multi_connect(remote: &Remote) -> Result<MultiClient, anyhow::Error> {
+ let (client, info) = prepare_connect_multi_client(remote)?;
+ client.for_each_client(|client| {
client.set_authentication(proxmox_client::Token {
userid: remote.authid.to_string(),
- prefix: prefix.clone(),
value: remote.token.to_string(),
- perl_compat,
+ prefix: info.prefix.clone(),
+ perl_compat: info.perl_compat,
- clients.push(Arc::new(client));
- }
- if clients.is_empty() {
- bail!("no nodes configured for remote");
- }
+ });
- Ok(MultiClient::new(clients))
+ Ok(client)
/// Constructs a [`Client`] for the given [`Remote`] for an API token or user
@@ -155,8 +172,7 @@ async fn connect_or_login(
if remote.authid.is_token() {
connect(remote, target_endpoint)
} else {
- let info = prepare_connect_client(remote, target_endpoint)?;
- let client = info.client;
+ let (client, _info) = prepare_connect_client(remote, target_endpoint)?;
match client
@@ -424,6 +440,15 @@ impl MultiClient {
timeout: Duration::from_secs(60),
+ fn for_each_client<F>(&self, func: F)
+ where
+ F: Fn(&Arc<Client>),
+ {
+ for client in &self.state.lock().unwrap().clients {
+ func(client);
+ }
+ }
/// Keeps track of which client (iow. which specific node of a remote) we're supposed to be using
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