[pdm-devel] [PATCH datacenter-manager/proxmox/yew-comp v5 00/21] use HttpOnly cookies in new projects

Shannon Sterz s.sterz at proxmox.com
Tue Mar 4 15:42:26 CET 2025

this patch series aims to improve the security of our authentication
cookies for new projects such as anything based on the new yew-based
toolkit. this is accomplished by several means:

- cookies are now HttpOnly, which means client side JavaScript in a
  browser has no access to the cookies anymore. this makes it harder to
  steal cookies via malicious javascript code injected in the front-end.
  (such as by downgrading a connection to http)
- cookies are prefixed with `__Host-` by default (can be overriden in
  the auth context), which means other subdomain's that did not set the
  cookie have no more access to the cookie and cannot change it. this
  means an attacker on another subdomain cannot overwrite the cookie
  and, thus, trick a victim to perform actions with other credentials
  than expected.
- cookies are now `Secure` and `SameSite=Lax` by default. which means
  cookies are only to be send in an https context and not on cross-site
  requests (other than when a user initiates navigation).

the first four patches in this series just add minor helpers and such to
prepare for implementing a ticket endpoint in the `proxmox-auth-api`
crate that can set tickets via a Set-Cookie header. such as adding a
helper to express a unix epoch as http timestamp, setting cookies in an
endpoint while still handling parameters in the request body and letting
the auth context specify how to prefix the authentication cookie.

the next four patches do the heavy lifting on the server side, mainly
checking for the newly prefixed authentication cookie, implementing an
endpoint that sets the cookie appropriatelly, and moving the existing
ticket endpoint to use the same api types and handler as the new one.
this is done in a way where the api itself stays the same for endusers.
the last of these four commits also adds an endpoint to remove a ticket
again, as browser-based clients can no longer do this by themselves.

the next couple of patches adapt the `proxmox-login` and
`proxmox-client` crates to deal with tickets stored in HttpOnly cookies.
they also allow specifying a cookie name when creating a client, so that
the cookie can be set in the appropriate header when needed. finally
proxmox-yew-comp is adapted to also handle HttpOnly cookies correctly.
since the client has no more access to the "real" ticket anymore, we
return an unsigned "informational" ticket that has all the information
needed by the client to refresh cookies (presuming that the correct
HttpOnly cookie is appropriatelly handled by the context).

for non-browser context, `proxmox-client` now checks for `Set-Cookie`
headers as well in order to pick up on potential tickets there. this
requires that the client is provided with an appropriate cookie name.

the last commit adds the new endpoints to the datacenter-manager to
already support them there correctly.


v2 of this series was:

Reviewed-by: Maximiliano Sandoval <m.sandoval at proxmox.com>

changes since v4 thanks @ Wolfgang Bumiller
- don't derive `Default` on `Userid`, `CreateTicket` and
  `CreateTickeReponse` as empty user ids are not valid

changes since v3 thanks @ Wolfgang Bumiller & Maximiliano Sandoval
- fixed a bug introduced in the new http only ticket endpoint introduced
  by previous re-factoring (it would always panic due to a wrong
- uncomment some `use` statements in the doc example for the new
  `AsyncHttpBodyParameters` type endpoint

changes since v2 thanks @ Wolfgang Bumiller & Maximiliano Sandoval

- stop swalloing ticket parsing errors in the auth-api and proxmox-login
- add a helper to create `Authentication`s instead of have the same code
  three times
- incorporate multiple minor nits and style improvements

changes since v1 thanks @ Wolfgang Bumiller

- moved common logic in the ticket endpoints to a separate handler and
  use common types to improve parameter parsing and compatibility
- only check `Set-Cookie` headers when a cookie name is provided and
  only check cookies with a correct name in proxmox-client
- pass through the cookie name if specify to proxmox-login in
- don't set informational tickets in the `set_auth_headers()` functions
  in `proxmox-login`
- smaller changes (nits, typos return types, dependency clean up where
  possible etc.)


Shannon Sterz (17):
  time: add new `epoch_to_http_date` helper
  rest-server: borrow parts parameter in `get_request_parameter`
  router/rest-server: add new `AsyncHttpBodyParameters` api handler type
  auth-api: extend `AuthContext` with prefixed cookie name
  auth-api: check for new prefixed cookies as well
  auth-api: introduce new CreateTicket and CreateTickeReponse api types
  auth-api: add endpoint for issuing tickets as HttpOnly tickets
  auth-api: make regular ticket endpoint use the new types and handler
  auth-api: add logout method
  login: add optional field for ticket_info and make password optional
  login: make password optional when creating Login requests
  login: add helpers to pass cookie values when parsing login responses
  login: add `TicketResult::HttpOnly` member
  login: add helper to check whether a ticket is just informational
  login: add functions to specify full cookie names
  client: add compatibility with HttpOnly cookies
  client: specify cookie names for authentication headers where possible

 proxmox-auth-api/Cargo.toml        |   4 +
 proxmox-auth-api/src/api/access.rs | 237 ++++++++++++++++++++---------
 proxmox-auth-api/src/api/mod.rs    |  53 +++++--
 proxmox-auth-api/src/ticket.rs     |   5 +
 proxmox-auth-api/src/types.rs      |  65 ++++++++
 proxmox-client/src/client.rs       | 119 ++++++++++++---
 proxmox-login/src/api.rs           |   9 +-
 proxmox-login/src/lib.rs           | 128 +++++++++++++---
 proxmox-login/src/ticket.rs        |  53 ++++++-
 proxmox-rest-server/src/rest.rs    |  21 ++-
 proxmox-router/src/cli/command.rs  |  12 ++
 proxmox-router/src/format.rs       |   6 +
 proxmox-router/src/router.rs       |  45 ++++++
 proxmox-time/src/posix.rs          |   9 ++
 14 files changed, 629 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)


Shannon Sterz (3):
  HttpClient: add helpers to refresh HttpOnly cookies and remove them
  LoginPanel/http helpers: add support for handling HttpOnly cookies
  http helpers: ask server to remove `__Host-` prefixed cookie on logout

 src/http_client_wasm.rs | 19 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/http_helpers.rs     | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 src/login_panel.rs      |  5 ++++-
 3 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)


Shannon Sterz (1):
  api: switch ticket endpoint over to new http only endpoint

 server/src/api/access/mod.rs | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Summary over all repositories:
  18 files changed, 692 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)

Generated by git-murpp 0.7.3

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