[pdm-devel] [PATCH proxmox-datacenter-manager 00/25] metric collection improvements (concurrency, config, API, CLI)

Lukas Wagner l.wagner at proxmox.com
Tue Feb 11 13:05:16 CET 2025

Key points:
- fetch metrics concurrently
- configuration for metric collection
  - new config /etc/proxmox-datacenter-manager/metric-collection.json
      - max-concurrency (number of allowed parallel connections)
      - collection-interval
      - randomized offset for collection start
      - randomized per-connection delay
- Add some tests for the core logic in the metric collection system
- Allow to trigger metric collection via the API
- Record metric collection statistics in the RRD
  - overall collection time for all remotes
  - per remote response time when fetching metrics
- Persist metric collection state to disk:
  (timestamps of last collection, errors)
- Trigger metric collection for any new remotes added via the API

- Add new API endpoints
	POST     /metric-collection/trigger with optional 'remote' param
	GET      /metric-collection/status
	GET/PUT  /config/metric-collection/default
	GET      /remotes/<remote>/metric-collection-rrddata
	GET      /metric-collection/rrddata

- Add CLI tooling
	proxmox-datacenter-client metric-collection show-settings
	proxmox-datacenter-client metric-collection update-settings
	proxmox-datacenter-client metric-collection trigger [--remote <remote>]
	proxmox-datacenter-client metric-collection status

## To reviewers / open questions:
- Please review the defaults I've chosen for the settings, especially
  the ones for the default metric collection interval (10 minutes) as
  well as max-concurrency (10).
  I also kindly ask to double-check the naming of the properties.
  See "pdm-api-types: add CollectionSettings type" for details

- Please review path and params for new API endpoints (anything public
  facing that is hard to change later)

- I've chosen a section-config config now, even though we only have a
  single section for now. This was done for future-proofing reasons,
  maybe we want to add support for different setting 'groups' or
  something, e.g. to have different settings for distinct sets of
  remotes. Does this make sense?
  Or should I just stick to a simple config for now? (At moments like
  these I wish for TOML configs where we could be a bit more flexible...)

	collection-settings: default
	    max-concurrency 10
	    collection-interval 180
	    min-interval-offset 0
	    max-interval-offset 20
	    min-connection-delay 10
	    max-connection-delay 100

- Should `GET /remotes/<remote>/metric-collection-rrddata` be 
  just `rrddata`?
  not sure if we are going to add any other PDM-native per-remote
  metrics and whether we want to return that from the same API call
  as this...

## Random offset/delay examples
Example with 'max-concurrency' = 3 and 6 remotes.

    X ... timer triggered
    [ A ] .... fetching remote 'A'
    **** .... interval-offset     (usually a couple of seconds)
    #### .... random worker delay (usually in millisecond range)

                         /--########[  B    ] ### [  C  ]--\
                        /---####[  A  ] ###### [ D ]--------\
----X ************* ---/ ---###### [  E  ] #########[  F  ]--\----


Lukas Wagner (25):
  test support: add NamedTempFile helper
  test support: add NamedTempDir helper
  pdm-api-types: add CollectionSettings type
  pdm-config: add functions for reading/writing metric collection
  metric collection: split top_entities split into separate module
  metric collection: save metric data to RRD in separate task
  metric collection: rework metric poll task
  metric collection: persist state after metric collection
  metric collection: skip if last_collection < MIN_COLLECTION_INTERVAL
  metric collection: collect overdue metrics on startup/timer change
  metric collection: add tests for the fetch_remotes function
  metric collection: add test for fetch_overdue
  metric collection: pass rrd cache instance as function parameter
  metric collection: add test for rrd task
  metric collection: wrap rrd_cache::Cache in a struct
  metric collection: record remote response time in metric database
  metric collection: save time needed for collection run to RRD
  metric collection: periodically clean removed remotes from statefile
  api: add endpoint for updating metric collection settings
  api: add endpoint to trigger metric collection
  api: remotes: trigger immediate metric collection for newly added
  api: add api for querying metric collection RRD data
  api: metric-collection: add status endpoint
  pdm-client: add metric collection API methods
  cli: add commands for metric-collection settings, trigger, status

 Cargo.toml                                    |   1 +
 cli/client/Cargo.toml                         |   1 +
 cli/client/src/main.rs                        |   2 +
 cli/client/src/metric_collection.rs           | 164 ++++
 lib/pdm-api-types/src/lib.rs                  |   3 +
 lib/pdm-api-types/src/metric_collection.rs    | 195 +++++
 lib/pdm-api-types/src/rrddata.rs              |  26 +
 lib/pdm-client/src/lib.rs                     |  87 ++
 lib/pdm-config/src/lib.rs                     |   1 +
 lib/pdm-config/src/metric_collection.rs       |  69 ++
 server/Cargo.toml                             |   1 +
 server/src/api/config/metric_collection.rs    | 166 ++++
 server/src/api/config/mod.rs                  |   2 +
 server/src/api/metric_collection.rs           |  99 +++
 server/src/api/mod.rs                         |   2 +
 server/src/api/remotes.rs                     |  59 ++
 server/src/api/resources.rs                   |   3 +-
 server/src/api/rrd_common.rs                  |  11 +-
 server/src/bin/proxmox-datacenter-api.rs      |   2 +-
 server/src/lib.rs                             |   2 +-
 .../src/metric_collection/collection_task.rs  | 756 ++++++++++++++++++
 server/src/metric_collection/mod.rs           | 333 ++------
 server/src/metric_collection/rrd_cache.rs     | 204 ++---
 server/src/metric_collection/rrd_task.rs      | 286 +++++++
 server/src/metric_collection/state.rs         | 152 ++++
 server/src/metric_collection/top_entities.rs  | 150 ++++
 server/src/test_support/mod.rs                |   4 +
 server/src/test_support/temp.rs               |  60 ++
 28 files changed, 2479 insertions(+), 362 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 cli/client/src/metric_collection.rs
 create mode 100644 lib/pdm-api-types/src/metric_collection.rs
 create mode 100644 lib/pdm-config/src/metric_collection.rs
 create mode 100644 server/src/api/config/metric_collection.rs
 create mode 100644 server/src/api/metric_collection.rs
 create mode 100644 server/src/metric_collection/collection_task.rs
 create mode 100644 server/src/metric_collection/rrd_task.rs
 create mode 100644 server/src/metric_collection/state.rs
 create mode 100644 server/src/metric_collection/top_entities.rs
 create mode 100644 server/src/test_support/temp.rs

Summary over all repositories:
  28 files changed, 2479 insertions(+), 362 deletions(-)

Generated by git-murpp 0.8.0

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