[pbs-devel] [PATCH v5 proxmox-backup 21/31] ui: add view with separate grids for pull and push sync jobs

Dominik Csapak d.csapak at proxmox.com
Tue Oct 29 07:22:28 CET 2024

On 10/28/24 4:52 PM, Christian Ebner wrote:
> On 10/25/24 12:39, Dominik Csapak wrote:
>>> +    },
>>> +    scrollable: true,
>>> +    items: [
>>> +    {
>>> +        xtype: 'pbsSyncJobView',
>>> +        itemId: 'syncJobsPull',
>>> +        syncDirection: 'pull',
>>> +        cbind: {
>>> +        datastore: '{datastore}',
>>> +        },
>>> +        minHeight: 125, // shows at least one line of content
>> just to feed my curiosity (and it's not mentioned here)
>> why is this height
>>> +    },
>>> +    {
>>> +        xtype: 'splitter',
>>> +        performCollapse: false,
>>> +    },
>>> +    {
>>> +        xtype: 'pbsSyncJobView',
>>> +        itemId: 'syncJobsPush',
>>> +        syncDirection: 'push',
>>> +        cbind: {
>>> +        datastore: '{datastore}',
>>> +        },
>>> +        flex: 1,
>>> +        minHeight: 160, // shows at least one line of content
>> different than this height?
>> the columns should take the same amount of space no?
>> son one line should take the same height for both panels?
>> (or am i missing something here?)
> Well, you should know: see commit 7a23a7ca ("ui: prune/gc view: improve sizing & 
> scrolling behaviour") ;)
> Jokes aside, I can include that reasoning into the commit message as well. I did 
> once again follow very closely the pre-existing prune and garbage collection view.

for those panels it does make  sense, since those two panels have different
column definitions ;) (one has header groups, which take up more vertical

AFAICT these panels here  are identical, besides the  different context
(push vs pull) or  did i miss some different column configuration here?

so if they are identical, they should need the exact same amount of 'minHeight'
to show at least one line

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