[pbs-devel] applied: [PATCH v3 proxmox-backup] partial fix #5560: client: periodically show backup progress

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Fri Oct 18 09:53:42 CEST 2024

Am 18/10/2024 um 09:37 schrieb Christian Ebner:
> One thing still came to mind yesterday though:
> Progress logging is now enabled unconditionally, and as is it is not 
> possible to disable it or configure the interval.
> So I plan to send a patch to make the progress log output opt-in, and 

Personally I'd prefer opt-out, I'm not a fan of tools that stay silent
by default (looking at you `dd`).

Tools can always turn this off easily, and we already have some output
so it's not like we'd previously have none and now suddenly print stuff,
which might indeed surprise some existing users that relied on no output
(IMO a bit weird thing to do, but well not completely out of the picture)

> make the interval configurable within a meaningful value range (maybe 
> within 0s to 3600s?).
> Something like:
> ```
> proxmox-backup-client backup root.pxar:/ --progress-log-interval=10
> ```
> And disable progress log output for a value of 0 or the optional 
> parameter is not given.
> That would also allow to more flexibly control the behavior when being 
> invoked by vzdump.
> What are your opinions on that?

Minus the s/opt-in/opt-out/ preference that's fine by me. We could then
also switch to a higher reporting rate in PVE, albeit FWIW, for VM backups
there we use 10s and then slow down after some time, trying to take a
balance for early fast feedback and short backups and long backups.
And just throwing out ideas, one could also do a size-related interval,
like print a report every (at least) X MB or GB uploaded.

Oh, and do you plan to take a TimeSpan as interval parameter? Might
provide nice UX here.

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