[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup] ui: check that store is set before trying to select in GCJobView

Fiona Ebner f.ebner at proxmox.com
Thu Nov 28 15:37:14 CET 2024

Am 28.11.24 um 15:15 schrieb Fiona Ebner:
> Am 28.11.24 um 14:49 schrieb Shannon Sterz:
>> otherwise users will get a `b.store is null` error in the console and
>> a loading spinner is shown for a while.
>> the issue in question seems to stem from the event handler that gets
>> attached when the "Prune & GC Jobs" tab is opened for a specific
>> datastore. however, that event handler should *not* be attached for
>> the "Datastore" -> "Prune & GC Jobs" panel. it seems that the event
>> handler does still get attached, and will fire in the "Datastore"
>> view if it hasn't fired while opened in a specific datastore
>> (it should only trigger a single time).
>> that scenario seems to occur when a different tab was previously
>> selected in a specific datastore and navigation is triggered via the
>> side bar from the "Datastore" -> "Prune GC Jobs" to a specific
>> datastore. that leads to the "Prune & GC Jobs" view for that specific
>> datastore being opened very briefly in which the event handler gets
>> attached, navigation then automatically moves to the previously
>> selected tab. this will stop the store from updating ensuring that
>> the event is never triggered. when we then move to
>> the "Datastore" -> "Prune & GC Jobs" tab again the event handler will
>> be triggered but the store of the view is null leading to the error.
>> Signed-off-by: Shannon Sterz <s.sterz at proxmox.com>
>> ---
>>  www/config/GCView.js | 6 +++++-
>>  1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>> diff --git a/www/config/GCView.js b/www/config/GCView.js
>> index a6e79fb3..51ce1cb6 100644
>> --- a/www/config/GCView.js
>> +++ b/www/config/GCView.js
>> @@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ Ext.define('PBS.config.GCJobView', {
>>  		// after the store is loaded, select the row to enable the Edit,.. buttons
>>  		store.rstore.proxy.on({
>>  		    'afterload': {
>> -			fn: () => view.getSelectionModel().select(0),
>> +			fn: () => {
>> +			    if (view.store) {
>> +				view.getSelectionModel().select(0);
> In my testing, view.store is set if I was previously at a datastore's
> "Prune & GC Jobs" but not if I was on a different tab from a datastore.
> In both cases, the row does not seem to be selected and the "Edit" and
> "Run Now" buttons are still grayed out. So your patch is certainly an
> improvement, because there is no error and loading :) But it still
> doesn't seem to do what was intended according to the code comment.

>From a quick off-list discussion, Shannon pointed out that this code is
intended for the "Prune & GC Jobs" tab for a single datastore, not the
overview, where it still works after the change :)

So consider this:

Tested-by: Fiona Ebner <f.ebner at proxmox.com>

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