[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-rrd] cache: skip non-utf8 lines in rrd journal

Christian Ebner c.ebner at proxmox.com
Mon Jun 24 19:30:55 CEST 2024

On 6/24/24 17:53, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>> In certain situations garbage might be written to the rrd journal,
>> e.g. by a hard crash of the host.
> Why does a host crash writes garbage to a file?

I did not investigate any further how the file corruption might have 
occurred: might be truncated output leading to incorrect, non-utf8 
encoding before the full line was written?

Nevertheless, the reported error message points to this location and the 
line should be skipped if not correctly encoded, no matter how the file 
was corrupted to begin with. Otherwise the mentioned issues arise.

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