[pbs-devel] After Build pbs server source and run error

Fabian Grünbichler f.gruenbichler at proxmox.com
Wed Jun 19 08:14:34 CEST 2024

> Turkijan <turkijan083 at gmail.com> hat am 19.06.2024 03:39 CEST geschrieben:
> After build pbs server source code and run it in my ubuntu working pc.
> gdm.service can't run after restart.
> How can I fix it?

PBS is not meant to be installed on top of Ubuntu, but on top of Debian (Bookworm for PBS 3.x). Possibly some incompatibility with packages caused some component of your system to be removed. /var/log/apt/history.log will contain details in that case. Else I'd suggest checking the logs of the system, and the status of the gdm service in particular.

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