[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup v2 2/9] tests: rudimentary NetworkConfig.write_config tests

Stefan Lendl s.lendl at proxmox.com
Thu Jan 18 16:44:17 CET 2024

test simple manual and static configurations

Signed-off-by: Stefan Lendl <s.lendl at proxmox.com>
Tested-by: Lukas Wagner <l.wagner at proxmox.com>
Reviewd-by: Lukas Wagner <l.wagner at proxmox.com>
 pbs-config/src/network/mod.rs | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+)

diff --git a/pbs-config/src/network/mod.rs b/pbs-config/src/network/mod.rs
index 21187ec2..7fec7e29 100644
--- a/pbs-config/src/network/mod.rs
+++ b/pbs-config/src/network/mod.rs
@@ -503,3 +503,82 @@ pub fn complete_port_list(arg: &str, _param: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Vec<St
         .map(|port| format!("{}{}", prefix, port))
+mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    use NetworkConfigMethod::*;
+    use NetworkInterfaceType::*;
+    use NetworkOrderEntry::*;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_write_network_config_manual() {
+        let iface_name = String::from("enp3s0");
+        let mut iface = Interface::new(iface_name.clone());
+        iface.interface_type = Eth;
+        iface.method = Some(Manual);
+        iface.active = true;
+        let nw_config = NetworkConfig {
+            interfaces: BTreeMap::from([(iface_name.clone(), iface)]),
+            order: vec![Iface(iface_name.clone())],
+        };
+        assert_eq!(
+            String::try_from(nw_config).unwrap().trim(),
+            r#"iface enp3s0 inet manual"#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_write_network_config_static() {
+        let iface_name = String::from("enp3s0");
+        let mut iface = Interface::new(iface_name.clone());
+        iface.interface_type = Eth;
+        iface.method = Some(Static);
+        iface.cidr = Some(String::from(""));
+        iface.active = true;
+        let nw_config = NetworkConfig {
+            interfaces: BTreeMap::from([(iface_name.clone(), iface)]),
+            order: vec![Iface(iface_name.clone())],
+        };
+        assert_eq!(
+            String::try_from(nw_config).unwrap().trim(),
+            format!(
+                r#"
+iface enp3s0 inet static
+	address"#
+            )
+            .trim()
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_write_network_config_static_with_gateway() {
+        let iface_name = String::from("enp3s0");
+        let mut iface = Interface::new(iface_name.clone());
+        iface.interface_type = Eth;
+        iface.method = Some(Static);
+        iface.cidr = Some(String::from(""));
+        iface.gateway = Some(String::from(""));
+        iface.active = true;
+        let nw_config = NetworkConfig {
+            interfaces: BTreeMap::from([(iface_name.clone(), iface)]),
+            order: vec![Iface(iface_name.clone())],
+        };
+        assert_eq!(
+            String::try_from(nw_config).unwrap().trim(),
+            format!(
+                r#"
+iface enp3s0 inet static
+	address
+	gateway"#
+            )
+            .trim()
+        );
+    }

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