[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox 04/12] auth-api: move to hmac signing for csrf tokens

Stefan Sterz s.sterz at proxmox.com
Fri Feb 23 11:52:44 CET 2024

On Fri Feb 23, 2024 at 11:48 AM CET, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
> Am 23/02/2024 um 10:26 schrieb Stefan Sterz:
> > the alternative is not having a fallback at all and breaking all open
> > session once on upgrade. but basically we should be able to remove this
> > check even between minor versions since we don't support version
> > skipping to my knowledge. sessions are only valid for two hours and
> > usually we don't release those versions *that* quickly 😉
> Not sure if I understood you correctly, but one can update from any
> previous minor version to the newer one,independent of how many versions
> there are in-between. Just like one can update from the latest previous
> major version to the next major version and the latest of it's minor
> version.
> So no, this check cannot be removed between minor version.
> E.g., if this would get rolled out for PBS 3, then PBS 4 would be the
> first version where it would be 100% fine to remove it without any
> realistic user impact. As while could update from 3.1 to 3.4 and then
> to 4.x in a matter of two hours easily, our official upgrade how-to
> then documents that a reboot of the host and a (force) refresh the
> web UI is required, which then makes it 100% fine.
> If we wouldn't require reboots and refreshes then, users could update
> ancient installations over a few major releases in a row, and we could
> basically never drop such backward-compatibility code.

ahye, sorry for that than. in that case yeah, this fallback could only
be removed with the next major version. sorry for the misinformation.

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