[pbs-devel] [PATCH v2 proxmox-backup 8/8] gc: configure width and flex on GC Jobs columns

Stefan Lendl s.lendl at proxmox.com
Tue Feb 6 15:51:43 CET 2024

table expands to the full width and relevant data is still visible on a
narrow screen.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Lendl <s.lendl at proxmox.com>
 www/config/GCView.js | 30 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/www/config/GCView.js b/www/config/GCView.js
index d1f1bf71..796057ff 100644
--- a/www/config/GCView.js
+++ b/www/config/GCView.js
@@ -159,63 +159,71 @@ Ext.define('PBS.config.GCJobView', {
 	    header: gettext('Datastore'),
 	    dataIndex: 'store',
 	    renderer: Ext.String.htmlEncode,
-	    width: 120,
 	    sortable: true,
 	    hideable: false,
+        width: 150,
+	    minWidth: 120,
+        maxWidth: 300,
+		flex: 2,
 	    header: gettext('Schedule'),
 	    dataIndex: 'schedule',
-	    maxWidth: 220,
-	    minWidth: 80,
-	    flex: 1,
 	    sortable: false,
 	    hideable: false,
 	    renderer: (value) => value ? value : Proxmox.Utils.NoneText,
+        width: 85,
+	    minWidth: 85,
+	    flex: 1,
 	    header: gettext('Last GC'),
 	    dataIndex: 'last-run-endtime',
 	    renderer: PBS.Utils.render_optional_timestamp,
-	    minWidth: 150,
 	    sortable: true,
+        minWidth: 150,
+		flex: 1,
 	    text: gettext('Duration'),
 	    dataIndex: 'duration',
 	    renderer: Proxmox.Utils.render_duration,
 	    sortable: false,
-	    width: 80,
+	    minWidth: 80,
+		flex: 1,
 	    header: gettext('Last Status'),
 	    dataIndex: 'last-run-state',
 	    renderer: PBS.Utils.render_task_status,
 	    sortable: true,
-	    flex: 3,
-	    maxWidth: 100,
+        width: 100,
 	    minWidth: 80,
+		flex: 1,
 	    header: gettext('Next Run'),
 	    dataIndex: 'next-run',
 	    renderer: PBS.Utils.render_next_task_run,
-	    width: 150,
 	    sortable: true,
+        minWidth: 150,
+		flex: 1,
 	    header: gettext('Removed Chunks'),
 	    dataIndex: 'removed-chunks',
 	    renderer: (value) => value !== undefined ? value : "-",
-	    maxWidth: 100,
 	    sortable: false,
+        minWidth: 85,
+        flex: 1,
 	    header: gettext('Pending Chunks'),
 	    dataIndex: 'pending-chunks',
 	    renderer: (value) => value !== undefined ? value : "-",
-	    maxWidth: 100,
 	    sortable: false,
+        minWidth: 80,
+        flex: 3,

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