[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup] ui: add consent banner maxLength

Gabriel Goller g.goller at proxmox.com
Tue Dec 10 11:27:53 CET 2024

On 10.12.2024 11:25, Gabriel Goller wrote:
>On 09.12.2024 12:29, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
>>Am 06.12.24 um 13:23 schrieb Gabriel Goller:
>>>Add a maxLength of 24000 to the consentBanner. This is the same limit as
>>>in PVE, and while it makes sense there (file size limits in pmxcfs), it
>>>acts more as an arbitrary stop-gap here.
>>>Signed-off-by: Gabriel Goller <g.goller at proxmox.com>
>>> www/config/NodeOptionView.js | 3 +++
>>> 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
>>>diff --git a/www/config/NodeOptionView.js b/www/config/NodeOptionView.js
>>>index c327356f7f24..966e6d719469 100644
>>>--- a/www/config/NodeOptionView.js
>>>+++ b/www/config/NodeOptionView.js
>>>@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ Ext.define('PBS.NodeOptionView', {
>>> 	    name: 'consent-text',
>>> 	    text: gettext('Consent Text'),
>>> 	    deleteEmpty: true,
>>>+	    fieldOpts: {
>>>+		maxLength: 24000,
>>But that's frontend only? So not really a limitation for anybody.
>>While it is great to have for UX, the real check should go into
>>the backend.
>Right, I'll add a limit to the api as well.
>Note that we also have a request body size limit
>(proxmox-rest-server/src/rest.rs:409), which I think is quite sensible,
>so I'd set the frontend limit to the request body limit -1024 (for other
>options to coexist) (so 63 * 1024) and I'll set the backend limit to
>128kB that you suggested.

No I'm stupid that won't help anything.
I'll have to set the backend limit when updating to the 63*1024 as well.
I could set a limit when reading though, but that seems a bit harsh.

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