[pbs-devel] applied: [PATCH proxmox-backup 3/5] ui: datastore content: add context menu to groups and snapshots

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Wed Nov 29 08:47:09 CET 2023

Am 29/11/2023 um 08:35 schrieb Dominik Csapak:
> On 11/28/23 16:27, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
>> Albeit, I'm wondering if we should add the ID into the menu header, for
>> snapshots that tends to be a bit large though...
> yeah i tried that, but couldn't make it look ok and consistent, so i left it out.
> If you have an idea how to format it (maybe "type \n id \n time" ?)
> it should be relatively trivial to implement.

No, besides making the menu just wider by default (some padding is totally
fine to have) and make text-overflow ellipsis to avoid breakage (which is
not 100% ideal either) I have no real good idea.

>> Oh, and fwiw, we could add a "Copy Text" for the cells where it makes
>> sense (ID of group or snapshot, comment firt line, maybe date) so that
>> one has it slightly easier if they found the wanted snapshot/group here
>> and what to use that ID for, e.g., finding that in the PVE storage
>> content UI, but no hard feelings, just as an idea.
> yeah that could make sense, or maybe easier if we allow selecting the
> text of the cells directly? that way the users can select copy themselves.
> (we'd have to show the context menu depending on if text is selected or
> not of course, but that should be doable without much issues)

Not so sure about that, at least because double-click is already used
for expand/collapse or note edit, so at least my default workflow of
double click text so select word-ranges doesn't really works, but that
might be relatively minor personal use case (fwiw, I run into that often
in the Notes boxes we have for guests in PVE).

Maybe let's skip that for now maybe we get some real user demand from
which we can better judge the UX that makes most sense here.

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