[pbs-devel] [PATCH v5 proxmox-widget-toolkit 2/5] auth ui: add LDAP sync UI

Lukas Wagner l.wagner at proxmox.com
Fri Mar 17 09:47:19 CET 2023

Taken and adapted from PVE.
  - Removed fields that are irrelevant for PBS for now (PBS has no
    groups yet). If PVE is adapted to use the implementation from the
    widget toolkit, the fields can simply be readded and somehow
    feature-gated so that the fields are only visible/editable on PVE

Signed-off-by: Lukas Wagner <l.wagner at proxmox.com>
 src/Makefile               |   1 +
 src/Schema.js              |   4 +
 src/panel/AuthView.js      |  24 +++++
 src/window/AuthEditLDAP.js | 165 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/window/SyncWindow.js   | 192 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 386 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/window/SyncWindow.js

diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index f65f91a..30e8fd5 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ JSSRC=					\
 	window/TfaEdit.js		\
 	window/NotesEdit.js		\
 	window/ThemeEdit.js		\
+	window/SyncWindow.js	\
 	node/APT.js			\
 	node/APTRepositories.js		\
 	node/NetworkEdit.js		\
diff --git a/src/Schema.js b/src/Schema.js
index 372af89..b247b1e 100644
--- a/src/Schema.js
+++ b/src/Schema.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Ext.define('Proxmox.Schema', { // a singleton
 	    add: false,
 	    edit: false,
 	    pwchange: true,
+	    sync: false,
 	openid: {
 	    name: gettext('OpenID Connect Server'),
@@ -15,15 +16,18 @@ Ext.define('Proxmox.Schema', { // a singleton
 	    edit: true,
 	    tfa: false,
 	    pwchange: false,
+	    sync: false,
 	    iconCls: 'pmx-itype-icon-openid-logo',
 	ldap: {
 	    name: gettext('LDAP Server'),
 	    ipanel: 'pmxAuthLDAPPanel',
+	    syncipanel: 'pmxAuthLDAPSyncPanel',
 	    add: true,
 	    edit: true,
 	    tfa: true,
 	    pwchange: false,
+	    sync: true,
     // to add or change existing for product specific ones
diff --git a/src/panel/AuthView.js b/src/panel/AuthView.js
index 69fe1a5..52b6cac 100644
--- a/src/panel/AuthView.js
+++ b/src/panel/AuthView.js
@@ -75,6 +75,23 @@ Ext.define('Proxmox.panel.AuthView', {
 	me.openEditWindow(rec.data.type, rec.data.realm);
+    open_sync_window: function() {
+	let rec = this.getSelection()[0];
+	if (!rec) {
+	    return;
+	}
+	if (!Proxmox.Schema.authDomains[rec.data.type].sync) {
+	    return;
+	}
+	Ext.create('Proxmox.window.SyncWindow', {
+	    type: rec.data.type,
+	    realm: rec.data.realm,
+	    listeners: {
+		destroy: () => this.reload(),
+	    },
+	}).show();
+    },
     initComponent: function() {
 	var me = this;
@@ -115,6 +132,13 @@ Ext.define('Proxmox.panel.AuthView', {
 		enableFn: (rec) => Proxmox.Schema.authDomains[rec.data.type].add,
 		callback: () => me.reload(),
+	    {
+		xtype: 'proxmoxButton',
+		text: gettext('Sync'),
+		disabled: true,
+		enableFn: (rec) => Proxmox.Schema.authDomains[rec.data.type].sync,
+		handler: () => me.open_sync_window(),
+	    },
 	if (me.extraButtons) {
diff --git a/src/window/AuthEditLDAP.js b/src/window/AuthEditLDAP.js
index a44c536..e62b514 100644
--- a/src/window/AuthEditLDAP.js
+++ b/src/window/AuthEditLDAP.js
@@ -192,3 +192,168 @@ Ext.define('Proxmox.panel.LDAPInputPanel', {
+Ext.define('Proxmox.panel.LDAPSyncInputPanel', {
+    extend: 'Proxmox.panel.InputPanel',
+    xtype: 'pmxAuthLDAPSyncPanel',
+    mixins: ['Proxmox.Mixin.CBind'],
+    editableAttributes: ['email'],
+    editableDefaults: ['scope', 'enable-new'],
+    default_opts: {},
+    sync_attributes: {},
+    type: 'ldap',
+    // (de)construct the sync-attributes from the list above,
+    // not touching all others
+    onGetValues: function(values) {
+	let me = this;
+	me.editableDefaults.forEach((attr) => {
+	    if (values[attr]) {
+		me.default_opts[attr] = values[attr];
+		delete values[attr];
+	    } else {
+		delete me.default_opts[attr];
+	    }
+	});
+	let vanished_opts = [];
+	['acl', 'entry', 'properties'].forEach((prop) => {
+	    if (values[`remove-vanished-${prop}`]) {
+		vanished_opts.push(prop);
+	    }
+	    delete values[`remove-vanished-${prop}`];
+	});
+	me.default_opts['remove-vanished'] = vanished_opts.join(';');
+	values['sync-defaults-options'] = Proxmox.Utils.printPropertyString(me.default_opts);
+	me.editableAttributes.forEach((attr) => {
+	    if (values[attr]) {
+		me.sync_attributes[attr] = values[attr];
+		delete values[attr];
+	    } else {
+		delete me.sync_attributes[attr];
+	    }
+	});
+	values['sync-attributes'] = Proxmox.Utils.printPropertyString(me.sync_attributes);
+	Proxmox.Utils.delete_if_default(values, 'sync-defaults-options');
+	Proxmox.Utils.delete_if_default(values, 'sync-attributes');
+	if (me.isCreate) {
+	    delete values.delete; // on create we cannot delete values
+	}
+	return values;
+    },
+    setValues: function(values) {
+	let me = this;
+	if (values['sync-attributes']) {
+	    me.sync_attributes = Proxmox.Utils.parsePropertyString(values['sync-attributes']);
+	    delete values['sync-attributes'];
+	    me.editableAttributes.forEach((attr) => {
+		if (me.sync_attributes[attr]) {
+		    values[attr] = me.sync_attributes[attr];
+		}
+	    });
+	}
+	if (values['sync-defaults-options']) {
+	    me.default_opts = Proxmox.Utils.parsePropertyString(values['sync-defaults-options']);
+	    delete values.default_opts;
+	    me.editableDefaults.forEach((attr) => {
+		if (me.default_opts[attr]) {
+		    values[attr] = me.default_opts[attr];
+		}
+	    });
+	    if (me.default_opts['remove-vanished']) {
+		let opts = me.default_opts['remove-vanished'].split(';');
+		for (const opt of opts) {
+		    values[`remove-vanished-${opt}`] = 1;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	return me.callParent([values]);
+    },
+    column1: [
+	{
+	    xtype: 'proxmoxtextfield',
+	    name: 'email',
+	    fieldLabel: gettext('E-Mail attribute'),
+	},
+	{
+	    xtype: 'displayfield',
+	    value: gettext('Default Sync Options'),
+	},
+	{
+	    xtype: 'proxmoxKVComboBox',
+	    value: '__default__',
+	    deleteEmpty: false,
+	    comboItems: [
+		[
+		    '__default__',
+		    Ext.String.format(
+			gettext("{0} ({1})"),
+			Proxmox.Utils.yesText,
+			Proxmox.Utils.defaultText,
+		    ),
+		],
+		['true', Proxmox.Utils.yesText],
+		['false', Proxmox.Utils.noText],
+	    ],
+	    name: 'enable-new',
+	    fieldLabel: gettext('Enable new users'),
+	},
+    ],
+    column2: [
+	{
+	    xtype: 'proxmoxtextfield',
+	    name: 'user-classes',
+	    fieldLabel: gettext('User classes'),
+	    deleteEmpty: true,
+	    emptyText: 'inetorgperson, posixaccount, person, user',
+	    autoEl: {
+		tag: 'div',
+		'data-qtip': gettext('Default user classes: inetorgperson, posixaccount, person, user'),
+	    },
+	},
+	{
+	    xtype: 'proxmoxtextfield',
+	    name: 'filter',
+	    fieldLabel: gettext('User Filter'),
+	    deleteEmpty: true,
+	},
+    ],
+    columnB: [
+	{
+	    xtype: 'fieldset',
+	    title: gettext('Remove Vanished Options'),
+	    items: [
+		{
+		    xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
+		    fieldLabel: gettext('ACL'),
+		    name: 'remove-vanished-acl',
+		    boxLabel: gettext('Remove ACLs of vanished users'),
+		},
+		{
+		    xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
+		    fieldLabel: gettext('Entry'),
+		    name: 'remove-vanished-entry',
+		    boxLabel: gettext('Remove vanished user'),
+		},
+		{
+		    xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
+		    fieldLabel: gettext('Properties'),
+		    name: 'remove-vanished-properties',
+		    boxLabel: gettext('Remove vanished properties from synced users.'),
+		},
+	    ],
+	},
+    ],
diff --git a/src/window/SyncWindow.js b/src/window/SyncWindow.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..449782a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/window/SyncWindow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+Ext.define('Proxmox.window.SyncWindow', {
+    extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
+    title: gettext('Realm Sync'),
+    width: 600,
+    bodyPadding: 10,
+    modal: true,
+    resizable: false,
+    controller: {
+	xclass: 'Ext.app.ViewController',
+	control: {
+	    'form': {
+		validitychange: function(field, valid) {
+		    this.lookup('preview_btn').setDisabled(!valid);
+		    this.lookup('sync_btn').setDisabled(!valid);
+		},
+	    },
+	    'button': {
+		click: function(btn) {
+		    this.sync_realm(btn.reference === 'preview_btn');
+		},
+	    },
+	},
+	sync_realm: function(is_preview) {
+	    let view = this.getView();
+	    let ipanel = this.lookup('ipanel');
+	    let params = ipanel.getValues();
+	    let vanished_opts = [];
+	    ['acl', 'entry', 'properties'].forEach((prop) => {
+		if (params[`remove-vanished-${prop}`]) {
+		    vanished_opts.push(prop);
+		}
+		delete params[`remove-vanished-${prop}`];
+	    });
+	    if (vanished_opts.length > 0) {
+		params['remove-vanished'] = vanished_opts.join(';');
+	    }
+	    params['dry-run'] = is_preview ? 1 : 0;
+	    Proxmox.Utils.API2Request({
+		url: `/access/domains/${view.realm}/sync`,
+		waitMsgTarget: view,
+		method: 'POST',
+		params,
+		failure: (response) => {
+		    view.show();
+		    Ext.Msg.alert(gettext('Error'), response.htmlStatus);
+		},
+		success: (response) => {
+		    view.hide();
+		    Ext.create('Proxmox.window.TaskViewer', {
+			upid: response.result.data,
+			listeners: {
+			    destroy: () => {
+				if (is_preview) {
+				    view.show();
+				} else {
+				    view.close();
+				}
+			    },
+			},
+		    }).show();
+		},
+	    });
+	},
+    },
+    items: [
+	{
+	    xtype: 'form',
+	    reference: 'form',
+	    border: false,
+	    fieldDefaults: {
+		labelWidth: 100,
+		anchor: '100%',
+	    },
+	    items: [{
+		xtype: 'inputpanel',
+		reference: 'ipanel',
+		column1: [
+		    {
+			xtype: 'proxmoxKVComboBox',
+			value: 'true',
+			deleteEmpty: false,
+			allowBlank: false,
+			comboItems: [
+			    ['true', Proxmox.Utils.yesText],
+			    ['false', Proxmox.Utils.noText],
+			],
+			name: 'enable-new',
+			fieldLabel: gettext('Enable new'),
+		    },
+		],
+		column2: [
+		],
+		columnB: [
+		    {
+			xtype: 'fieldset',
+			title: gettext('Remove Vanished Options'),
+			items: [
+			    {
+				xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
+				fieldLabel: gettext('ACL'),
+				name: 'remove-vanished-acl',
+				boxLabel: gettext('Remove ACLs of vanished users and groups.'),
+			    },
+			    {
+				xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
+				fieldLabel: gettext('Entry'),
+				name: 'remove-vanished-entry',
+				boxLabel: gettext('Remove vanished user and group entries.'),
+			    },
+			    {
+				xtype: 'proxmoxcheckbox',
+				fieldLabel: gettext('Properties'),
+				name: 'remove-vanished-properties',
+				boxLabel: gettext('Remove vanished properties from synced users.'),
+			    },
+			],
+		    },
+		    {
+			xtype: 'displayfield',
+			reference: 'defaulthint',
+			value: gettext('Default sync options can be set by editing the realm.'),
+			userCls: 'pmx-hint',
+			hidden: true,
+		    },
+		],
+	    }],
+	},
+    ],
+    buttons: [
+	'->',
+	{
+	    text: gettext('Preview'),
+	    reference: 'preview_btn',
+	},
+	{
+	    text: gettext('Sync'),
+	    reference: 'sync_btn',
+	},
+    ],
+    initComponent: function() {
+	if (!this.realm) {
+	    throw "no realm defined";
+	}
+	if (!this.type) {
+	    throw "no realm type defined";
+	}
+	this.callParent();
+	Proxmox.Utils.API2Request({
+	    url: `/config/access/${this.type}/${this.realm}`,
+	    waitMsgTarget: this,
+	    method: 'GET',
+	    failure: (response) => {
+		Ext.Msg.alert(gettext('Error'), response.htmlStatus);
+		this.close();
+	    },
+	    success: (response) => {
+		let default_options = response.result.data['sync-defaults-options'];
+		if (default_options) {
+		    let options = Proxmox.Utils.parsePropertyString(default_options);
+		    if (options['remove-vanished']) {
+			let opts = options['remove-vanished'].split(';');
+			for (const opt of opts) {
+			    options[`remove-vanished-${opt}`] = 1;
+			}
+		    }
+		    let ipanel = this.lookup('ipanel');
+		    ipanel.setValues(options);
+		} else {
+		    this.lookup('defaulthint').setVisible(true);
+		}
+		// check validity for button state
+		this.lookup('form').isValid();
+	    },
+	});
+    },

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