[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup 1/2] prune-simulator: allow setting a date on which prune happens

Matthias Heiserer m.heiserer at proxmox.com
Wed Sep 14 12:50:38 CEST 2022

With this applied, the prune simulator will be more flexible, which might clear
up questions such as these:

In order to have the configuration window not take up too much space,
I added another column and moved the border slightly to the left, so the options
part looks off-centered.

Signed-off-by: Matthias Heiserer <m.heiserer at proxmox.com>
 .../prune-simulator/prune-simulator_source.js | 92 ++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/prune-simulator/prune-simulator_source.js b/docs/prune-simulator/prune-simulator_source.js
index 84d3461c..137cf1b3 100644
--- a/docs/prune-simulator/prune-simulator_source.js
+++ b/docs/prune-simulator/prune-simulator_source.js
@@ -330,6 +330,8 @@ Ext.onReady(function() {
 		let params = view.getValues();
+		NOW.setTime(Date.parse(params.currentDate));
 		let [hourSpec, minuteSpec] = params['schedule-time'].split(':');
 		if (!hourSpec || !minuteSpec) {
@@ -661,48 +663,70 @@ Ext.onReady(function() {
 			{ xtype: "panel", width: 1, border: 1 },
 			    xtype: 'form',
-			    layout: 'anchor',
-			    flex: 1,
+			    layout: 'hbox',
+			    flex: 1.2,
 			    border: false,
 			    title: 'Simulated Backup Schedule',
 			    defaults: {
-				labelWidth: 120,
+				defaults: {
+				    labelWidth: 120,
+				},
 			    bodyPadding: 10,
 			    items: [
-				    xtype: 'prunesimulatorDayOfWeekSelector',
-				    name: 'schedule-weekdays',
-				    fieldLabel: 'Day of week',
-				    value: ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'],
-				    allowBlank: false,
-				    multiSelect: true,
-				    padding: '0 0 0 10',
+				    xtype: 'container',
+				    layout: 'anchor',
+				    items: [
+					{
+					    xtype: 'prunesimulatorDayOfWeekSelector',
+					    name: 'schedule-weekdays',
+					    fieldLabel: 'Day of week',
+					    value: ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'],
+					    allowBlank: false,
+					    multiSelect: true,
+					    padding: '0 0 0 10',
+					},
+					{
+					    xtype: 'prunesimulatorCalendarEvent',
+					    name: 'schedule-time',
+					    allowBlank: false,
+					    value: '0/6:00',
+					    fieldLabel: 'Backup schedule',
+					    padding: '0 0 0 10',
+					},
+					{
+					    xtype: 'numberfield',
+					    name: 'numberOfWeeks',
+					    allowBlank: false,
+					    fieldLabel: 'Number of weeks',
+					    minValue: 1,
+					    value: 15,
+					    maxValue: 260, // five years
+					    padding: '0 0 0 10',
+					},
+					{
+					    xtype: 'button',
+					    name: 'schedule-button',
+					    text: 'Update Schedule',
+					    formBind: true,
+					    handler: 'reloadFull',
+					},
+				    ],
-				    xtype: 'prunesimulatorCalendarEvent',
-				    name: 'schedule-time',
-				    allowBlank: false,
-				    value: '0/6:00',
-				    fieldLabel: 'Backup schedule',
-				    padding: '0 0 0 10',
-				},
-				{
-				    xtype: 'numberfield',
-				    name: 'numberOfWeeks',
-				    allowBlank: false,
-				    fieldLabel: 'Number of weeks',
-				    minValue: 1,
-				    value: 15,
-				    maxValue: 260, // five years
-				    padding: '0 0 0 10',
-				},
-				{
-				    xtype: 'button',
-				    name: 'schedule-button',
-				    text: 'Update Schedule',
-				    formBind: true,
-				    handler: 'reloadFull',
+				    xtype: 'container',
+				    layout: 'anchor',
+				    items: [
+					{
+					    xtype: 'datefield',
+					    name: 'currentDate',
+					    fieldLabel: 'Today',
+					    allowBlank: false,
+					    padding: '0 0 0 10',
+					    value: new Date(),
+					},
+				    ],
@@ -734,7 +758,7 @@ Ext.onReady(function() {
 			    xtype: 'prunesimulatorPruneList',
 			    store: me.pruneStore,
 			    reference: 'pruneList',
-			    flex: 1,
+			    flex: 1.2,

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