[pbs-devel] [PATCH v2 proxmox-backup 1/1] fix #3828: proxmox_backup_debug: Introduce `diff archive` subcommand.

Lukas Wagner l.wagner at proxmox.com
Fri Oct 28 12:01:43 CEST 2022

This new subcommand compares a pxar archive in two different
snapshots and prints a list of added/modified/deleted file

Signed-off-by: Lukas Wagner <l.wagner at proxmox.com>
Changes from v1: 
  - Removed now unecessary GoodbyeTable match arms since the bug in the pxar 
    has been fixed.

 docs/proxmox-backup-debug/description.rst |   3 +
 src/bin/proxmox-backup-debug.rs           |   3 +-
 src/bin/proxmox_backup_debug/diff.rs      | 441 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/bin/proxmox_backup_debug/mod.rs       |   1 +
 4 files changed, 447 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 src/bin/proxmox_backup_debug/diff.rs

diff --git a/docs/proxmox-backup-debug/description.rst b/docs/proxmox-backup-debug/description.rst
index 2e5f35fe..8b28957e 100644
--- a/docs/proxmox-backup-debug/description.rst
+++ b/docs/proxmox-backup-debug/description.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 Implements debugging functionality to inspect Proxmox Backup datastore
 files, verify the integrity of chunks.
+The 'diff' subcommand allows comparing .pxar archives for two
+arbitrary snapshots. A list of added/modified/deleted files will be displayed.
 Also contains an 'api' subcommand where arbitrary api paths can be called
 (get/create/set/delete) as well as display their parameters (usage) and
 their child-links (ls).
diff --git a/src/bin/proxmox-backup-debug.rs b/src/bin/proxmox-backup-debug.rs
index c8ea0539..a3589c16 100644
--- a/src/bin/proxmox-backup-debug.rs
+++ b/src/bin/proxmox-backup-debug.rs
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ fn main() {
     let cmd_def = CliCommandMap::new()
         .insert("inspect", inspect::inspect_commands())
         .insert("recover", recover::recover_commands())
-        .insert("api", api::api_commands());
+        .insert("api", api::api_commands())
+        .insert("diff", diff::diff_commands());
     let uid = nix::unistd::Uid::current();
     let username = match nix::unistd::User::from_uid(uid) {
diff --git a/src/bin/proxmox_backup_debug/diff.rs b/src/bin/proxmox_backup_debug/diff.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de20409d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/proxmox_backup_debug/diff.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+use std::iter::FromIterator;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use anyhow::{bail, Context as AnyhowContext, Error};
+use futures::future::BoxFuture;
+use futures::FutureExt;
+use proxmox_router::cli::{CliCommand, CliCommandMap, CommandLineInterface};
+use proxmox_schema::api;
+use pbs_api_types::{BackupNamespace, BackupPart};
+use pbs_client::tools::key_source::{
+    crypto_parameters, format_key_source, get_encryption_key_password, KEYFD_SCHEMA,
+use pbs_client::tools::{
+    complete_archive_name, complete_group_or_snapshot, connect, extract_repository_from_value,
+use pbs_client::{BackupReader, BackupRepository, RemoteChunkReader};
+use pbs_config::key_config::decrypt_key;
+use pbs_datastore::dynamic_index::{BufferedDynamicReader, DynamicIndexReader, LocalDynamicReadAt};
+use pbs_datastore::index::IndexFile;
+use pbs_tools::crypt_config::CryptConfig;
+use pbs_tools::json::required_string_param;
+use pxar::accessor::ReadAt;
+use pxar::EntryKind;
+use serde_json::Value;
+type ChunkDigest = [u8; 32];
+type FileEntry = pxar::accessor::aio::FileEntry<Arc<dyn ReadAt + Send + Sync>>;
+type Accessor = pxar::accessor::aio::Accessor<Arc<dyn ReadAt + Send + Sync>>;
+type Directory = pxar::accessor::aio::Directory<Arc<dyn ReadAt + Send + Sync>>;
+pub fn diff_commands() -> CommandLineInterface {
+    let cmd_def = CliCommandMap::new().insert(
+        "archive",
+        CliCommand::new(&API_METHOD_DIFF_ARCHIVE_CMD)
+            .arg_param(&["prev-snapshot", "snapshot", "archive-name"])
+            .completion_cb("prev-snapshot", complete_group_or_snapshot)
+            .completion_cb("snapshot", complete_group_or_snapshot)
+            .completion_cb("archive-name", complete_archive_name),
+    );
+    cmd_def.into()
+    input: {
+        properties: {
+            "ns": {
+                type: BackupNamespace,
+                optional: true,
+            },
+            "prev-snapshot": {
+                description: "Path for the first snapshot.",
+                type: String,
+            },
+            "snapshot": {
+                description: "Path for the second snapshot.",
+                type: String,
+            },
+            "archive-name": {
+                description: "Name of the .pxar archive",
+                type: String,
+            },
+            "repository": {
+                optional: true,
+                schema: REPO_URL_SCHEMA,
+            },
+            "keyfile": {
+                optional: true,
+                type: String,
+                description: "Path to encryption key.",
+            },
+            "keyfd": {
+                schema: KEYFD_SCHEMA,
+                optional: true,
+            },
+        }
+    }
+/// Diff an archive in two snapshots. The command will output a list of added, modified and deleted files.
+/// For modified files, only the file metadata (e.g. mtime, size, etc.) will be considered. The actual
+/// file contents will not be compared.
+async fn diff_archive_cmd(param: Value) -> Result<(), Error> {
+    let repo = extract_repository_from_value(&param)?;
+    let snapshot_a = required_string_param(&param, "prev-snapshot")?;
+    let snapshot_b = required_string_param(&param, "snapshot")?;
+    let archive_name = required_string_param(&param, "archive-name")?;
+    let namespace = match param.get("ns") {
+        Some(Value::String(ns)) => ns.parse()?,
+        Some(_) => bail!("invalid namespace parameter"),
+        None => BackupNamespace::root(),
+    };
+    let crypto = crypto_parameters(&param)?;
+    let crypt_config = match crypto.enc_key {
+        None => None,
+        Some(key) => {
+            let (key, _created, _fingerprint) = decrypt_key(&key.key, &get_encryption_key_password)
+                .map_err(|err| {
+                    log::error!("{}", format_key_source(&key.source, "encryption"));
+                    err
+                })?;
+            let crypt_config = CryptConfig::new(key)?;
+            Some(Arc::new(crypt_config))
+        }
+    };
+    let repo_params = RepoParams {
+        repo,
+        crypt_config,
+        namespace,
+    };
+    if archive_name.ends_with(".pxar") {
+        let file_name = format!("{}.didx", archive_name);
+        diff_archive(snapshot_a, snapshot_b, &file_name, &repo_params).await?;
+    } else {
+        bail!("Only .pxar files are supported");
+    }
+    Ok(())
+async fn diff_archive(
+    snapshot_a: &str,
+    snapshot_b: &str,
+    file_name: &str,
+    repo_params: &RepoParams,
+) -> Result<(), Error> {
+    let (index_a, accessor_a) = open_dynamic_index(snapshot_a, file_name, repo_params).await?;
+    let (index_b, accessor_b) = open_dynamic_index(snapshot_b, file_name, repo_params).await?;
+    // vecs of chunk digests, in their correct order
+    let chunks_a = chunk_digests_for_index(&index_a);
+    let chunks_b = chunk_digests_for_index(&index_b);
+    // sets of chunk digests, 'cause we want to perform set operations
+    let chunk_set_a: HashSet<&ChunkDigest> = HashSet::from_iter(chunks_a.iter().copied());
+    let chunk_set_b: HashSet<&ChunkDigest> = HashSet::from_iter(chunks_b.iter().copied());
+    // Symmetric difference between both sets -
+    // content stored in those chunks was either added, modified or deleted
+    let chunk_sym_diff: HashSet<&ChunkDigest> = chunk_set_a
+        .symmetric_difference(&chunk_set_b)
+        .copied()
+        .collect();
+    // Figure out which files are stored in which chunks
+    let files_in_a = files_in_chunk_set(&chunks_a, &accessor_a, &index_a, &chunk_sym_diff).await?;
+    let files_in_b = files_in_chunk_set(&chunks_b, &accessor_b, &index_b, &chunk_sym_diff).await?;
+    // If file in A but not in B --> deleted
+    let deleted_files: HashMap<&OsStr, &FileEntry> = files_in_a
+        .iter()
+        .filter(|(path, _)| !files_in_b.contains_key(*path))
+        .map(|(path, entry)| (path.as_os_str(), entry))
+        .collect();
+    // If file in B but not in A --> added
+    let added_files: HashMap<&OsStr, &FileEntry> = files_in_b
+        .iter()
+        .filter(|(path, _)| !files_in_a.contains_key(*path))
+        .map(|(path, entry)| (path.as_os_str(), entry))
+        .collect();
+    // If file is present in both snapshots, it *might* be modified, but does not have to be.
+    // If another, unmodified file resides in the same chunk as an actually modified one,
+    // it will also show up as modified here...
+    let potentially_modified: HashMap<&OsStr, &FileEntry> = files_in_a
+        .iter()
+        .filter(|(path, _)| files_in_b.contains_key(*path))
+        .map(|(path, entry)| (path.as_os_str(), entry))
+        .collect();
+    // ... so we compare the file metadata/contents to narrow the selection down to files
+    // which where *really* modified.
+    let modified_files = compare_files(&files_in_a, &files_in_b, potentially_modified).await?;
+    show_file_list(&added_files, &deleted_files, &modified_files);
+    Ok(())
+struct RepoParams {
+    repo: BackupRepository,
+    crypt_config: Option<Arc<CryptConfig>>,
+    namespace: BackupNamespace,
+async fn open_dynamic_index(
+    snapshot: &str,
+    archive_name: &str,
+    params: &RepoParams,
+) -> Result<(DynamicIndexReader, Accessor), Error> {
+    let backup_reader = create_backup_reader(snapshot, params).await?;
+    let (manifest, _) = backup_reader.download_manifest().await?;
+    manifest.check_fingerprint(params.crypt_config.as_ref().map(Arc::as_ref))?;
+    let index = backup_reader
+        .download_dynamic_index(&manifest, archive_name)
+        .await?;
+    let most_used = index.find_most_used_chunks(8);
+    let lookup_index = backup_reader
+        .download_dynamic_index(&manifest, archive_name)
+        .await?;
+    let file_info = manifest.lookup_file_info(archive_name)?;
+    let chunk_reader = RemoteChunkReader::new(
+        backup_reader.clone(),
+        params.crypt_config.clone(),
+        file_info.chunk_crypt_mode(),
+        most_used,
+    );
+    let reader = BufferedDynamicReader::new(index, chunk_reader);
+    let archive_size = reader.archive_size();
+    let reader: Arc<dyn ReadAt + Send + Sync> = Arc::new(LocalDynamicReadAt::new(reader));
+    let accessor = Accessor::new(reader, archive_size).await?;
+    Ok((lookup_index, accessor))
+async fn create_backup_reader(
+    snapshot: &str,
+    params: &RepoParams,
+) -> Result<Arc<BackupReader>, Error> {
+    let backup_dir = match snapshot.parse::<BackupPart>()? {
+        BackupPart::Dir(dir) => dir,
+        BackupPart::Group(_group) => {
+            bail!("A full snapshot path must be provided.");
+        }
+    };
+    let client = connect(&params.repo)?;
+    let backup_reader = BackupReader::start(
+        client,
+        params.crypt_config.clone(),
+        params.repo.store(),
+        &params.namespace,
+        &backup_dir,
+        false,
+    )
+    .await?;
+    Ok(backup_reader)
+/// Get a list of chunk digests for an index file.
+fn chunk_digests_for_index(index: &dyn IndexFile) -> Vec<&ChunkDigest> {
+    let mut all_chunks = Vec::new();
+    for i in 0..index.index_count() {
+        let digest = index
+            .index_digest(i)
+            .expect("Invalid chunk index - index corrupted?");
+        all_chunks.push(digest);
+    }
+    all_chunks
+/// Compute which files are contained in a given chunk set.
+async fn files_in_chunk_set<'c, 'f>(
+    chunk_list: &[&'c ChunkDigest],
+    accessor: &'f Accessor,
+    index: &'f DynamicIndexReader,
+    chunk_set: &HashSet<&'c ChunkDigest>,
+) -> Result<HashMap<OsString, FileEntry>, Error> {
+    let path = PathBuf::new();
+    let root = accessor.open_root().await?;
+    visit_directory(&root, index, &path, chunk_list, chunk_set).await
+/// Recursively visits directories in .pxar archive and create a
+/// map "digest --> set of contained files"
+fn visit_directory<'f, 'c>(
+    directory: &'f Directory,
+    index: &'f DynamicIndexReader,
+    path: &'f Path,
+    chunk_list: &'f [&'c ChunkDigest],
+    chunk_diff: &'f HashSet<&'c ChunkDigest>,
+) -> BoxFuture<'f, Result<HashMap<OsString, FileEntry>, Error>> {
+    async move {
+        let mut entries: HashMap<OsString, FileEntry> = HashMap::new();
+        let mut iter = directory.read_dir();
+        while let Some(entry) = iter.next().await {
+            let entry = entry?.decode_entry().await?;
+            let range = &entry.entry_range_info().entry_range;
+            let first_chunk = index
+                .chunk_from_offset(range.start)
+                .context("Invalid offest")?
+                .0;
+            let last_chunk = index
+                .chunk_from_offset(range.end)
+                .context("Invalid offset")?
+                .0;
+            if entry.is_dir() {
+                let new_dir = entry.enter_directory().await?;
+                for chunk_index in first_chunk..=last_chunk {
+                    // Check if any chunk of the serialized directory is in
+                    // set off modified chunks (symmetric difference).
+                    // If not, we can skip the directory entirely and save a lot of time.
+                    let digest = chunk_list.get(chunk_index).context("Invalid chunk index")?;
+                    if chunk_diff.get(digest).is_some() {
+                        let dir_path = path.join(entry.file_name());
+                        entries.extend(
+                            visit_directory(&new_dir, index, &dir_path, chunk_list, chunk_diff)
+                                .await?
+                                .into_iter(),
+                        );
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            let file_path = path.join(entry.file_name());
+            for chunk_index in first_chunk..=last_chunk {
+                let digest = chunk_list.get(chunk_index).context("Invalid chunk index")?;
+                if chunk_diff.get(digest).is_some() {
+                    // files.insert(file_path.clone().into_os_string());
+                    entries.insert(file_path.into_os_string(), entry);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(entries)
+    }
+    .boxed()
+/// Check if files were actually modified
+async fn compare_files<'a>(
+    entries_a: &HashMap<OsString, FileEntry>,
+    entries_b: &HashMap<OsString, FileEntry>,
+    files: HashMap<&'a OsStr, &'a FileEntry>,
+) -> Result<HashMap<&'a OsStr, &'a FileEntry>, Error> {
+    let mut modified_files = HashMap::new();
+    for (path, entry) in files {
+        let p = path.to_os_string();
+        let file_a = entries_a.get(&p).context("File entry not in map")?;
+        let file_b = entries_b.get(&p).context("File entry not in map")?;
+        if !compare_file(&file_a, &file_b).await {
+            modified_files.insert(path, entry);
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(modified_files)
+async fn compare_file(file_a: &FileEntry, file_b: &FileEntry) -> bool {
+    if file_a.metadata() != file_b.metadata() {
+        // Check if mtime, permissions, ACLs, etc. have changed - if they have changed, we consider
+        // the file as modified.
+        return false;
+    }
+    match (file_a.kind(), file_b.kind()) {
+        (EntryKind::Symlink(a), EntryKind::Symlink(b)) => {
+            // Check whether the link target has changed.
+            a.as_os_str() == b.as_os_str()
+        }
+        (EntryKind::Hardlink(a), EntryKind::Hardlink(b)) => {
+            // Check whether the link target has changed.
+            a.as_os_str() == b.as_os_str()
+        }
+        (EntryKind::Device(a), EntryKind::Device(b)) => a.major == b.major && a.minor == b.minor,
+        (EntryKind::Socket, EntryKind::Socket) => true,
+        (EntryKind::Fifo, EntryKind::Fifo) => true,
+        (EntryKind::File { size: size_a, .. }, EntryKind::File { size: size_b, .. }) => {
+            // At this point we know that all metadata including mtime is
+            // the same. To speed things up, we consider the files as equal if they also have
+            // the same size.
+            // If one were completely paranoid, one could compare the actual file contents,
+            // but this decreases performance drastically.
+            size_a == size_b
+        }
+        (EntryKind::Directory, EntryKind::Directory) => true,
+        (_, _) => false, // Kind has changed, so we of course consider it modified.
+    }
+/// Display a sorted list of added, modified, deleted files.
+fn show_file_list(
+    added: &HashMap<&OsStr, &FileEntry>,
+    deleted: &HashMap<&OsStr, &FileEntry>,
+    modified: &HashMap<&OsStr, &FileEntry>,
+) {
+    let mut all: Vec<&OsStr> = Vec::new();
+    all.extend(added.keys());
+    all.extend(deleted.keys());
+    all.extend(modified.keys());
+    all.sort();
+    for file in all {
+        let (op, entry) = if let Some(entry) = added.get(file) {
+            ("A", *entry)
+        } else if let Some(entry) = deleted.get(file) {
+            ("D", *entry)
+        } else if let Some(entry) = modified.get(file) {
+            ("M", *entry)
+        } else {
+            unreachable!();
+        };
+        let entry_kind = match entry.kind() {
+            EntryKind::Symlink(_) => "l",
+            EntryKind::Hardlink(_) => "h",
+            EntryKind::Device(_) => "c/b",
+            EntryKind::Socket => "s",
+            EntryKind::Fifo => "p",
+            EntryKind::File { .. } => "f",
+            EntryKind::Directory => "d",
+            _ => " ",
+        };
+        println!("{} {} {}", op, entry_kind, file.to_string_lossy());
+    }
diff --git a/src/bin/proxmox_backup_debug/mod.rs b/src/bin/proxmox_backup_debug/mod.rs
index 31bc68c3..0495c565 100644
--- a/src/bin/proxmox_backup_debug/mod.rs
+++ b/src/bin/proxmox_backup_debug/mod.rs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use std::{
 pub mod api;
+pub mod diff;
 pub mod inspect;
 pub mod recover;

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