[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup v9 1/6] api-types: add maintenance type

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Mon Apr 11 09:33:04 CEST 2022

On 06.04.22 15:08, Dylan Whyte wrote:
>> +pub const MAINTENANCE_MESSAGE_SCHEMA: Schema =
>> +    StringSchema::new("Message describing the reason for the maintenance.")
>> +        .format(&MAINTENANCE_MESSAGE_FORMAT)
>> +        .max_length(32)
>> +        .schema();
> Is 32 characters enough for the message? I would think this is somewhat limiting, but am open to other opinions.

The idea is to start more limited, as opening those up once there's real world
requests for legitimate reasons is easy, but we cannot really easily reduce the
allowed length ever without breaking older systems.

Naturally starting out with a overly strict limit is not much of use either, note
that 32 characters is not /that/ strict, infos like "zfs pool disk maintenance"
(26 chars) fit there easily, but yes it may be limitting for more detailed infos.

Maybe we could settle for 64 now, that would allow a info message like:
"zfs pool disk replacement undergoing until 2022-04-11T10:00Z" (61 chars), which
is IMO an OK upper limit of what people can be enforced to condense the relevant
info bits into without being required to play "text golf".

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