[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox 08/14] proxmox-time: move CalendarEvent into calendar_events.rs

Dominik Csapak d.csapak at proxmox.com
Tue Nov 30 13:12:02 CET 2021

and all relevant parsing functions as well

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <d.csapak at proxmox.com>
 proxmox-time/src/calendar_event.rs | 429 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 proxmox-time/src/lib.rs            |   3 +
 proxmox-time/src/parse_time.rs     | 220 ---------------
 proxmox-time/src/time.rs           | 160 +----------
 4 files changed, 433 insertions(+), 379 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 proxmox-time/src/calendar_event.rs

diff --git a/proxmox-time/src/calendar_event.rs b/proxmox-time/src/calendar_event.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c21a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxmox-time/src/calendar_event.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+use std::convert::TryInto;
+use anyhow::Error;
+use nom::{
+    bytes::complete::tag,
+    character::complete::space0,
+    combinator::opt,
+    error::context,
+    multi::separated_nonempty_list,
+    sequence::{preceded, terminated, tuple},
+use crate::date_time_value::DateTimeValue;
+use crate::parse_helpers::{parse_complete_line, parse_error, parse_time_comp, IResult};
+use crate::{parse_weekdays_range, TmEditor, WeekDays};
+/// Calendar events may be used to refer to one or more points in time in a
+/// single expression. They are designed after the systemd.time Calendar Events
+/// specification, but are not guaranteed to be 100% compatible.
+#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct CalendarEvent {
+    /// the days in a week this event should trigger
+    pub(crate) days: WeekDays,
+    /// the second(s) this event should trigger
+    pub(crate) second: Vec<DateTimeValue>, // todo: support float values
+    /// the minute(s) this event should trigger
+    pub(crate) minute: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+    /// the hour(s) this event should trigger
+    pub(crate) hour: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+    /// the day(s) in a month this event should trigger
+    pub(crate) day: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+    /// the month(s) in a year this event should trigger
+    pub(crate) month: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+    /// the years(s) this event should trigger
+    pub(crate) year: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+/// Verify the format of the [CalendarEvent]
+pub fn verify_calendar_event(i: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
+    parse_calendar_event(i)?;
+    Ok(())
+/// Compute the next event
+pub fn compute_next_event(
+    event: &CalendarEvent,
+    last: i64,
+    utc: bool,
+) -> Result<Option<i64>, Error> {
+    let last = last + 1; // at least one second later
+    let all_days = event.days.is_empty() || event.days.is_all();
+    let mut t = TmEditor::with_epoch(last, utc)?;
+    let mut count = 0;
+    loop {
+        // cancel after 1000 loops
+        if count > 1000 {
+            return Ok(None);
+        } else {
+            count += 1;
+        }
+        if !event.year.is_empty() {
+            let year: u32 = t.year().try_into()?;
+            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.year, year) {
+                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.year, year) {
+                    t.add_years((n - year).try_into()?)?;
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    // if we have no valid year, we cannot find a correct timestamp
+                    return Ok(None);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if !event.month.is_empty() {
+            let month: u32 = t.month().try_into()?;
+            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.month, month) {
+                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.month, month) {
+                    t.add_months((n - month).try_into()?)?;
+                } else {
+                    // if we could not find valid month, retry next year
+                    t.add_years(1)?;
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        if !event.day.is_empty() {
+            let day: u32 = t.day().try_into()?;
+            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.day, day) {
+                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.day, day) {
+                    t.add_days((n - day).try_into()?)?;
+                } else {
+                    // if we could not find valid mday, retry next month
+                    t.add_months(1)?;
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        if !all_days { // match day first
+            let day_num: u32 = t.day_num().try_into()?;
+            let day = WeekDays::from_bits(1<<day_num).unwrap();
+            if !event.days.contains(day) {
+                if let Some(n) = ((day_num+1)..7)
+                    .find(|d| event.days.contains(WeekDays::from_bits(1<<d).unwrap()))
+                {
+                    // try next day
+                    t.add_days((n - day_num).try_into()?)?;
+                } else {
+                    // try next week
+                    t.add_days((7 - day_num).try_into()?)?;
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        // this day
+        if !event.hour.is_empty() {
+            let hour = t.hour().try_into()?;
+            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.hour, hour) {
+                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.hour, hour) {
+                    // test next hour
+                    t.set_time(n.try_into()?, 0, 0)?;
+                } else {
+                    // test next day
+                    t.add_days(1)?;
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        // this hour
+        if !event.minute.is_empty() {
+            let minute = t.min().try_into()?;
+            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.minute, minute) {
+                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.minute, minute) {
+                    // test next minute
+                    t.set_min_sec(n.try_into()?, 0)?;
+                } else {
+                    // test next hour
+                    t.set_time(t.hour() + 1, 0, 0)?;
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        // this minute
+        if !event.second.is_empty() {
+            let second = t.sec().try_into()?;
+            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.second, second) {
+                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.second, second) {
+                    // test next second
+                    t.set_sec(n.try_into()?)?;
+                } else {
+                    // test next min
+                    t.set_min_sec(t.min() + 1, 0)?;
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        let next = t.into_epoch()?;
+        return Ok(Some(next))
+    }
+/// Parse a [CalendarEvent]
+pub fn parse_calendar_event(i: &str) -> Result<CalendarEvent, Error> {
+    parse_complete_line("calendar event", i, parse_calendar_event_incomplete)
+fn parse_calendar_event_incomplete(mut i: &str) -> IResult<&str, CalendarEvent> {
+    let mut has_dayspec = false;
+    let mut has_timespec = false;
+    let mut has_datespec = false;
+    let mut event = CalendarEvent::default();
+    if i.starts_with(|c: char| char::is_ascii_alphabetic(&c)) {
+        match i {
+            "minutely" => {
+                return Ok((
+                    "",
+                    CalendarEvent {
+                        second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    },
+                ));
+            }
+            "hourly" => {
+                return Ok((
+                    "",
+                    CalendarEvent {
+                        minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    },
+                ));
+            }
+            "daily" => {
+                return Ok((
+                    "",
+                    CalendarEvent {
+                        hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    },
+                ));
+            }
+            "weekly" => {
+                return Ok((
+                    "",
+                    CalendarEvent {
+                        hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        days: WeekDays::MONDAY,
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    },
+                ));
+            }
+            "monthly" => {
+                return Ok((
+                    "",
+                    CalendarEvent {
+                        hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        day: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1)],
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    },
+                ));
+            }
+            "yearly" | "annually" => {
+                return Ok((
+                    "",
+                    CalendarEvent {
+                        hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        day: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1)],
+                        month: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1)],
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    },
+                ));
+            }
+            "quarterly" => {
+                return Ok((
+                    "",
+                    CalendarEvent {
+                        hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        day: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1)],
+                        month: vec![
+                            DateTimeValue::Single(1),
+                            DateTimeValue::Single(4),
+                            DateTimeValue::Single(7),
+                            DateTimeValue::Single(10),
+                        ],
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    },
+                ));
+            }
+            "semiannually" | "semi-annually" => {
+                return Ok((
+                    "",
+                    CalendarEvent {
+                        hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
+                        day: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1)],
+                        month: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1), DateTimeValue::Single(7)],
+                        ..Default::default()
+                    },
+                ));
+            }
+            _ => { /* continue */ }
+        }
+        let (n, range_list) = context(
+            "weekday range list",
+            separated_nonempty_list(tag(","), parse_weekdays_range),
+        )(i)?;
+        has_dayspec = true;
+        i = space0(n)?.0;
+        for range in range_list {
+            event.days.insert(range);
+        }
+    }
+    if let (n, Some(date)) = opt(parse_date_spec)(i)? {
+        event.year = date.year;
+        event.month = date.month;
+        event.day = date.day;
+        has_datespec = true;
+        i = space0(n)?.0;
+    }
+    if let (n, Some(time)) = opt(parse_time_spec)(i)? {
+        event.hour = time.hour;
+        event.minute = time.minute;
+        event.second = time.second;
+        has_timespec = true;
+        i = n;
+    } else {
+        event.hour = vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)];
+        event.minute = vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)];
+        event.second = vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)];
+    }
+    if !(has_dayspec || has_timespec || has_datespec) {
+        return Err(parse_error(i, "date or time specification"));
+    }
+    Ok((i, event))
+struct TimeSpec {
+    hour: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+    minute: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+    second: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+struct DateSpec {
+    year: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+    month: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+    day: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+fn parse_date_time_comp(max: usize) -> impl Fn(&str) -> IResult<&str, DateTimeValue> {
+    move |i: &str| {
+        let (i, value) = parse_time_comp(max)(i)?;
+        if let (i, Some(end)) = opt(preceded(tag(".."), parse_time_comp(max)))(i)? {
+            if value > end {
+                return Err(parse_error(i, "range start is bigger than end"));
+            }
+            if let Some(time) = i.strip_prefix('/') {
+                let (time, repeat) = parse_time_comp(max)(time)?;
+                return Ok((time, DateTimeValue::Repeated(value, repeat, Some(end))));
+            }
+            return Ok((i, DateTimeValue::Range(value, end)));
+        }
+        if let Some(time) = i.strip_prefix('/') {
+            let (time, repeat) = parse_time_comp(max)(time)?;
+            Ok((time, DateTimeValue::Repeated(value, repeat, None)))
+        } else {
+            Ok((i, DateTimeValue::Single(value)))
+        }
+    }
+fn parse_date_time_comp_list(
+    start: u32,
+    max: usize,
+) -> impl Fn(&str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<DateTimeValue>> {
+    move |i: &str| {
+        if let Some(rest) = i.strip_prefix('*') {
+            if let Some(time) = rest.strip_prefix('/') {
+                let (n, repeat) = parse_time_comp(max)(time)?;
+                if repeat > 0 {
+                    return Ok((n, vec![DateTimeValue::Repeated(start, repeat, None)]));
+                }
+            }
+            return Ok((rest, Vec::new()));
+        }
+        separated_nonempty_list(tag(","), parse_date_time_comp(max))(i)
+    }
+fn parse_time_spec(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, TimeSpec> {
+    let (i, (opt_hour, minute, opt_second)) = tuple((
+        opt(terminated(parse_date_time_comp_list(0, 24), tag(":"))),
+        parse_date_time_comp_list(0, 60),
+        opt(preceded(tag(":"), parse_date_time_comp_list(0, 60))),
+    ))(i)?;
+    let hour = opt_hour.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new);
+    let second = opt_second.unwrap_or_else(|| vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)]);
+    Ok((
+        i,
+        TimeSpec {
+            hour,
+            minute,
+            second,
+        },
+    ))
+fn parse_date_spec(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, DateSpec> {
+    // TODO: implement ~ for days (man systemd.time)
+    if let Ok((i, (year, month, day))) = tuple((
+        parse_date_time_comp_list(0, 2200), // the upper limit for systemd, stay compatible
+        preceded(tag("-"), parse_date_time_comp_list(1, 13)),
+        preceded(tag("-"), parse_date_time_comp_list(1, 32)),
+    ))(i)
+    {
+        Ok((i, DateSpec { year, month, day }))
+    } else if let Ok((i, (month, day))) = tuple((
+        parse_date_time_comp_list(1, 13),
+        preceded(tag("-"), parse_date_time_comp_list(1, 32)),
+    ))(i)
+    {
+        Ok((
+            i,
+            DateSpec {
+                year: Vec::new(),
+                month,
+                day,
+            },
+        ))
+    } else {
+        Err(parse_error(i, "invalid date spec"))
+    }
diff --git a/proxmox-time/src/lib.rs b/proxmox-time/src/lib.rs
index 3d888a2..0436628 100644
--- a/proxmox-time/src/lib.rs
+++ b/proxmox-time/src/lib.rs
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ pub(crate) mod parse_helpers;
 pub(crate) mod date_time_value;
+mod calendar_event;
+pub use calendar_event::*;
 mod week_days;
 pub use week_days::*;
diff --git a/proxmox-time/src/parse_time.rs b/proxmox-time/src/parse_time.rs
index adaf7ac..51c0486 100644
--- a/proxmox-time/src/parse_time.rs
+++ b/proxmox-time/src/parse_time.rs
@@ -88,226 +88,6 @@ lazy_static! {
-struct TimeSpec {
-    hour: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
-    minute: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
-    second: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
-struct DateSpec {
-    year: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
-    month: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
-    day: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
-fn parse_date_time_comp(max: usize) -> impl Fn(&str) -> IResult<&str, DateTimeValue> {
-    move |i: &str| {
-        let (i, value) = parse_time_comp(max)(i)?;
-        if let (i, Some(end)) = opt(preceded(tag(".."), parse_time_comp(max)))(i)? {
-            if value > end {
-                return Err(parse_error(i, "range start is bigger than end"));
-            }
-            if let Some(time) = i.strip_prefix('/') {
-                let (time, repeat) = parse_time_comp(max)(time)?;
-                return Ok((time, DateTimeValue::Repeated(value, repeat, Some(end))));
-            }
-            return Ok((i, DateTimeValue::Range(value, end)));
-        }
-        if let Some(time) = i.strip_prefix('/') {
-            let (time, repeat) = parse_time_comp(max)(time)?;
-            Ok((time, DateTimeValue::Repeated(value, repeat, None)))
-        } else {
-            Ok((i, DateTimeValue::Single(value)))
-        }
-    }
-fn parse_date_time_comp_list(start: u32, max: usize) -> impl Fn(&str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<DateTimeValue>> {
-    move |i: &str| {
-        if let Some(rest) = i.strip_prefix('*') {
-            if let Some(time) = rest.strip_prefix('/') {
-                let (n, repeat) = parse_time_comp(max)(time)?;
-                if repeat > 0 {
-                    return Ok((n, vec![DateTimeValue::Repeated(start, repeat, None)]));
-                }
-            }
-            return Ok((rest, Vec::new()));
-        }
-        separated_nonempty_list(tag(","), parse_date_time_comp(max))(i)
-    }
-fn parse_time_spec(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, TimeSpec> {
-    let (i, (opt_hour, minute, opt_second)) = tuple((
-        opt(terminated(parse_date_time_comp_list(0, 24), tag(":"))),
-        parse_date_time_comp_list(0, 60),
-        opt(preceded(tag(":"), parse_date_time_comp_list(0, 60))),
-    ))(i)?;
-    let hour = opt_hour.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new);
-    let second = opt_second.unwrap_or_else(|| vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)]);
-    Ok((i, TimeSpec { hour, minute, second }))
-fn parse_date_spec(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, DateSpec> {
-    // TODO: implement ~ for days (man systemd.time)
-    if let Ok((i, (year, month, day))) = tuple((
-        parse_date_time_comp_list(0, 2200), // the upper limit for systemd, stay compatible
-        preceded(tag("-"), parse_date_time_comp_list(1, 13)),
-        preceded(tag("-"), parse_date_time_comp_list(1, 32)),
-    ))(i) {
-        Ok((i, DateSpec { year, month, day }))
-    } else if let Ok((i, (month, day))) = tuple((
-        parse_date_time_comp_list(1, 13),
-        preceded(tag("-"), parse_date_time_comp_list(1, 32)),
-    ))(i) {
-        Ok((i, DateSpec { year: Vec::new(), month, day }))
-    } else {
-        Err(parse_error(i, "invalid date spec"))
-    }
-/// Parse a [CalendarEvent]
-pub fn parse_calendar_event(i: &str) -> Result<CalendarEvent, Error> {
-    parse_complete_line("calendar event", i, parse_calendar_event_incomplete)
-fn parse_calendar_event_incomplete(mut i: &str) -> IResult<&str, CalendarEvent> {
-    let mut has_dayspec = false;
-    let mut has_timespec = false;
-    let mut has_datespec = false;
-    let mut event = CalendarEvent::default();
-    if i.starts_with(|c: char| char::is_ascii_alphabetic(&c)) {
-        match i {
-            "minutely" => {
-                return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
-                    second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    ..Default::default()
-                }));
-            }
-            "hourly" => {
-                return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
-                    minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    ..Default::default()
-                }));
-            }
-            "daily" => {
-                return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
-                    hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    ..Default::default()
-                }));
-            }
-            "weekly" => {
-                return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
-                    hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    days: WeekDays::MONDAY,
-                    ..Default::default()
-                }));
-            }
-            "monthly" => {
-                return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
-                    hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    day: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1)],
-                    ..Default::default()
-                }));
-            }
-            "yearly" | "annually" => {
-                return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
-                    hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    day: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1)],
-                    month: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1)],
-                    ..Default::default()
-                }));
-            }
-            "quarterly" => {
-                return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
-                    hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    day: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1)],
-                    month: vec![
-                        DateTimeValue::Single(1),
-                        DateTimeValue::Single(4),
-                        DateTimeValue::Single(7),
-                        DateTimeValue::Single(10),
-                    ],
-                    ..Default::default()
-                }));
-            }
-            "semiannually" | "semi-annually" => {
-                return Ok(("", CalendarEvent {
-                    hour: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    minute: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    second: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)],
-                    day: vec![DateTimeValue::Single(1)],
-                    month: vec![
-                        DateTimeValue::Single(1),
-                        DateTimeValue::Single(7),
-                    ],
-                    ..Default::default()
-                }));
-            }
-            _ => { /* continue */ }
-        }
-        let (n, range_list) =  context(
-            "weekday range list",
-            separated_nonempty_list(tag(","), parse_weekdays_range)
-        )(i)?;
-        has_dayspec = true;
-        i = space0(n)?.0;
-        for range in range_list  { event.days.insert(range); }
-    }
-    if let (n, Some(date)) = opt(parse_date_spec)(i)? {
-        event.year = date.year;
-        event.month = date.month;
-        event.day = date.day;
-        has_datespec = true;
-        i = space0(n)?.0;
-    }
-    if let (n, Some(time)) = opt(parse_time_spec)(i)? {
-        event.hour = time.hour;
-        event.minute = time.minute;
-        event.second = time.second;
-        has_timespec = true;
-        i = n;
-    } else {
-        event.hour = vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)];
-        event.minute = vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)];
-        event.second = vec![DateTimeValue::Single(0)];
-    }
-    if !(has_dayspec || has_timespec || has_datespec) {
-        return Err(parse_error(i, "date or time specification"));
-    }
-    Ok((i, event))
 fn parse_time_unit(i: &str) ->  IResult<&str, &str> {
     let (n, text) = take_while1(|c: char| char::is_ascii_alphabetic(&c) || c == 'µ')(i)?;
     if TIME_SPAN_UNITS.contains_key(&text) {
diff --git a/proxmox-time/src/time.rs b/proxmox-time/src/time.rs
index 7b9625f..1c45a09 100644
--- a/proxmox-time/src/time.rs
+++ b/proxmox-time/src/time.rs
@@ -1,33 +1,10 @@
-use std::convert::TryInto;
 use anyhow::Error;
 use crate::date_time_value::DateTimeValue;
 use crate::TmEditor;
 use crate::WeekDays;
-use crate::{parse_calendar_event, parse_time_span};
-/// Calendar events may be used to refer to one or more points in time in a
-/// single expression. They are designed after the systemd.time Calendar Events
-/// specification, but are not guaranteed to be 100% compatible.
-#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct CalendarEvent {
-    /// the days in a week this event should trigger
-    pub(crate) days: WeekDays,
-    /// the second(s) this event should trigger
-    pub(crate) second: Vec<DateTimeValue>, // todo: support float values
-    /// the minute(s) this event should trigger
-    pub(crate) minute: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
-    /// the hour(s) this event should trigger
-    pub(crate) hour: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
-    /// the day(s) in a month this event should trigger
-    pub(crate) day: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
-    /// the month(s) in a year this event should trigger
-    pub(crate) month: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
-    /// the years(s) this event should trigger
-    pub(crate) year: Vec<DateTimeValue>,
+use crate::{compute_next_event, parse_calendar_event, parse_time_span};
 /// A time spans defines a time duration
 #[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
@@ -148,141 +125,6 @@ pub fn verify_time_span(i: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
-/// Verify the format of the [CalendarEvent]
-pub fn verify_calendar_event(i: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
-    parse_calendar_event(i)?;
-    Ok(())
-/// Compute the next event
-pub fn compute_next_event(
-    event: &CalendarEvent,
-    last: i64,
-    utc: bool,
-) -> Result<Option<i64>, Error> {
-    let last = last + 1; // at least one second later
-    let all_days = event.days.is_empty() || event.days.is_all();
-    let mut t = TmEditor::with_epoch(last, utc)?;
-    let mut count = 0;
-    loop {
-        // cancel after 1000 loops
-        if count > 1000 {
-            return Ok(None);
-        } else {
-            count += 1;
-        }
-        if !event.year.is_empty() {
-            let year: u32 = t.year().try_into()?;
-            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.year, year) {
-                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.year, year) {
-                    t.add_years((n - year).try_into()?)?;
-                    continue;
-                } else {
-                    // if we have no valid year, we cannot find a correct timestamp
-                    return Ok(None);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if !event.month.is_empty() {
-            let month: u32 = t.month().try_into()?;
-            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.month, month) {
-                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.month, month) {
-                    t.add_months((n - month).try_into()?)?;
-                } else {
-                    // if we could not find valid month, retry next year
-                    t.add_years(1)?;
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-        }
-        if !event.day.is_empty() {
-            let day: u32 = t.day().try_into()?;
-            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.day, day) {
-                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.day, day) {
-                    t.add_days((n - day).try_into()?)?;
-                } else {
-                    // if we could not find valid mday, retry next month
-                    t.add_months(1)?;
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-        }
-        if !all_days { // match day first
-            let day_num: u32 = t.day_num().try_into()?;
-            let day = WeekDays::from_bits(1<<day_num).unwrap();
-            if !event.days.contains(day) {
-                if let Some(n) = ((day_num+1)..7)
-                    .find(|d| event.days.contains(WeekDays::from_bits(1<<d).unwrap()))
-                {
-                    // try next day
-                    t.add_days((n - day_num).try_into()?)?;
-                } else {
-                    // try next week
-                    t.add_days((7 - day_num).try_into()?)?;
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-        }
-        // this day
-        if !event.hour.is_empty() {
-            let hour = t.hour().try_into()?;
-            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.hour, hour) {
-                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.hour, hour) {
-                    // test next hour
-                    t.set_time(n.try_into()?, 0, 0)?;
-                } else {
-                    // test next day
-                    t.add_days(1)?;
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-        }
-        // this hour
-        if !event.minute.is_empty() {
-            let minute = t.min().try_into()?;
-            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.minute, minute) {
-                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.minute, minute) {
-                    // test next minute
-                    t.set_min_sec(n.try_into()?, 0)?;
-                } else {
-                    // test next hour
-                    t.set_time(t.hour() + 1, 0, 0)?;
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-        }
-        // this minute
-        if !event.second.is_empty() {
-            let second = t.sec().try_into()?;
-            if !DateTimeValue::list_contains(&event.second, second) {
-                if let Some(n) = DateTimeValue::find_next(&event.second, second) {
-                    // test next second
-                    t.set_sec(n.try_into()?)?;
-                } else {
-                    // test next min
-                    t.set_min_sec(t.min() + 1, 0)?;
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-        }
-        let next = t.into_epoch()?;
-        return Ok(Some(next))
-    }
 mod test {

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