[pbs-devel] applied-series: [PATCH proxmox-backup v4 0/5] ui: unify and improve tape restore window

Thomas Lamprecht t.lamprecht at proxmox.com
Fri May 21 16:34:51 CEST 2021

On 21.05.21 12:20, Dominik Csapak wrote:
> changes from v3 (sent as v2):
> * use two panel layout for restore window ('what', 'where')
> * rewrite using a controller
> * add some small bugfixes for the snapshotGrid and datastore mapping
> * remove reload after restore
> changes from v2:
> * split patches in proper self-containted commits
> * changed layout in restore window
>    datastore mapping grid is now on the right, other options on the left
> * integrated the selection checkbox into the checkbox selection model of
>   the grid (removing a seperate field)
> * integrated the filter textbox into the gridfilters plugin, to save space
>   (like we do in pves bulk action window)
>   the benefit of this is that we do not have to combine/split the
>   store:snapshots anymore besides when assembling the submitdata,
>   this makes the code a little nicer imho

applied series, thanks!

There's an issue with restoring single groups/snapshots/datastores though, a
early triggered change event tried to de-reference not yet available objects,
resulting in an exception.

Most of that was only for setting different label/emptyText and hiding some
components depending if there was more than one datastore to restore, I could
replaced that logic by using a viewModel relative easily, so I went for that.

I also added a followup to change the datastore-map emptyText when a default
datastore was selected, so that it's clear to the user that not no datastore
but the default datastore is used.

in anyway, the wizard makes this much nicer, especially when restoring
multiple snapshots.

But please split it out in it's own, slightly more general, component definition
in a separate file - should be still easy now and makes it easier to move this to
widget-toolkit and drop this and the PVE one (you naturally can do that now too,
but probably a bit more work..)

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