[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup 2/2] docs/scanrefs: fix handling if ref is same as headline
Aaron Lauterer
a.lauterer at proxmox.com
Mon Feb 8 17:06:38 CET 2021
On 2/6/21 9:22 AM, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
> On 05.02.21 16:10, Aaron Lauterer wrote:
>> If the ref is named the same as the headline (once normalized), sphinx
>> will return a 'idX' value in node['ids'][1] which we use for the label
>> ID. The headline is always present at index 0.
>> Checking for that and using index 0 in case we do get a 'idX' helps us
>> to avoid using the 'idX' as keys in our OnlineHelpInfo.js and actually
>> use the intended key.
>> Signed-off-by: Aaron Lauterer <a.lauterer at proxmox.com>
>> ---
>> docs/_ext/proxmox-scanrefs.py | 13 ++++++++++++-
>> 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>> diff --git a/docs/_ext/proxmox-scanrefs.py b/docs/_ext/proxmox-scanrefs.py
>> index 1b3c0615..0d626561 100644
>> --- a/docs/_ext/proxmox-scanrefs.py
>> +++ b/docs/_ext/proxmox-scanrefs.py
>> @@ -90,7 +90,18 @@ class ReflabelMapper(Builder):
>> if hasattr(node, 'expect_referenced_by_id') and len(node['ids']) > 1: # explicit labels
>> filename = self.env.doc2path(docname)
>> filename_html = re.sub('.rst', '.html', filename)
>> - labelid = node['ids'][1] # [0] is predefined by sphinx, we need [1] for explicit ones
>> +
>> + # node['ids'][0] contains a normalized version of the
>> + # headline. If the ref and headline are the same
>> + # (normalized) sphinx will set the node['ids'][1] to a
>> + # generic id in the format `idX` where X is numeric. If the
>> + # ref and headline are not the same, the ref name will be
>> + # stored in node['ids'][1]
> can you point me from where you derived that?
> Because I think there are always two refs in such cases where we set one
> above a heading: the implicit heading one and the explicit from us.
> The always get normalized, but the implicit has a fallback if there's a ref
> conflict with an explicit or even another implicit one, when a title is
> reused in the same chapter or so?
> Do we also have access to the chapter id/name here?
> Then we could enforce that explicit ones must have that prefixed.
I did derive that from comparing the output of the debug prints for the different situations. Unfortunately the Sphinx docs are a bit sparse on that or my search foo is not good enough ;)
Comparing the output if the explicit ref matches the implicit from the headline (shortened the 'children' element):
{'attributes': {'backrefs': [],
'classes': [],
'dupnames': [],
'ids': ['creating-backups', 'id1'],
'names': ['creating backups', 'creating_backups']},
'children': [<title: <#text: 'Creating Backups'>>,
<paragraph: <#text: 'This section e ...'>>,
<literal_block: <#text: '# proxmox-back ...'>>,
<section "excluding files/folders from a backup": <title...><paragraph...><paragraph...><paragraph...><par ...>],
'document': <document: <section "backup client usage"...>>,
'expect_referenced_by_id': {'creating-backups': <target: >},
'expect_referenced_by_name': {'creating_backups': <target: >},
And now if the explicit ref is different from the headline:
{'attributes': {'backrefs': [],
'classes': [],
'dupnames': [],
'ids': ['creating-backups', 'client-creating-backups'],
'names': ['creating backups', 'client_creating_backups']},
'children': [<title: <#text: 'Creating Backups'>>,
<paragraph: <#text: 'This section e ...'>>,
<literal_block: <#text: '# proxmox-back ...'>>,
<section "excluding files/folders from a backup": <title...><paragraph...><paragraph...><paragraph...><par ...>],
'document': <document: <section "backup client usage"...>>,
'expect_referenced_by_id': {'client-creating-backups': <target: >},
'expect_referenced_by_name': {'client_creating_backups': <target: >},
You can see the difference in the 'attributes.ids' array.
On thing though that I observed is that 'expect_referenced_by_id' will contain the actual key used for the ref AFAICT. So we could use that and not worry about checking if the 'attributes.ids[0]' array contains a string starting with 'id[0-9]'. If I set the explicit ref to 'idX' with X being a number, that then is also present in the 'expect_referenced_by_id' field.
On an additional note: Right now we do not have any explicit references matching the headlines they are referencing because they are all prefixed or unique in another way. We could add a check here to fail if the explicit ref id matches the normalized headline and throw a warning / die with error to avoid any ambiguity in the refs in the future.
e.g. (pseudo code)
if (attributes['ids'][0] == expect_referenced_by_id:
exit('reference is matching implicit headline ref, consider adding a prefix')
>> + if re.match('^id[0-9]*$', node['ids'][1]):
> should be a + not * op? we want to avoid clashes with real possible refs
> as much as possible..
> What happens if I set now one to id1 and there would be already an id1?
> I just really do not want to revisit this again, and loosing references
> is a no-go, the docs must work.
See above note, I think that addresses it.
>> + labelid = node['ids'][0]
>> + else:
>> + labelid = node['ids'][1]
>> +
>> title = cast(nodes.title, node[0])
>> logger.info('traversing section {}'.format(title.astext()))
>> ref_name = getattr(title, 'rawsource', title.astext())
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