[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup] backup/verify: improve speed by sorting chunks by inode

Dominik Csapak d.csapak at proxmox.com
Tue Apr 13 16:35:36 CEST 2021

before reading the chunks from disk in the order of the index file,
stat them first and sort them by inode number.

this can have a very positive impact on read speed on spinning disks,
even with the additional stat'ing of the chunks.

memory footprint should be tolerable, for 1_000_000 chunks
we need about ~16MiB of memory (Vec of 64bit position + 64bit inode)
(assuming 4MiB Chunks, such an index would reference 4TiB of data)

two small benchmarks (single spinner, ext4) here showed an improvement from
~430 seconds to ~330 seconds for a 32GiB fixed index
and from
~160 seconds to ~120 seconds for a 10GiB dynamic index

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <d.csapak at proxmox.com>
it would be great if other people could also benchmark this patch on
different setups a little (in addition to me), to verify or disprove my results

 src/backup/datastore.rs |  5 +++++
 src/backup/verify.rs    | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/backup/datastore.rs b/src/backup/datastore.rs
index 28dda7e7..8162c269 100644
--- a/src/backup/datastore.rs
+++ b/src/backup/datastore.rs
@@ -686,6 +686,11 @@ impl DataStore {
+    pub fn stat_chunk(&self, digest: &[u8; 32]) -> Result<std::fs::Metadata, Error> {
+        let (chunk_path, _digest_str) = self.chunk_store.chunk_path(digest);
+        std::fs::metadata(chunk_path).map_err(Error::from)
+    }
     pub fn load_chunk(&self, digest: &[u8; 32]) -> Result<DataBlob, Error> {
         let (chunk_path, digest_str) = self.chunk_store.chunk_path(digest);
diff --git a/src/backup/verify.rs b/src/backup/verify.rs
index ac4a6c29..9173bd9d 100644
--- a/src/backup/verify.rs
+++ b/src/backup/verify.rs
@@ -159,13 +159,16 @@ fn verify_index_chunks(
-    for pos in 0..index.index_count() {
+    let index_count = index.index_count();
+    let mut chunk_list = Vec::with_capacity(index_count);
+    use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt;
+    for pos in 0..index_count {
         let info = index.chunk_info(pos).unwrap();
-        let size = info.size();
         if verify_worker.verified_chunks.lock().unwrap().contains(&info.digest) {
             continue; // already verified
@@ -178,15 +181,38 @@ fn verify_index_chunks(
+        match verify_worker.datastore.stat_chunk(&info.digest) {
+            Err(err) => {
+                verify_worker.corrupt_chunks.lock().unwrap().insert(info.digest);
+                task_log!(verify_worker.worker, "can't verify chunk, stat failed - {}", err);
+                errors.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+                rename_corrupted_chunk(verify_worker.datastore.clone(), &info.digest, &verify_worker.worker);
+            }
+            Ok(metadata) => {
+                chunk_list.push((pos, metadata.ino()));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    chunk_list.sort_unstable_by(|(_, ino_a), (_, ino_b)| {
+        ino_a.cmp(&ino_b)
+    });
+    for (pos, _) in chunk_list {
+        verify_worker.worker.check_abort()?;
+        crate::tools::fail_on_shutdown()?;
+        let info = index.chunk_info(pos).unwrap();
         match verify_worker.datastore.load_chunk(&info.digest) {
             Err(err) => {
                 task_log!(verify_worker.worker, "can't verify chunk, load failed - {}", err);
                 errors.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
                 rename_corrupted_chunk(verify_worker.datastore.clone(), &info.digest, &verify_worker.worker);
-                continue;
             Ok(chunk) => {
+                let size = info.size();
                 read_bytes += chunk.raw_size();
                 decoder_pool.send((chunk, info.digest, size))?;
                 decoded_bytes += size;

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