[pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox 09/18] api-macro: suport AllOf on structs

Wolfgang Bumiller w.bumiller at proxmox.com
Fri Dec 18 12:25:57 CET 2020

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Bumiller <w.bumiller at proxmox.com>
 proxmox-api-macro/src/api/mod.rs     |  19 +++++
 proxmox-api-macro/src/api/structs.rs | 123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 proxmox-api-macro/tests/allof.rs     | 118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 proxmox-api-macro/tests/allof.rs

diff --git a/proxmox-api-macro/src/api/mod.rs b/proxmox-api-macro/src/api/mod.rs
index 815e167..3cf1309 100644
--- a/proxmox-api-macro/src/api/mod.rs
+++ b/proxmox-api-macro/src/api/mod.rs
@@ -397,6 +397,11 @@ impl SchemaObject {
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+        self.properties_.is_empty()
+    }
     fn properties_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [(FieldName, bool, Schema)] {
         &mut self.properties_
@@ -458,6 +463,20 @@ impl SchemaObject {
             .find(|p| p.0.as_ident_str() == key)
+    fn remove_property_by_ident(&mut self, key: &str) -> bool {
+        match self
+            .properties_
+            .iter()
+            .position(|(name, _, _)| name.as_ident_str() == key)
+        {
+            Some(index) => {
+                self.properties_.remove(index);
+                true
+            }
+            None => false,
+        }
+    }
     fn extend_properties(&mut self, new_fields: Vec<(FieldName, bool, Schema)>) {
diff --git a/proxmox-api-macro/src/api/structs.rs b/proxmox-api-macro/src/api/structs.rs
index a101308..db6a290 100644
--- a/proxmox-api-macro/src/api/structs.rs
+++ b/proxmox-api-macro/src/api/structs.rs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ use quote::quote_spanned;
 use super::Schema;
 use crate::api::{self, SchemaItem};
 use crate::serde;
-use crate::util::{self, FieldName, JSONObject};
+use crate::util::{self, FieldName, JSONObject, Maybe};
 pub fn handle_struct(attribs: JSONObject, stru: syn::ItemStruct) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
     match &stru.fields {
@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@ fn handle_regular_struct(attribs: JSONObject, stru: syn::ItemStruct) -> Result<T
     let container_attrs = serde::ContainerAttrib::try_from(&stru.attrs[..])?;
+    let mut all_of_schemas = TokenStream::new();
+    let mut to_remove = Vec::new();
     if let syn::Fields::Named(ref fields) = &stru.fields {
         for field in &fields.named {
             let attrs = serde::SerdeAttrib::try_from(&field.attrs[..])?;
@@ -162,19 +165,34 @@ fn handle_regular_struct(attribs: JSONObject, stru: syn::ItemStruct) -> Result<T
-            if attrs.flatten {
-                if let Some(field) = schema_fields.remove(&name) {
-                    error!(
-                        field.0.span(),
-                        "flattened field should not appear in schema, \
-                         its name does not appear in serialized data",
-                    );
-                }
-            }
             match schema_fields.remove(&name) {
                 Some(field_def) => {
+                    if attrs.flatten {
+                        to_remove.push(name.clone());
+                        let name = &field_def.0;
+                        let optional = &field_def.1;
+                        let schema = &field_def.2;
+                        if schema.description.is_explicit() {
+                            error!(
+                                name.span(),
+                                "flattened field should not have a description, \
+                                 it does not appear in serialized data as a field",
+                            );
+                        }
+                        if *optional {
+                            error!(name.span(), "optional flattened fields are not supported");
+                        }
+                    }
                     handle_regular_field(field_def, field, false)?;
+                    if attrs.flatten {
+                        all_of_schemas.extend(quote::quote! {&});
+                        field_def.2.to_schema(&mut all_of_schemas)?;
+                        all_of_schemas.extend(quote::quote! {,});
+                    }
                 None => {
                     let mut field_def = (
@@ -183,7 +201,15 @@ fn handle_regular_struct(attribs: JSONObject, stru: syn::ItemStruct) -> Result<T
                     handle_regular_field(&mut field_def, field, true)?;
-                    new_fields.push(field_def);
+                    if attrs.flatten {
+                        all_of_schemas.extend(quote::quote! {&});
+                        field_def.2.to_schema(&mut all_of_schemas)?;
+                        all_of_schemas.extend(quote::quote! {,});
+                        to_remove.push(name.clone());
+                    } else {
+                        new_fields.push(field_def);
+                    }
@@ -200,14 +226,83 @@ fn handle_regular_struct(attribs: JSONObject, stru: syn::ItemStruct) -> Result<T
-    // add the fields we derived:
     if let api::SchemaItem::Object(ref mut obj) = &mut schema.item {
+        // remove flattened fields
+        for field in to_remove {
+            if !obj.remove_property_by_ident(&field) {
+                error!(
+                    schema.span,
+                    "internal error: failed to remove property {:?} from object schema", field,
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        // add derived fields
     } else {
         panic!("handle_regular_struct with non-object schema");
-    finish_schema(schema, &stru, &stru.ident)
+    if all_of_schemas.is_empty() {
+        finish_schema(schema, &stru, &stru.ident)
+    } else {
+        let name = &stru.ident;
+        // take out the inner object schema's description
+        let description = match schema.description.take().ok() {
+            Some(description) => description,
+            None => {
+                error!(schema.span, "missing description on api type struct");
+                syn::LitStr::new("<missing description>", schema.span)
+            }
+        };
+        // and replace it with a "dummy"
+        schema.description = Maybe::Derived(syn::LitStr::new(
+            &format!("<INNER: {}>", description.value()),
+            description.span(),
+        ));
+        // now check if it even has any fields
+        let has_fields = match &schema.item {
+            api::SchemaItem::Object(obj) => !obj.is_empty(),
+            _ => panic!("object schema is not an object schema?"),
+        };
+        let (inner_schema, inner_schema_ref) = if has_fields {
+            // if it does, we need to create an "inner" schema to merge into the AllOf schema
+            let obj_schema = {
+                let mut ts = TokenStream::new();
+                schema.to_schema(&mut ts)?;
+                ts
+            };
+            (
+                quote_spanned!(name.span() =>
+                    const INNER_API_SCHEMA: ::proxmox::api::schema::Schema = #obj_schema;
+                ),
+                quote_spanned!(name.span() => &Self::INNER_API_SCHEMA,),
+            )
+        } else {
+            // otherwise it stays empty
+            (TokenStream::new(), TokenStream::new())
+        };
+        Ok(quote_spanned!(name.span() =>
+            #stru
+            impl #name {
+                #inner_schema
+                pub const API_SCHEMA: ::proxmox::api::schema::Schema =
+                    ::proxmox::api::schema::AllOfSchema::new(
+                        #description,
+                        &[
+                            #inner_schema_ref
+                            #all_of_schemas
+                        ],
+                    )
+                    .schema();
+            }
+        ))
+    }
 /// Field handling:
diff --git a/proxmox-api-macro/tests/allof.rs b/proxmox-api-macro/tests/allof.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56e86d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxmox-api-macro/tests/allof.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+//! Testing the `AllOf` schema on structs and methods.
+use proxmox::api::schema;
+use proxmox_api_macro::api;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+pub const NAME_SCHEMA: schema::Schema = schema::StringSchema::new("Name.").schema();
+pub const VALUE_SCHEMA: schema::Schema = schema::IntegerSchema::new("Value.").schema();
+pub const INDEX_SCHEMA: schema::Schema = schema::IntegerSchema::new("Index.").schema();
+pub const TEXT_SCHEMA: schema::Schema = schema::StringSchema::new("Text.").schema();
+    properties: {
+        name: { schema: NAME_SCHEMA },
+        value: { schema: VALUE_SCHEMA },
+    }
+/// Name and value.
+#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
+struct NameValue {
+    name: String,
+    value: u64,
+    properties: {
+        index: { schema: INDEX_SCHEMA },
+        text: { schema: TEXT_SCHEMA },
+    }
+/// Index and text.
+#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
+struct IndexText {
+    index: u64,
+    text: String,
+    properties: {
+        nv: { type: NameValue },
+        it: { type: IndexText },
+    },
+/// Name, value, index and text.
+#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
+struct Nvit {
+    #[serde(flatten)]
+    nv: NameValue,
+    #[serde(flatten)]
+    it: IndexText,
+fn test_nvit() {
+    const TEST_NAME_VALUE_SCHEMA: ::proxmox::api::schema::Schema =
+        ::proxmox::api::schema::ObjectSchema::new(
+            "Name and value.",
+            &[
+                ("name", false, &NAME_SCHEMA),
+                ("value", false, &VALUE_SCHEMA),
+            ],
+        )
+        .schema();
+    const TEST_SCHEMA: ::proxmox::api::schema::Schema = ::proxmox::api::schema::AllOfSchema::new(
+        "Name, value, index and text.",
+        &[&TEST_NAME_VALUE_SCHEMA, &IndexText::API_SCHEMA],
+    )
+    .schema();
+    assert_eq!(TEST_SCHEMA, Nvit::API_SCHEMA);
+    properties: {
+        nv: { type: NameValue },
+        it: { type: IndexText },
+    },
+/// Extra Schema
+#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
+struct WithExtra {
+    #[serde(flatten)]
+    nv: NameValue,
+    #[serde(flatten)]
+    it: IndexText,
+    /// Extra field.
+    extra: String,
+fn test_extra() {
+    const INNER_SCHEMA: ::proxmox::api::schema::Schema = ::proxmox::api::schema::ObjectSchema::new(
+        "<INNER: Extra Schema>",
+        &[(
+            "extra",
+            false,
+            &::proxmox::api::schema::StringSchema::new("Extra field.").schema(),
+        )],
+    )
+    .schema();
+    const TEST_SCHEMA: ::proxmox::api::schema::Schema = ::proxmox::api::schema::AllOfSchema::new(
+        "Extra Schema",
+        &[
+            &INNER_SCHEMA,
+            &NameValue::API_SCHEMA,
+            &IndexText::API_SCHEMA,
+        ],
+    )
+    .schema();
+    assert_eq!(TEST_SCHEMA, WithExtra::API_SCHEMA);

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