<div dir="ltr"><div>>What is your Omnios setup?<br>
<br></div>Dell 490 12 GB RAM, Raidz2. 4 different size drives (500GB available storage)<br><div><div><div><br>>What is the underlying disk system under your nfs share?<br><br></div><div>it is ZFS. thats why i am using OmniOS. <br>
>Is atime active on your nfs share?<br><br></div><div>i am using default settings.<br></div><div><br>
>Is sync active on your nfs share?<br>
<br>if you mean sync by ZFS sync property then yes<br><br></div><div>i tried both zfs properties sync=standard and sync=disabled both give same result.<br></div><div><br>>Is your nfs share nfsv3 or nfsv4?<br><br></div>
<div>i am using OmniOS with Napp-it. i think default version is NFS4<br><br></div><div>but my part of confusion is why rsync, scp and other protocol from console works fine like they are Giving me 50MBPS. even virtualbox VM is doing good but on the other hand things are not working with Proxmox.<br>