<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div>Just installed PVE3 on a gigabyte board with realtek 8168b network chip .<br><br></div>Stock Wheezy kernel works fine with this network chip, it allowed all instalation process .<br>
<br></div>When I install PVE kernel, network chip stops to work .<br><br></div>traffic led blinks, but the system do now recognize any package send to it .<br><br></div>Just for test, I changed the net config to use dhcp, and checking the dhcp server log, it receives dhcp-querry from this box, and send ack back, but the box do not receive it ...<br>
<br></div>Maybe it is time to change the kernel from extremely old REDHAT 2.6 to Wheezy 3.2, at least to the one that do not use OpenVZ, like myself ?!?<br><br><br></div>Fábio Rabelo<br></div>