[PVE-User] Force reclaiming space on a vdisk...

Marco Gaiarin gaio at lilliput.linux.it
Wed Jan 19 09:19:33 CET 2022

Situation: VM with a disk on a ZFS storage, 2TB disk; the disk have some
'system' partitions, and two big partition /dev/sda7 and /dev/sda8 for /home
and /srv.

I've added two more disk (/dev/sdb and /dev/sdc), created one partition per
disk and moved data from old partition to the ones. After that, i've deleted
/dev/sda7 and /dev/sda8, so now /dev/sda is a 2TB disk with roughly 100GB of
data in.

Space get not reclaimed. All disks have 'discard=1'.

I've tried to move /dev/sda to another ZFS storage (that have 500GB of
free space), and move fail.

How can i reclaim the free space on /dev/sda?! I need to create one
partition on the free space, format it, fstrim it?


  Siamo circondati da troppa gente piena di sé. E a quelli pieni di sé,
  io preferisco le persone piene di se, di ma, di forse. (Tonio Dell'Olio)

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